View Full Version : Bradford is home

12-10-2006, 06:17 PM
Well...the little guy is home. He is such a cutie, but I am a little apprehensive with him. He is, of course, not to pleased with the change and is currently not good company. If I sit next to the cage his head goes down and he flaps his wings and comes after me. He latched on a couple of times to my finger when I was moving him from his small travel cage to his new home. I currently have him covered. Will he come down and be more amicable? He was handfed and so has been held and played with and loved to be out of his cage with the breeder....I guess I am just a little nervous. According to the breeder he has been eating on his for a little more than a week and is doing fine. I am going to call the avain vet and set up an appt for the little guy. I guess he is just adjusting to his new surroundings...he even hid from me under is food dish...

But I am glad he is here and I can't wait to interact with him....:)

12-10-2006, 06:31 PM
I'm sure he will calm down as he settles in. Try just sitting next to his cage and talking to him softly. I know some people even read a book or something out loud just so they can hear their voice, and get used to it.

Handfed does not necessarily mean tame. Socialization is how you achieve a tame lovie, and since the breeder was the one socializing with Bradford, it may take a little time before he sees you as OK. With a little time, love and patience though, I'm sure you'll have a sweetie pie:)

Now, for the important thing. Once that little guy settles in, we want............ Pics, lots and lots of pics;)

12-10-2006, 06:45 PM
I agree, he should calm down soon. My last two were hand fed and I was holding them before I left the breeders and constantly after I brought them home. They were a little skittish about their new surroundings but having two together made it less scary for them. Since this bird has been handled and was hand fed, I would encourage you to interact with him often. Yes, give him some time to settle in but not too much. I think that if I'd brought my two in and left them alone for a week they would have become totally wild. I handled them and spend at least 15 minutes, four times a day,with them from the first day.

BTW, my two adored the breeder and her daughter and flew to them constantly because they had not only been hand fed but also socialized. I was the new person to them so of course they did not trust me and were not comfortable in the beginning. The more I held them, petted them and snuggled with them, the more comfortable they became with me. One of the two was a piece of cake but the other took at least a month before he wanted to come to me. Now? He's after me all the time. :D Good luck! :)

12-10-2006, 06:57 PM
I will keep at him...hopefully his is rested a bit and a little more ready to play nice!!! Thanks for easing my mind.

12-10-2006, 08:56 PM
Okay...quick update. I think Bradford is territorial. In the cage is attacks...away from it...he is fine. We had a 15 minute get to know each other session...my preened my hair...nibbled my ear and flew around some...very short distances since his wings are clipped. I do have one issue though, and I have emailed the breeder...he is hiding under his food dish. I am not sure if this is a sign of illness or just fear from being in a new home. He has been covered tonight and one the ride home he was very playful and LOUD!!! Not sure...but I will call the vet tomorrow and see about an appt. Does anyone know the prices of a first visit to an avian vet? I have never been to one and know absolutely nothing about it...like a general price guide, questions to ask, things to look out for and such. Any help? (I know...silly question :whistle: )

12-10-2006, 10:35 PM
I dont have much to add but, just wanted to say Welcome to your little Bradford! I know with Time, Patience, & Lots of Love your little Bradford will be a sweetie!! Cant wait to see pics!! :)

12-11-2006, 10:38 AM
A first well bird visit can vary, depending on what tests you have done. You want at the very minimal a grams stain test, and an overall check of the ears, eyes, vent, breast bone, and mouth. That usually runs me about $75.00. If you have a C&S(culture&sensitivity) test done, you can add an estimated $20.00, if blood work is done, you can add about another $50.00 to that. All of these are estimated, and the complete well bird exam I had done, with a PBFD test ran me about $200.00. That is a first time expense, and then we have a yearly with just a grams stain, and over all check up, unless more are needed.

I would suggest the grams stain, and the C&S since Bradford was handfed. Between these two it should rule out any infections. If any abnormalities are found there, then you can run more tests is need be.

12-11-2006, 12:08 PM
My :2cents: . The cage territorial stuff is typical. Just remember, the cage is "his" home and the one place he feels safe. Since he's so territorial about his home, for right now, I'd see if he will come out of the cage on his own. Since he's pretty tame from the breeder, he probably will. I've seen many lovies who hide under thier dish when they are afraid. Given time, he will probably stop this sooner than later once he's comfortable with his new surrounding.

12-11-2006, 12:33 PM
He seemed much better today at lunch...he was on his perch...eating his millet and playing with his toys...still a bit territorial, but he calmed down when I ate lunch with him. I think he will be fine! I will have pictures later tonight and will post them!