View Full Version : Gaurd Bird?

12-07-2006, 02:25 PM
Does anyone else have a lovie who chirps when cars pull up or ppl knock on the door? :omg: Cooper is the perfect lil Gaurd bird chirps and lets me know when someone is here. I'm not sure where he learned this as I've only had him three weeks, but it's great! I never miss the college shuttle because he tells me it's here! :lol

12-07-2006, 02:32 PM
I have a two year old to do this for me now, since my bird Friday is too busy wooing his girl Baby ;)

She keeps me informed to all the goings on in the visible area.:rofl:

12-07-2006, 02:39 PM
yes two yr olds are excellent door bells! hehe I have a 3 yr old nephew and he's on top of everything going on. I intorduced him to Cooper over Thanksgiving for some reason he calls him Chopper! lol But he was mesmerized by Coope. Is your two yr old the same way with your birds?

12-07-2006, 02:43 PM
Yep, both my kids (Eden-2 and Haden-1) are fascinated by them. We've had Friday, our first bird, longer than we've had the kidlets, so they've grown up with them. Friday, of course, was fascinated by the babies too, and all the toys they come with:lol

12-07-2006, 03:04 PM
lol I bet he was! We have a family dog at my parents who loved to steal my nephews toys as a baby. she got many scoldins bless her heart. She hated him at first because of it, but now that he's big enough to play and throw a ball he's 1 of her fav. people.

12-07-2006, 03:17 PM
When I come home from work, once the car is turned off, I can hear mine calling me before I can get out of the car. I can even hear them at the mailbox. When they hear the doorbell, they chirp like mad so I'll go get them to see who it is. Nosey birds :rolleyes: But I love it. My Daisy makes sure she tells me anytime there's a noise. I don't need my alarm system - I have a Daisygirl :lol Also, after they have gone night-night, if there's a loud noise or someone's talking too loud (tv & visitors), Daisy will chirp for you to be quiet as SHE's trying to sleep :whistle:

12-07-2006, 03:47 PM
lol! I've been enjoying your photo stories of your birds. They're great! You have a way of capturing their personalities in the pictures!

12-07-2006, 05:48 PM
My three are in a bird room and the minute they hear my voice, they all start chirping. If I come in and don't have time to go see them immediately, I don't say a word so they won't know that momma is home! :D

Their bird room overlooks the back yard and when I'm out there working, on a nice day and have their windows open, we talk back and forth the whole time. :) They are getting good and answering to their names when I call to just one of them. Smart little lovies. ;)

12-07-2006, 05:59 PM
I've noticed in the last few days that Kermit chirps when he hears me coming home from work. He chirps as I'm coming down the stairs. He's such a doll.

12-07-2006, 07:08 PM
We all have very smart lovies. Kameko will send contact calls to me from the moment I am within 20 feet from my house (she hears me walking from the bus when the window is open) and she will send my boyfriend his own contact call when she hears his car pull up, its sooo funny :lol. But the question i have for you all is do your birds insist on talking on the phone as well? The moment the phone rings Kameko will start chirping and it only gets louder the longer i talk. When my boyfriend phones I cannot get away with not letting them have their own conversation. He talks to her and she sings back, its actually pretty funny to watch. Its not hard to see who her best friend is :D.

12-07-2006, 10:16 PM
mines acts as a morning alarm. there is a toy with a bell in his cage. OMG at 5 in the morning I hear DING DING DING DING DING! DING DING DING!

12-08-2006, 04:49 AM
Whisper tells me when anyone walks in no matter how quiet.lol. She also catches me when I try to sneak by the bird room(like at 5am when trying to let her and kids sleep).


12-08-2006, 09:21 AM
But the question i have for you all is do your birds insist on talking on the phone as well?If the phone rings they all start chirping like mad and then try to bite my hand so I'll let go of the phone so they can talk to the voice they hear. When my mom calls, I ask them "Y'all want to talk to Nana?". She doesn't think this too funny cause she insists she doesn't have grandchildren with FEATHERS :rofl:

12-08-2006, 05:22 PM
Yes i noticed Copper chirping when I was on the phone yesterday! he gets more insistant with his chirping when i use the speakerphone option on my cell. lol it didn't occure to me that he might be tryin to talk! guess i'm not use to having sucha smart animal. :rofl:

12-08-2006, 05:55 PM
Ditto lets me know when someone comes to the door too. He also goes nuts as soon as my car turns the corner onto my street. By the time I get to the driveway he's in full squawk. :rofl: