View Full Version : Weird Birdy Behavior

12-12-2006, 08:14 AM
Hi! It's been a while since I've posted. Simon and I are getting along nicely. Probably my best experience with him was when he popped down onto the floor and picked up the edge of his (fairly empty, I hadn't fed him yet) food dish, and shook it around in his beak. Then sat there and looked at me. I said, "Oh, are you hungry?" And went to feed him. Instead of getting up on his perch like usual and watching my hand like I was sure to grab him any moment, he sat right there inches from my hand while replaced his food. It was SO cute. Baby steps. XD

ANYWAY, that has nothing to do with my question. My question is, Simon ALWAYS squawks and screeches (sometimes it sounds content, sometimes it sounds like something's annoying him) really loudly, but ONLY in the morning. I can be still in bed or sitting right next to him, and he still squawks like crazy. Beginning around nine o'clock, and then ending at about noon. The rest of the day he's pretty silent (except if the TV gets too loud, then he yells at it, hehe). Is this indicative of something? I've tried everything, and he just seems to want to talk. I don't mind if he does it (he's a bird, I expected him to make such noises) I just thought the timing and that he's an otherwise quiet boy was sort of weird.

12-12-2006, 08:25 AM
I think he's happy and yes, he wants to talk, sing, screech, twortle, etc. :) My birds will go off at different times of day. They can get pretty loud in the morning, but they seem to be loudest at bedtime. Just their way of making sure everyone in the flock is where they're supposed to be, I think.

Maybe that's what Simon is doing, except in the morning. Do you call back to him?

Best wishes,

12-12-2006, 08:37 AM
Yeah I do. Sometimes I'm still asleep though. :P

12-12-2006, 08:51 AM
:lol Believe it or not, "Shut up bird!" can count as a contact call. :lol And, it can relieve your feelings without hurting his.

12-12-2006, 08:56 AM
Usually it's like, "WHASSA MATTER WITH YOU, HUH? I'M RIGHT HERE!" heh.

12-14-2006, 12:31 AM
The mornings seem like the loudest time. But then again, I'm not sleeping at sun down.

I tell mine to "Shove it!" and "Cram it with walnuts uglies!". And "There, there, shut up baby." Yes. It's SUPOSSED to be weird. Well... weird, funny, same thing.

Other times I make kissy noises or do a bird call.

And of course, there's always the occassional "DO YOU EVER SHUT UP?!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!"

12-14-2006, 08:11 PM
Weird Human Behavior

Hello everyone, Simon here.

I am pretty new to owning humans and I am having trouble keeping them securely housed in the space between my cage and the world that lies beyond their cage. It is a large enough space for them, but sometimes they still try to stick their hands into my cage, which is unquestionably 'my' space, and they don't seem to understand that this is frowned upon behaviour. I also can't seem to keep them safely enclosed in their own space, that being the area immediately outside of my cage. I tell you, if they aren't trying to get in here with me, they are trying to get out there to the space far beyond. They are crafty creatures too, and oftentimes they slip away from captivity when I am not looking. Every morning I give them a good talking to, I tell them, 'You better not slip out of your cage, you hear me, you better not, or you just might come back to find that you cannot get back in at all and then what the heck are you gonna do? You're gonna go hungry, I tell you, are you listening to me, you will starve out there and God only knows what manner of horror could befall you if you leave your space again. Not even 'I' venture far from my own cage and I would never, I repeat... never, venture beyond the walls that separate us from all that lies beyond, and my cage is not but a fraction as big as your's. I don't want to hear any complaining from you, not one word or the next time you slip out may be your last, yessireee, I will plug up that escape hole and you ain't never gettin' back in. Do you hear me?? And don't try coming in here with me neither, nope nope nope, that ain't gonna happen. Are you listening, you better be listening... do you hear me... I said, DO YOU HEAR ME?????'

And even with my dire warnings, they still manage to escape from time to time. I'm getting tired to telling them to knock it off, I'm tired of talking to them all together, ungrateful humans that they are, big cage and all.

Any and all suggestions on how you keep your humans in line would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for listening.


12-14-2006, 08:35 PM
SHY !!!!!!!!!:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
You really missed your calling dear...excellent writing !

12-14-2006, 10:20 PM
LOLOLOLOL Shy!:rofl: :rofl:

12-15-2006, 12:35 PM
:rofl: :rofl: Shy, you are a hoot! :rofl: :rofl:

12-15-2006, 01:29 PM
Too funny :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I love imagining what they are thinking and trying to say. Shy - I think you are reading their thoughts exactly. I can just imagine Kiwi's frustration sometimes that we can't understand the seriousness of what he is trying to tell me. Stupid humans!!!!!:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

12-15-2006, 02:12 PM
Shy honey, You been spending waaaaaay too much time with them birdies sweetie. Me thinks you could use a little trip South..Oh, that's assuming Ms. Danae would allow it:lol