View Full Version : does ur lovie talk?

12-10-2006, 08:34 AM
I know that it's rare for lovebirds to talk. Just wondering how many people DO have lovebirds that can say a few words, and which words are they???
Thanks! I'm just curious:p

12-10-2006, 09:53 AM
Bo talks a bit ..she says Pretty Bird ,Whatchadoin'?,Hello,Night Night,Love Ya, I love you ,thank you and makes kissy noises .. she has said yummy and apple a few times . she also has lot of different whistles and other sounds that seem to have meaning
I think a more of them talk than we know of because it's not like the human voice that bigger parrots use . It's more like a human toddler and and gravelie (sp?) sounding. for example Hello sounds like Ha-oh and Night night has a click in it sometimes

12-10-2006, 11:46 AM

I agree, it's not as recognizable as a larger parrot, but we as fidparents know what they are saying:)

Bela says, I love you, peek-a-boo, and makes kissy noises. He has tried to say thank you, but he's not too good at it.

12-10-2006, 12:41 PM
Someone on this forum had video of her lovebird (hen) talking and no joke, that bird really could talk and more than just one word. Amazing!

None of my three talk but they do repeat the exact same chirp when certain things happen. Big Boi loves to swing on a leather strip I have hanging from the ceiling and when I say, "Big Boi, Swing", he hops right on and makes the same chirp every time and it really does sound like he's saying "swing" to me! :D

12-10-2006, 01:40 PM
Mikey grumbles. I guess he's "talking". I've read in a lovie book about one actually capable of speaking a few sentences.

There was a BGM at the Aviarium that says "Here Kitty, kitty..." My daughter got scared when it screamed at us.

12-10-2006, 05:40 PM
Mikey grumbles. I guess he's "talking".

Ditto grumbles sometimes too, usually when he's got his face buried in one of his rope toys.

12-10-2006, 06:23 PM
How old are all of these birds?? I would love it if Louie could say at least one recognizable word. He's 1 year this month. HAPPY HATCHDAY LOU!!!!!!!!:rofl:
Whenever I call to him "Lou-whey!" (I guess that's how it sounds:confused: ) He whistles back in the same pitch and seems to come close to saying it. Can they learn to whistle tunes???I once heard a cocketiel whistle the Andy Griffith theme song. That was precious>o
Anyways, I guess I better pick at least one good word to try 'n teach him.... Thanks for your replies!

12-10-2006, 07:11 PM
Kameko says pretty bird, pretty girl, mimics pretty much any whistle we can think of such as a pretty girl whistle, calling the dog, and a bunch of other ones, the lastest she is working on is the cartoon falling sound, she's got it pretty close its just a little fast. I posted a video a while back in the photos forum with Kameko talking, I think it is called "Talking with Kameko".

12-10-2006, 07:34 PM
My hen Kodi says peekaboo and has so many interesting whistles and noises that Mango doesn't do. Mango my male is just your typical lovie lovebird.

12-11-2006, 03:26 PM
Cecilia will say "Love you" and then makes kissy noises. It's very cute. She also has a repertoire of chirps that have specific meanings that I've learned. She's two years old. I really haven't spent much time trying to teach her to say words, though.

12-11-2006, 04:48 PM
Alright. So far males only "grumble".........Anyone have males that talk.
Mandolin- I'm gonna check that video out. I've never heard a lovie talk, so it should be interesting. I've only heard African greys and Macaws.
Like I said, Lou's one yr. old. He seems to be trying to learn how to say "bud", but I don't think he'll be able to pronounce the "b". I always say "Hey,Bud!"
Anyone have any phrases that they can pronounce really good. Seems to be "I Love You" so far. Agian, thanks 4 ur replies!

12-11-2006, 06:51 PM
I swore that I heard Beetle mumble "Bird bird" within the first few weeks/ months that I had him home. That's one of his many nicknames. I haven't heard him say anything since ;)

Simple phrases seem to work best. Words like Hello, Step, Step-Up, Yum, Yummy, Kiss, Night-Night seem to work best.

As for how to get your bird to talk/mimic? That's hard to say... I think it takes a lot of patience and repitition.


12-14-2006, 12:47 AM
I know this sounds crazy but every night when I put the birds' cages in my walkin closet to sleep and I say "I love you", it sounds like Daisy (I really don't know if she/he's m or f at this point) says "I love you too."

It's really unlikely b/c I don't say I love you too to them but it's always the same chirp she only makes at this time and maybe it's just hopeful wishing.

Clover, whom is a female, makes kissy noises and clicking noises when she's trying to be affectionate towards me.

Only being able to say the phrase "I love you" aint such a dissapointment. I could listen to that and only that all day from my babies!

12-14-2006, 03:45 AM
mine learned how to wolf whistle after I did it repeatedly. Apparently, Bailey has learned some of my whistling tunes and decides to go awol with it in the morning. But no words. THey said what type has a best chance of talking, a single baby that is a male or female?

12-14-2006, 11:07 AM
When I first heard Cooper's pretty bird that wasn't just a chirppy pretty bird, I got a bit excited (first words!!). Hasn't said it since, just continues with her chirppy versions. Her contact call is a loud shrill COOO-PER. We did teach her to wolf whistle, but she really only does during her daytime naps. She's one and half now.

12-14-2006, 04:02 PM
Alrighty...how long does it take them (approx.) to learn how to "wolf whistle"?

Buy A Paper Doll
12-14-2006, 06:56 PM
I think it depends on the bird.

Milo took months to learn to wolf whistle. Melody did it after a few tries, then repeated it enough that we stopped doing it around her. Don't want to encourage her TOO much .....

Milo doesn't speak, and doesn't try, except for a chirp that sounds suspiciously like "peekaboo." Melody can say "peekaboo" clearly sometimes but mostly it comes out "peekapeek."

01-09-2007, 08:48 PM
I found a clip of a lovie speaking on YouTube (I LOVE that site)!

Pay attention... you'll hear it at about second 23:


Alrighty...how long does it take them (approx.) to learn how to "wolf whistle"?

I taught a cockatiel to wolf whistle in about 48 hours. I just repeated the wolf whistle several times a day whenever I interacted with the bird. Wasn't able to teach him anything else, though :lol


01-09-2007, 11:30 PM
Oh my GOD!!!!!!! I LOVE you for posting that link Eliza!!! I thought people were imagining things when they said they could talk!

It was an actual unmistakeable voice!!! .... Why won't mine do that?!! >:(

01-10-2007, 12:09 PM
that is so adorable - but what is he saying????? can anyone make it out??

01-10-2007, 07:17 PM
Mine doesn't talk, but she does make some very interesting sounds... all day.

01-10-2007, 07:52 PM
So cute. I think its saying 'gimme a kiss'. :clap:

That's what I hear, too :lol

We are updating the computer system at work and the bosses are letting us have sound cards at our stations :evil: I'm usually by myself in the office for up to 5 hours in the eve, so YOU KNOW that I had to hit up YouTube. I stumbled across the chatting lovie link while viewing various lovebird videos. I thought that CaptMicha would especially enjoy it.


01-13-2007, 12:39 AM
That it! I'm going to record myself saying "Lovvvvvvvvvveeee youuuuuuuuu" and play it a million times when I leave my room.

Did you check out some of the other videos on there? There was a whole series of a yellow naped amazon (I think) named Kiki. You HAVE to see it! :rofl:


01-13-2007, 10:58 AM
The lovie's definitely saying "gimme a kiss"! You can hear it's owner whispering it in the background.:lol

That was soooooo amazing!!!! Well, now I know everything I hear Lou saying is wishful thinking.....:cry: Oh wells, e does some amazing little whistles cuz we always have Cardinals right outside the window alll year long. Whenever he thinks I'm not around, he'll start doing a whole bunch of cute little sounds. Wish I had his vocabulary!