View Full Version : A bird that flies?! Whaaaaat?

Joanie Noel
06-14-2005, 09:53 AM
I've always had my birds' wings clipped, so I'm used to putting my hand in front of them to step up on, putting them on my shoulder myself, watching them hop and climb for the most part, etc. etc. BUT, I haven't had the heart to take the flight from Maple after her 2+ years of flighted life. (I think she only has two clips on each side.) For all of you bird owners out there that have unclipped birds -- kudos to you! -- because I seem to flinch every time I see Maple fly past me. And the first time she flew right at me? :eek: I think I ducked. :o I'm not a chicken, nope nope. :rolleyes:

~ Joanie

06-14-2005, 10:13 AM
Hey Joanie,

I guess I'm used to them flying to me, but all my friends duck when they fly at them. I try to tell them if they will just hold up a hand slowly as they fly to them, that they will just land on their hand, but I guess first instinct is to duck,LOL.

If Maple only has two flights on each wing clipped and flys really well, you might want to take off one to two more. This will just keep her from flying to fast and too high, but should not effect her flying abilities too much, just make it safer for her.

06-14-2005, 11:24 AM
LOL Ever had a bird try to land on your nose? You may not duck, but I guarantee you will flinch! :D

06-14-2005, 11:28 AM
I remember when Ditto started flying again after his horrible wing clip, I ducked too. It mad him mad because I took his landing spot away (the top of my head). :rolleyes:

It took awhile for me to stop doing that. It doesn't help that he thinks it's funny to fly right at your face, aiming for a point right between your eyes, and waits until he's about 6 inches away before gaining enough height to land on your head. :rolleyes:

06-14-2005, 11:29 AM
LOL Ever had a bird try to land on your nose? You may not duck, but I guarantee you will flinch! :D

Ditto does that if I'm lying on the couch. Those claws are sharp!

06-14-2005, 11:58 AM
Baggy is not clipped. I am not clipping her until Whisper has learned to fly. Even then not sure. LOL The first few times Baggy flew at me I ducked. Now I stand there and let her land or put hand up(normaly both as she is not to good and landing on a hand from flying). LOL I also had a nose landing and was interesting to say the least.


06-14-2005, 12:09 PM
LOL Ever had a bird try to land on your nose? You may not duck, but I guarantee you will flinch! :D

Whatever do you MEAN by TRY Barb? They aren't supposed to land on noses? Better talk to my bunch then....lol

06-14-2005, 02:27 PM
Molly flies to the top of my most of the time. Poor Daisy, who can't fly, just watches in amazment as Molly whizzes by. I always stand still for a landing no matter where is may be.

06-14-2005, 02:32 PM
Molly flies to the top of my most of the time. Poor Daisy, who can't fly, just watches in amazment as Molly whizzes by. I always stand still for a landing no matter where is may be.

Ditto has become an expert at landing on moving a moving target (me). He loves to chase me as I walk to the bathroom with his stuff on cage cleaning day. He'll let me get a head start, once I get to the kitchen he takes off and lands on me by the time I get past the sink. :cool:

Joanie Noel
06-14-2005, 04:38 PM
Haha, now I know what I have to look forward to... or not? LOL. I like that Kirby can fly to my hand from a good enough distance, but Maple is definitely not tame by any means. I doubt she will be, and I'm not trying to influence her too much. I'm letting Kirby do the influencing for me. :D Maple is starting to come closer since she looks kinda left out when the boys are climbing all over me. I don't mind Maple being able to fly. It's just new to me! :) It's a load off my shoulders since I have Squeaks to pick up nonstop. I wish his flights would grow back faster, because whoever clipped them took off EVERYTHING. He plops to the ground. :(

~ Joanie

06-14-2005, 05:19 PM
Haha, now I know what I have to look forward to... or not? LOL. I like that Kirby can fly to my hand from a good enough distance, but Maple is definitely not tame by any means. I doubt she will be, and I'm not trying to influence her too much. I'm letting Kirby do the influencing for me. :D Maple is starting to come closer since she looks kinda left out when the boys are climbing all over me. I don't mind Maple being able to fly. It's just new to me! :) It's a load off my shoulders since I have Squeaks to pick up nonstop. I wish his flights would grow back faster, because whoever clipped them took off EVERYTHING. He plops to the ground. :(

~ Joanie

That's what happened to Ditto. He got butchered (not clipped, butchered) in February and couldn't fly intil September. It wasn't late November before he could really fly right. :mad: That's why I haven't had the heart to have him clipped again. Even though that vet will never touch him again. As long as he's not a danger to himself or become a problem to control, I'm leaving him have his wings.

Fortunately he doesn't really fly much. Mostly just to get from where he is to wherever I happen to be. Or the occasional trip around the room and to fly circles around me when I'm walking somewhere just to show off. :p Besides it's nice that he can fly back to the cage for a snack when he's out with me. Saves me the trouble of getting up to take him over there. :cool:

06-14-2005, 06:36 PM
With indoor lovies I take 4 flights of each side, thats just enough to have "good flight but not the height" Thats my motto anywho :D

06-14-2005, 07:03 PM
Lovebirds flying toward me don't bother me. However, the evening I was sitting on the sofa, watching TV, I was a bit more than surprised when Alex (BFA) landed in my lap! :) I wasn't paying attention and, next thing I know, there she was, in all her green feathered glory. She just decided she wanted to visit but she gave me no warning of her impending jaunt. I'm trying to remember if I had any food with me.............

06-14-2005, 10:14 PM
Ah, those wild flying birds! Luka can fly NO MATTER what wing clip he gets. He's a flighty bird by personality. If he gets on the floor - he runs FAST, too. My problem with Luka and Peter flying is that they get into things I don't want them to. Like - they go behind my TV that's mounted up on the wall and chew on the cable and the cord. :eek: I always turn off the ceiling fan, but they land on the fins and chew on the screws. :eek:

I let the vet give them a bigger more aggressive clip and it's only slowed Peter down, not Luka. Peepo hasn't been allowed yet to become flighted.

As long as you can manage what they're getting into, that's great that they are happily flying. I'm just trying to manage according to my birds and their environment. I want to keep Peepo from flight for somewhat selfish reasons: she loves to play on me. I spend a bunch of time every day playing with her. I know she's got that lovie will and if flighted, will be too adventurous for my household.

Good luck with your lovie and her independence!

06-14-2005, 10:57 PM
Right now my house is full of flighted birds. Mostly due to having a couple of babies and others having new flights. My husband and I are used to it, but guests always duck and flinched whenever they see a flying bird. Even when the birds have no intention of coming anywhere near them :rolleyes:.

Most of our birds we keep clipped but Zim and Squeak are always fully flighted as will Won Ton be as his new flights grow in. As for the rest, we let their wings grow until there is utter chaos and then we have a wing clippin' party :eek:.

OH! And Chewbirdy loves to land on my nose. Don't ask me why. Maybe he wants to chew on it :rolleyes:.

06-15-2005, 07:30 AM
OH! And Chewbirdy loves to land on my nose. Don't ask me why. Maybe he wants to chew on it

It could be worse. Ditto tries to crawl up my nose! :eek: He hasn't figured out that he doesn't fit yet. :rolleyes: