View Full Version : Do your birds 'talk back'....

12-14-2006, 03:40 PM
Just wondering if anyone's lovies 'talk back' to you if you tell them no or to keep them from doing something they shouldn't? Mango has always done this esp when he knows he did something bad and now Kodi follows suit. It's more like a NNNEHH! sound with quick bowing of the heads :rofl: just to let me know they are a little teeeeed off.

12-14-2006, 04:16 PM
Oh Yeah,

Bela does this, but it is usually followed by a little lovie head butt:lol

12-14-2006, 06:18 PM
Ditto usually hops in my hand for skritches when he does something he's not supposed to. He knows I'm a sucker and can't stay upset then. :rolleyes:

Buy A Paper Doll
12-14-2006, 08:57 PM
Oh, my birds talk back. Especially if I point my finger and say "NO" in a stern voice.

Milo will yell something that sounds like "CREE!!" and then lunge at my finger. Sometimes he'll even hiss a little.

It's a good thing he's cute.

12-14-2006, 09:07 PM
Oh, my birds talk back. Especially if I point my finger and say "NO" in a stern voice.

Milo will yell something that sounds like "CREE!!" and then lunge at my finger. Sometimes he'll even hiss a little.

It's a good thing he's cute.

Ditto does the "Creee" too, but it's usually because I left the room. He used to growl at his former owner.... Good birdy! :lol

12-15-2006, 08:48 AM
Oh yeah. They sure know how to talk back, and it always makes me laugh!

12-15-2006, 11:43 AM
Cooper gives me a whole series of birdie @#% &#$! %$%!! especially when I scoot her off the couch and back to the play gym. Of course I can't take that seriously and crack up and Cooper follows suit with her imitation of my laugh, soooo cute!

12-15-2006, 12:30 PM
Yep, mine talk back too. Daisy does the head butt thing like Lori's Bela. Piper "acts" like he's yelling back. Olivia lunges and DOES bite the finger that tells her "No". Molly stands tall and runs away acting like it wan't him, but Piper instead. :whistle:

12-15-2006, 01:36 PM
they make them so cute for a reason. so we can't stay angry with them . :whistle: i get yelled at all the time when he needs to admonish me for something i did wrong. he sqauwks, then does a nose butt, putting it right in front of my face. if i have the nerve to get upset with him, then he puts his head in my hand, lays it down on my fingers, tips it to the side for a head rub, and all is right with the world again. I have been trained well !!!:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

12-15-2006, 03:00 PM
When Kameko gets in trouble she always talks back. She always does a very pronounced "CHEEP CHEEP" with a wing flap per cheep. I don't really want to know what each of those 2 cheeps mean but she is very consistent in giving them out when she is mad.

12-15-2006, 08:44 PM
Bradford does the head dip things and trys to bit the finger...BTW...when he attempts to bite, I try to hold his beak and give it a very slight squeeze...however, he is quick and gets out of the way....how long after the incident can you do the beak squeeze? I don't know how long their memories are...:confused: