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06-14-2005, 03:48 PM
I am just venting here...
I got a notice on sunday night telling me that the complex where i live will be repaving the roadway...starting monday. so they dug up half the road yesterday and today are laying new ashphalt, or pavement, or whatever it is they call it. It is stinky and smelly and smoky and I did not have enough notice to figure out where to move all my birds. I am keeping all windows shut and my fingers crossed, I am very worried that these fumes might harm the birds, especially my little babies. :mad: and of course my 2 year old son had an asthma attack yesterday, no wonder with all the dust, poor little guy :( .

06-14-2005, 04:45 PM
I would complain to management that this poses a health problem to your 2 yr old and ask them what they intend to do about it. I realize that this is a "back door" approach but it's probably the most effective one. You should get their attention if you complain about a child, where they may not listen quite so quickly if you mention a health hazard to animals. I'm not downplaying the importance of your birds, as they are very important. Sometimes you have to use a different focus to get what you want. The least they could have done was given you ample time to prepare for what was going to happen! :mad:

06-14-2005, 05:09 PM
well, what is done is done. I took my son to daycare today even though he wasnt feeling well cause I thought it might be better than being here. the crew has moved over to the other side of the complex now, thank god. all birds look ok so far. One other problem was that we all had to find alternate parking for a couple of days...and there is not much around here I can tell ya.

unfortunately I rent, so any of my complaints are either ignored by the strata or I end up with a retaliatory warning...my favorite one was when the strata manager's cat kept coming into my unit (!!??!!) and kept pooping in my garden. there is a no cat outdoors rule, so I complained. Well, I ended up with a warning about the state of my poopy garden (the strata manager had dug up the grass and then was going to plant sod but then never did it) - I was told I would get a fine for having the garden in disrepair!!!!
Of course the cat is still running around out there, scrapping in the middle of the night and pooping in everyone's gardens.
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
I guess i am just not a people person, lol.


06-14-2005, 05:46 PM
I've been told that cats taste delicious, especially ...AHEM! ...free-range cats that poop in people's gardens and scrap in the middle of the night.

I'm just sayin'... :p

06-14-2005, 05:51 PM
well, I borrowed the cat trap that is owned by the complex for just such situations...the trap "disappeared" (courtesy of the strata manager's wife...) and my neighbors refused to acknowledge me for about 4 months... :confused: It was a humane trap.....

guess I am not a cat person either. :D

06-14-2005, 05:55 PM
Any way to tell the owner about the strata manager's cat?

06-14-2005, 05:56 PM
...yet another reason I am thankful that I own and do not rent. Sounds like your property manager is a real piece of work. :mad:

06-14-2005, 06:08 PM
Any way to tell the owner about the strata manager's cat?

yep...hence the complaint about my yard. funny, i had also complained to the owner about the state the yard was left in by the strata manager!!!

i gotta be careful though cause someone placed a noise complaint about my birds, though it wasnt the neighbors on either side of me, so i am not sure who or what the complaint was exactly. We put them to bed at about 8pm and the windows are closed in the morning so they dont bother anyone.

yep, wish I owned. or at least didnt live in a townhouse....wont ever buy into a strata that is for sure.

06-14-2005, 06:29 PM
Traci... Tell them to build a bridge and get over it!
Pack of idiots "Tit for tat"ing, post them a "poop sample" of their cats poops into their letterbox, no envalope, make it nice & fresh :D
I cant believe people are like that :mad: Crazy o'l world huh :rolleyes:

06-14-2005, 06:41 PM
ok so the truth comes out...I really am a B****. my next door neighbor also has a cat...who is too lazy to "bury" the evidence...and boy does it smell in the summer. i knocked on her door a few times then got fed up and flicked it over to her side...she didnt talk to me either for a while :rolleyes: .
now she has dug up a flower bed recently and the cat started going there...and she let it!!! just disgusting and no concern for all the kids playing around here. gross.
i should send all my little birdies over to her car...ha ha ha ha....

06-14-2005, 06:46 PM
Hey.. Hang on a minute I have the "Biggest B****" title too! :D
Ahhhh atlast... a comrad!

06-14-2005, 07:04 PM
I once took a personality quiz thing in my psych class to see how "assertive" I was. i like that...assertive...it is a much nicer term, dont you think?? I scored in the top category, above most women...and most men. A few (of my bravest, lol) friends laughed at me. :D

i am not a B****, I am assertive. There. Nothing wrong with that.
Well, unless you live in a strata and have cat poo in your garden :D


06-14-2005, 07:08 PM
I see it as a postitive thing... We dont let anybody walk all over us... and "Watch out" if you Sh*t on us (or in our garden for that matter!) :D

Buy A Paper Doll
06-14-2005, 07:17 PM
I have to bite my tongue with these 'annoying neighbor' discussions because I tend to be quite the instigator. :rolleyes:

I live in a neighborhood with very strict homeowner association rules, and the 'enforcement committee' lives across the street from me. Last summer I had a tree blow over. Actually it blew over a few times but by the 4th hurricane I stopped standing it up again.

The 'enforcement committee' informed me that as per homeowner association regulations, I was required to replace the tree within X number of days. I was so annoyed that these people would have the nerve to complain about a stupid tree when so many people in the next neighborhood over had lost darned near everything they had... :mad: So I told them I wasn't going to replace the tree, I was going to put a fish pond in the hole where the tree was. The look on his face was priceless!

06-14-2005, 07:31 PM

06-14-2005, 10:23 PM
Hey Jennifer,
I find trees with big huge thorns a nice addition to my yard where neighbor kids come to destroy things.... Oooops - does that qualify me for the B**** club?

06-14-2005, 11:50 PM
Guess I can join the B club too. We use to live in a Apartment complex. One of the rules was no kids under 18 were allowed out after 10pm. Well there were lots of kids..So I called the cops.. :D Also once at the play ground there was a 5yr old there by themself(rules stat not allowed there under 11).the boy bite my daughter..for no reason. I took the boy to his house then went and told the apt manager about him. I never saw the boy out alone again. I honestly would of told them they caused your sons attack and need to pay you for the troubles.


06-15-2005, 08:09 AM
Someone in my old neighborhood ;) used to fling litter box prizes from their second-floor apartment, at cars speeding down the street. It takes a good eye to make a direct hit (so they say), but it's worth it!

06-23-2005, 10:49 AM
Hi Traci,
Neighbors are funny like that when it comes to their pets. Cats hate water in any form. I keep a plastic bottle full of water in my garage just for neighbor cats(dish liquid or catsup) anything with a small hole that you can squirt. Those pump up water guns with the big resevoir work great too. The neighborhood cats were peeing in the chairs on my front porch and in my garage. My son threw water balloons at one neighbor's cat and they returned a non busted one to me so I said did you know your cat has been peeing all over my front porch and in my garage. Well, shock....NO. So I said I won't hurt your cat but is it ok if I spray it with water? And he said sure. I expained how frustrating this has been for me and his wife wouldn't even talk with me about it. I have a cat too and its suppose to be an inside cat, but they all have a wild instinct. I let my cat out and she does go in my flower bed. Big chuncky rocks or bricks in the flower bed help deter because they don't have room to squat. Lime will neutralize the area they are pottying in, but I don't know its effect on plants. The neighbors used to have a big dog and it and my dog were having a pee war at the chain link fence. Someone told me to use lime and it worked they quit going there and it got rid of the smell. I did work it into the dirt with a shovel. Hope this helps.

06-23-2005, 02:51 PM
Cats hate water in any form

I had to reply when I saw this line...you should be in my house! I have 5 cats, 3 of which absolutely LOVE water!! Our Onyx takes baths with the kids, Bailey enjoys chasing/attacking the squirt of water from a spray bottle, and Tango will lay in the sink and howl until you put the tap on to drip water over her head...she chases the droplets and has a mini-bath! :rofl:
So, you see, in our house anyway, squirt bottles are TOYS !!! LOL
Had to share...

06-24-2005, 08:25 AM
Ok Kim....well, I stand corrected.....there is an exception to every rule, isn't there. So....what did you do to brainwash those cats!? It sounds like a lot of fun at your house. You should send a video of these cats and their water habits to that show "Funniest Animals"....you could win some big bucks.

06-24-2005, 02:37 PM
Good idea about the video thing...I bet I could win that America's Funniest Video's $100,000 grand prize ! Although, from what I've watched, they always give the money to the not-funny videos :rolleyes: Anyway, I'll have to bug my neighbor for his video cam...hehehe...or..I could just butter up hubby and see if he'll buy HIMSELF one...it WAS just fathers' day wasn't it ?*bats eyelashes*

06-24-2005, 03:10 PM
You could buy your husband a video camera for a "late" father's day, and while he's not using it - you could!

I have a cat that likes to play in water. He sleeps in the bathroom sink during the hot summer days, too. However, he hates rain... :confused: cats are weird... Oh - funny thing, that particular cat was a "father's day" present 13 years ago! I wanted him, so I got him for my hubby! :happy:

06-26-2005, 10:17 AM
Now that is what I call a good "We Gift", when (you) want something just buy it for your husband. I want a pair of zebra finches and another pair of lovies, do you think I could get away with it? LOL!!!

06-26-2005, 05:57 PM

As a matter of fact, just today, my beloved hubby went out and bought me a brand new, shiny, sparkling.........


What a guy eh?

06-26-2005, 06:10 PM

Turn about is fair play Kimmie. Whatya gonna buy him tomorrow????? ;)

06-26-2005, 09:13 PM
I've been looking at this gorgeous wrap around skirt.... :evil: :lol :happy: :rofl:

06-26-2005, 09:44 PM

I may be wrong, but I think it will look reaaalllly good on him :rofl:

Go ahead and get that skirt Kimmie. If it's really gorgeous, he will have to at least appreciate you in it ;)

06-28-2005, 11:35 AM
Hey Kim....If it's a rider....then you didn't do too bad. If it's a pusher....then maybe he just wants you to get a good work out. You definately need the new skirt...I mean you want to look nice while you are mowing.....right?

06-28-2005, 09:07 PM
Its a push mower....LOL
So, I'm supposed to wear the new skirt while mowing, right? Hmm..what to do about those big gusts of wind though, won't my skirt get all uppity??

Buy A Paper Doll
06-28-2005, 09:21 PM
A *push* mower? They still sell those? I can't make fun of you as I have one too. I tell people, "Yes, it's self-propelled. It's propelled by myself when I push it."

If the wind gets your skirt going like a kite, hold on tight to the mower so you don't blow away.

06-28-2005, 10:17 PM
Sorry, my bad.
I meant by push mower that its a gas mower...but it's not self propelled n fancy-like, so engine and all, I hafta PUSH it around my lawn LOL
Oh, and yes, they DO still sell those engine-less TRUE push mowers with the spiral spinning blades. They're just as expensive as a cheap electric mower too...WHY ON EARTH is what I say !! LOL

06-29-2005, 10:43 AM
No....on second thought.....maybe not....old jeans and old tennis shoes is probably better....but you are a good sport! Every time I see the bumper sticker "Uppity Women Unite" it makes me laugh.