View Full Version : What other pets do ya have?

12-08-2006, 01:36 PM
Since there so many people I don't really know here -
I thought this maybe a fun way to "break the ice". And add some postings to my rank! ;)

I've got Mikey - Male Peachfaced Lovebird.
Momo - tiny kitten rescued from last apt. complex.
She's young but when I (she found me ) found her she was skin and bones and yeowlin' all the time. Abuse/neglect makes it harder to pin point her real age, says the vet.
Lola - Boston Terrier puppy.

Boyfriend's cats - Pesto nuetered male 12. Peaches spayed femle 16. Prizm under a year old ( b*tch cat, I don't like her... she tries to kill me on a daily basis :x )

12-08-2006, 01:51 PM
Other pets? Hmmm... I have ants. Does that count? :rofl:

12-08-2006, 05:14 PM
Sammy: Salt n Pepper Mini Schnauzer
Teddy: Black and Silver Mini Schnauzer
Finny: Little green chicken... lol no really peach faced lovie.
Mike: Adorably Grumpy Husband.

12-08-2006, 07:12 PM
Beetle -- peachfaced lovie
Cricket -- BEW Holland Lop buck
And possibly some mice... of the pest variety :(


12-08-2006, 07:25 PM
- I have one lovie, Kiwi, almost 2 years old. (my baby boy :happy: )
- One corn snake, started out the size of a worm, and is now almost 3 feet long.:eek:
- Jackpot, a 2 month old bernese mountain/lab mix that we are fostering for an organization Mira, which provides service dogs to blind people. Our job is to socialize him until the age of one and then he goes back for further training to live with and help a blind or handicap person.
- fish - we have a saltwater tank with a a lion fish, a goby, crabs, and various other living organisms that seem to appear out of nowhere.:omg:

12-08-2006, 07:41 PM
As they joined our flock/ home-

Danny Cat, 11 year old black and white cat

Blu- Female Blue Fisher

Phoebe- Female creamino peach face lovebird

Kio- male green budgie

Yucki- albino budgie (sex unknown at this time)

and Max- Male African Grey

Not counting my 19 year old step son Jeff and my Sweetheart of a husband Dan :)

12-08-2006, 07:48 PM
Bubble and Squeak, 1+ year old peachfaced lovies
Bow, female DSH about 7 altered
FatCat, male DSH about 13 altered
Otter, 5 year old male altered GSD
Shaina, 4.5 year old female altered GSD
Tiki, 9 week old female rottie
goldfish in the water pond Not altered that I know of.

Dave, One hubby who likes the animules as much as I do.

12-08-2006, 07:58 PM
Other pets?! With my flock, I wouldn't have time for other pets, lol. Actually, my son does have two water turtles (Myrtle and Squirtle), a goldfish (Swimmy) and a beta (Bluey).

12-08-2006, 08:05 PM
Ducky 12 year old Snow Shoe Siamese Mix
Cassie 9 Year Old Standard Poodle
DeeJay 7 year old Chartreux/Domestic Short Hair Mix
Jakob 6 year old Westie
Zeke 5 year old RES Turtle
Kermit 5 year old Peach Faced Lovie
Patches 1 year old Calico cat with a goatee
Duncan 1 year old Toy Poodle
Zoey 1 year old Chihuahua

12-08-2006, 08:17 PM
Okay. :) Beside the eight peachfaced lovebirds -- George and Gracie, Bosco and Betty, Sam, Didjit, Bongo, and Barney -- Tim and I have a nice old tabby cat, Neko. :)

12-08-2006, 09:18 PM
Okay....here goes.....

Ranger -13yr old golden retriever

Jessie - 8yr old shepherd/husky

Molly - 9yr old miniature poodle

Bailey - 5yr old Orange tabby cat

Onyx - 2yr old black cat

Capri - 2yr old mini rex bunny

Abbey - 1.5yr old greencheek conure

Scooter - 5yr old peach/mask hybrid lovebird

Beaker - 5yr old peach/mask hybrid lovebird

Blue - 5yr old cobalt dutch blue lovebird

Miss Cinny - 5yr old violet blue american cinnamon lovebird (mate to Blue)

Sir George - 2yr old violet cobalt dutch blue lovebird

Lady Dawn - 2yr old mauve creamino lovebird (mate to George)

For Sale:

Suede - 4 month old mauve lovebird

Velvet - 4 month old mauve lovebird

Satin - 4 month old mauve creamino lovebird

1 - 15yr old daughter

1 - 10yr old son

1 - 40something hubby

I think I got them all......


12-09-2006, 12:48 AM
Great idea for a post! It's fun to see what other animals people have around. Obviously, I have two blue masked lovies. I will add more lovies soon. We also currently have a 10-year-old Chihuahua named Jack and a May 3, 1999 OKC tornado survivor named Hank. We adopted Hank because his family lost everything and it was going to be nearly a year before they could rebuild. He is a real doll; part Whippet....so sweet and soft (except for his howl). The chichi is sweet, too, but plain nasty to anyone he doesn't know.:happy:

Oh yeah, that 16-year-old guy that tries to see how many of my hairs he can turn gray in a day. Na, he's a great kid, but of course I worry! And our hero, the head of the household, our firefighter, age 46.

12-09-2006, 07:51 AM
We have:
Peanut-age 9-Yorkie mix
Roxie-1 yr.-Yorkie
Brody-1 yr.-Yorkie
Tug-2 yr.-parrot fish

One grumpy husband when its his turn to take the dogs out.

12-09-2006, 10:19 PM
Besides the 12 Lovies: Matriarch Mollie and Snuggles, the sisters Sunshine and Sucre, Sophia and Naranjo, Wing and Jazzy, Midnight and Puff, Quill and Lemon Zest.
Our pet ranks have swelled with the addition of Max and Maggie, one year old Halfmoon Conures.

We have a dog and two cats:
Gracie, 3, our Australian Shepard who is the darling house ranch dog who thinks she is human and who is my shadow/protector everywhere.
Mauvis, 17, Tuxedo shorthair was the best mouser, lizard and snake catcher...now only in her dreams from atop the freezer in her pillow lined basket.
Murdock, 4, Tuxedo longhair who is blind in one eye, stays fat on furry creatures around the barn, but is hubby's morning coffee buddy always ready for a rubdown or a frenzied playful tussle with hubby's gloved hand.

Then there is Becky Sue, 5, who was bottle raised when her momma died when Becky Sue was only two weeks old. Becky Sue thought she was a dog..not a cow..until an amourous bull convinced her otherwise. Her third calf is a bull named Sue. (Follows Baby Sue and Tiny Sue)

Several other cows have names: Maude, Nadine, Speckles, in the herd of 52 remaining after the drought related cutback this year. The bulls are Alexander, Lil Red, Lincoln, and Pug because of his really short nose.

The flock of chickens include two roosters named Chester and Rosey (because of his rose comb) and 15 hens. Chester is the most affectionate rooster we have ever experienced. He will actually rub up to my legs when I enter the hen house and will stand at attention on the roost until you pick him up and stroke his head. But make no mistake...he is the cock of the walk in the barnyard and Rosey knows to stay out of his way.

Then we foster many wild birds in the area...Purple Martins, Bluebirds, Redbirds, Canadian Geese, and this winter a pair of mourning doves that did not migrate.

The menagerie around here is wonderful! Better than TV any day! Even my retired hubby thinks so!

12-10-2006, 12:10 AM
Cedric - Green Cheek Conure (will be a year old at the end of this month)
Etna - 1+ year old Blue pied peachface lovebird
Laharl - 1+ year old Cobalt peachface lovebird
Kali - 2+ year old Creamino peachface lovebird
Trixie - 2+ year old Dutch blue edged dilute peachface lovebird
Buddy - 9+ year old English budgie
Sunny - 1.5 year old regular budgie
Penny - 1 year old regular budgie

Rocky - 8 year old Border collie/husky/shepherd
Kodi - 5.5 year old Alaskan Malamute/Husky

Paige - 1+ year old calico cat

Alf - betta fish
Faye - betta fish

Plus 12 Crested Geckos who I have not named as of yet.

12-10-2006, 12:14 AM
I love reading about everyone's animals, it makes me feel less crazy for anticipating the day i can have my own zoo. I have already named the dogs I will have lol. As of right now my mini zoo is growing.
Kameko: 1 and a half year old pied peach faced lovie
Amber: 9 year old tabby. She's a sweetheart but Kameko lets the world know when she gets within 30 feet of her cage (this is rare since they are separated by an always closed door.
Many fish: 2 platies - Pretty Bird and Pretty Girl (Kameko named them), 2 gourammis, 1 Bala shark, 3 African Cichlid hybrids, and 30+ babies from the Cichlids (ANYONE WANT A FISH??? :D), and i am thinking numerous fish eggs as it looks as though the cichlids were spawning again *sigh*

12-10-2006, 09:24 AM
Besides my lovebirds? I'm pretty light by some folk's standards, if you don't count them:

* Two Green Cheek Conures: Maverick and Molly (both males)

* Two Goffin's Conures: Barney (male) and Sugar (female, wild-caught rescue)

* Four housecats: Daniel (male, orange Tabby, rescue), Mouse (female, gray/white long-hair) and Sylvester (female, black and white long-hair; both cats are litter-sisters), and Callie (calico short-hair, mother to Mouse and Sylvester).

12-10-2006, 12:39 PM
2 Budgies: (Grace & Willow)
2 Dogs: (Ruben & Luke)
1 Cat: (Kitty)
1 Lionhead Rabbit: (Turbo)
1 Sun Conure: Will be here Friday!!

12-11-2006, 03:30 PM
two lovebirds- Carmen (mom), Cicso (dad)
two cats- Roco (uncle to Thea), Thea (niece)

12-11-2006, 05:19 PM
bebo- fischer lovebird
max-male cocketiel
ticki-female cocketiel
pooh-the really really old hamster

12-12-2006, 05:00 AM
Noodles - the 8mo old PF lovie.
Tabitha - the 7-or-something former stray queen tabby cat who mothered way too many litters before I took her in and spayed her.
Sisko - the 7yr old big headed orange boycat, who has a meow that sounds like a kitten and USED to be timid as anything - now loves nothing more than scritches - more than Noodles does!
Star and Homeskillet - 2 PP hermit crabs that I picked up when buying some used tanks from a woman who couldn't keep them.
Flash and Blue - my 2 bettas - one crowntail and one common
Guppies, guppies and more guppies. 2 angelfish to eat the baby guppies. About 10 kribensis, down from 40 (yeah african cichlids sure do breed!) some serpae tetras and three lined corydoras. Overall, a happy menagerie.

And endless love to my husband, who, left to himself wouldn't have a feather, fur or fin in the house.

12-12-2006, 06:43 AM
Well let me see
Ashley:Black golden retiever(thats what we call her)9
Allie:Big black lab almost 3
Oliver:big black cat 8
Harvey: orange kitty 2
penny: manx kitty 3
Maxi:white cat 7
Cori:nanday conure 8
Rommel:blue and gold 16
grey babies
loviebird babies
several breeder pair lovies
and breeder cockatiels
hummm guess thats everyone ....oh forgot
a breeder pair of white capped pionous
thats it.:whistle:

12-12-2006, 07:33 AM
3 horses : Abby(thoroughbred/never raced), Jt(warmblood/Tb cross) and Blue (an appendix :p)!
2 Dogs : Chester (wired haired fox terrier)and Kally/Kahlua ( Wiener dog!)
1 cat : Buddy (cute little orange tabby i dunno?) - kind of looks like Garfrield
1 lovie - Oscar (very adorable little pied lovebird) - and Zoe.. who we miss dearly r. i. p. sweety

I think that's it! - well and my boyfriend.. LOL

12-12-2006, 02:14 PM
One lovebird now (the other died last night) :(

An English Bull Terrier

5 types of Praying Mantis

3 Assasin Bugs

1 Flat Rock Scorpion

1 Tailess Whip Scorpion

1 Thai Black Tarantula

Buy A Paper Doll
12-12-2006, 08:24 PM
In addition to Milo and Melody (in my avatar photo) I share my home with Maggie, a fat red chow mix, age 5 (we think). Maggie belongs to my mother but lives with me.

Oh, and one spouse, age 34.

12-12-2006, 08:34 PM
I have some guppies :lol
and brown anoles everywhere of the pest variety outside.

12-13-2006, 11:32 PM
Well, I am slave to 14 birdies, 1 cat, 2 fishtanks, & 1 hubby.
Kona-pearl pied (M) 14
Sunshine-lutino pearl (F) 8
Kulani-cinnamon pearl (F) 4
Cheeks-lutino (F) 2(?)
Wingzup-normal grey (M) 8 months
Jaws-blue masked (M) 4
Echo-lutino peachie (F) (age?) rescue
Lily-lutino peachie (M) 5(?)
Squirt-blue fischers (F?) (age?)
Selah-chinmoy ringneck (M) (age?) rescue
Amariah-tangerine pearl ringneck (F) (age?)
Dopey-Orange pied? ringneck (M?) 10 months
Popsicle-white factor American Singer? canary (M) 2
Pipsqueak-meyers parrot (M) (age?) rescue
Fireball-orange marmalade DSH cat (M) 8
Redd-red devil ciclid (F) 8
Scarlett-beta fish (M) (age?)
2 plecos (no names)
1 african frog (no name)

Chico, I see a Thai Black tarantula on your list. Do you have a pic? I had a Chilean Rose tarantula (F) for a number of years (Boris). She was a neat pet. I used to take her exoskeletons into work and freak out my coworkers. Made my boss jump out of his skin...and he was a BIG man. LOL

12-14-2006, 12:37 AM
Daisy and Clover- My female/s? peach faced lovebirds.
Ginger- My female standard poodle.
Prince Brogsworthington The 1st (Or Brogs for short)- My red eared slider.
A fresh water community tank w/ too many fish to count, plus a crayfish that shouldn't be in there.
Mr. Popadopolis, Hershel and Citizen Snips- My hermit crabs.
ToddorBurt- My betta.
A tank of wild guppies.
Huey, Louie and Duey- My red belly piranhas.