View Full Version : Reilly is here!

12-16-2006, 06:05 PM
Hi all,

Finnys new BFF just arrived today and is currently having some down time in his cage after his long flight from Atlanta to Phoenix. I am so excited! He is sooo lovable! He was not even scared when we picked him up at the airport. He liked the music in the car and only seemed a bit nervous when I reached into his carrier to take him out. He already is sitting on my shoulder and lets me give him kisses. I think he is really excited to meet Finny cause he tried to fly away to find him cause they were chirping back and forth.

He is soooo pretty! I am so excited that he is tame and likes to be held. We will be working on the up command but until then he actually just lets you pick him up! What a doll baby! I could not be happier!

I am looking forward to the month that I have him all to myself before he gets to meet Finny (I know I am greedy).

I will post pics in a few days as I dont want to push him as he seems comfortable and I want him to continue to feel that way.

Finnysmommie (and always Evie's too) and now Reilly's too!

12-16-2006, 06:09 PM
Yippee! Did you get him from Jeanette? She has some lovely birdies! :D It took me a couple of weeks to get my two (also very tame) to do the step up and like you, I could pick them up from the first day. Reilly will learn that command fast if you say it every time when you offer him your finger. Can't wait for pictures! :D

12-16-2006, 06:33 PM

If you did get one from Jeanette, I'm sure it is a sweetie pie.

Oh, you know what I want right?????, Yep, post us some pics of that little Reilly:)

12-16-2006, 06:50 PM
Cindy: I'm happy to hear about Reilly. I didn't even know you had decided on the bird you wanted. Congrats to you and Finny:happy: .

12-16-2006, 06:53 PM
Congrats! I know how excited you and Finny must be. :) Definitely want to see some pictures in a few days.

12-16-2006, 08:43 PM
Yes, I did get him from Jeanette. It was so nice to work with someone that I got to know throught the process as well as by word of mouth from others. It just made it an even better experience. Which I am greatful for after all that we have been through.

I am seriously like a little kid right now. Reilly is still napping and I so just want to go in and get him out to play! I have to keep telling myself no he needs to rest after his trip!

Ok gunna run and go watch him sleep for a few minutes....lol


12-17-2006, 12:46 AM
Cindy, I got 2 lovebirds from Jeanette. She is wonderful. I have visited her home and she lives around her birds. Tell us which one you got from her site and we can look Reilly up from there.

One of the neat things about a bird from Jeanette is that you really don't have to wait too long to hold them because they come pre-spoiled! Enjoy your new baby.

12-17-2006, 09:35 PM
I just went to the website and it looks like they updated it because Reilly is not there anymore:cry:

Reilly has already learned "up" to get up onto my finger. He is so smart! We put him in the bedroom with Finny (seperate cages of course), so they could talk to each other. I know that Reilly had lots of friends at jeanettes so I wanted him to be able to talk to Finny so he would not feel like he was alone.

He is kinda silly though he hangs from the top of the cage like a bat. Is this a baby thing? He likes to sleep like that too.

I dont think he likes when I reach into the cage to get him either. He is still a bit shy to come out on his own though so unless he shows that it really scares him I am going to keep reaching in. Finny expects this (his royal spoiledness).

I am worried that he may be nervous in his new surroundings so I keep reaching in and putting him next to his water so he gets enough to drink. I can see he is eating by the food he has knocked onto the bottom of the cage. He keeps trying to fly but I dont think he is very god at it yet, so we let him loose in the bedroom so if he has a fall it is onto the bed.

I have held back from handling him too much as not to scare him but I will gradually increase our out of cage time.

Finny is by far the most vocal of the two of them. He just chirps and chirps like he is trying to get him to come over to the other side of the room to play.

I am thinking I will take pics this coming up weekend. I have a couple of domains so I may post them there along with pics of Finny and Evie. I have a really cute video of Finny but cant seem to figure out how to publish it using dreamweaver :-(


12-17-2006, 09:44 PM
He is so smart!

Jeanette gives her babies a very smart-start!!!!

I dont think he likes when I reach into the cage to get him either.

Never reach into the cage, open the door, place your hand or finger outside the open door, and invite Reilly out on his own terms.

He keeps trying to fly but I dont think he is very god at it yet,

Be careful he doesn't crash land, using the bed is a good thing! Let him have lots of opportunity to fly, building those important chest muscles daily.

Best Wishes!

12-18-2006, 09:30 AM
Cindy, I'm so happy that you got one of Jeanette's babies! The only problem I have with the two I got is that I can't keep 'em off of me! :D I could hold them from the first moment (actually at her house when I went to get them) and we worked out trust issues in about the first month. Since they had each other, they weren't as anxious to bond to me but I was persistent and boy did it pay off! :lol Neither of mine have territorial cage issues but if they had, I would have respected that. Their only issue with their cage is getting OUT! :lol

Again, congratulations on your new baby! :)

12-18-2006, 10:11 AM

I spoke with Jeanette yesterday. She said you got a lovie like Janie's Big Boi. I'm not sure if it was the same parents or not(oops, forgot to ask), but I know what he looks like. Those violets are just stunning!!!!!

If you check Jeanette's site, Chuck usually puts the sold fids, along with where they went there. I didn't see yours there yet, but I'm sure he'll get him there soon. Maybe we'll have to give him a poke, and get him on that;)

12-18-2006, 10:14 AM
:pics: :rofl:

12-18-2006, 11:21 AM
Who's this jenette and what's her site? everyone keeps raving about her birds I'm horribly curious now! lol

12-18-2006, 02:28 PM

Her site is: www.shdybrk.com. She does have some wonderful birds, and her secret weapon is her daughter, Stacey. That girl is a bird charmer:)

12-18-2006, 02:58 PM
I went to the site to see ....looks like Reilly make be up there on the "See where our birds have gone" page http://www.shdybrk.com/Sold.shtml

Is he that last one...finding a home in Phoenix, AZ?

12-18-2006, 03:13 PM
Oooo, my Olivia is the first lovie on the sold page. She's one of Jeanette's and sister to Janie's BigBoi & Shy. Congrats on your sweetie and can't wait to see pictures :snow2:

12-18-2006, 04:21 PM
I went to the site to see ....looks like Reilly make be up there on the "See where our birds have gone" page http://www.shdybrk.com/Sold.shtml

Is he that last one...finding a home in Phoenix, AZ?

If that's Reilly, I feel a fidnapping coming on again! :whistle:

12-18-2006, 05:04 PM
yeppers I checked that link and that sure is my new baby! He is actually a little more gray than that picture shows and he is just too cute for words!
Him and Finny decided to wake me up early by chirping back and forth this morning. Reilly must still be on EST because we dont get up that early here!

I will take pics this week and post them soon. I am just afraid to do it to soon cause once everyone sees how darn cute he is there may be a fidnapping! :rofl:


12-18-2006, 05:06 PM
I will take pics this week and post them soon. I am just afraid to do it to soon cause once everyone sees how darn cute he is there may be a fidnapping! :rofl:


Too late!! :evil: :whistle:

12-18-2006, 05:44 PM
hmmm..... 563 miles or 745 km (as the lovie flies) for me vs. 2014 miles (3241 km) for Dave....

who do ya think will get there first??? ;)

12-18-2006, 05:49 PM
hmmm..... 563 miles or 745 km (as the lovie flies) for me vs. 2014 miles (3241 km) for Dave....

who do ya think will get there first??? ;)

Maybe I'm posting from the plane. :rofl:

Or a coffe shop at Sky Harbor. :whistle:

12-18-2006, 05:58 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Dave

Maybe I'm posting from the plane.

I'll just let the Feds know you're on your way ;) Description... One Male aka "Taxman" possibly armed with an ax, most likely accompanied by his evil arch-accomplice known only as "Ditto".

12-18-2006, 06:10 PM

I spoke with Jeanette yesterday. She said you got a lovie like Janie's Big Boi.

Lori, you know she can't keep up with which of my birds is which, :lol. I spoke to her today and it turns out that Reilly is a "Shy" twin. She thought that maybe he had the same parents that BB and Shy have but turns out he doesn't. Anyway, Reilly is another Milo birdie.....awww, that's always a good thing! :)

Cindy, Jeanette said she enjoyed talking to you so much and that you are obviously going to give one of her birdies a very good home! I think Denise (NJ) picked up a couple of her birds, too. Lot's of Jeanette's birdies around here. :D

12-18-2006, 07:29 PM
Reilly is beautiful! Of course, he came from Jeannette -- would you expect anything less?

Can't wait to see more pics of the wee bird,


12-18-2006, 11:10 PM
Sorry I was out of town and missed the excitement of the first few days! Many congrats on Reilly's arrival. :clap:

12-19-2006, 02:29 AM
wheeew missed a lot of posts while I was out getting a restraining order to protect my coveted Reilly! :rofl:

I really enjoyed talking with Jeanette and felt confident I was getting a great new fid. I had no idea he would be this great! He is just a little snuggler! Finny does not snuggle he kisses and hangs and bites my buttons and tries to eat my freckles. Reilly gets on my shoulder and poked just his head out of my hair and just relaxes. I do believe he will make record time in winning the hubby over (hubby takes some time to warm up to people and animals). Finny I think is feeling a bit jealous but we made sure we spent some extra alone time with him so he would know he is still our little finnybutt!

I still dont get the whole bat thing Reilly is doing... It kinda cracks me up.

I cant wait till this weekend to take pics so you can all see his adorable gray face. I tried so hard today to take the time to do it but I was slammed with a 100 things to do:omg: Friday may be a good day to do it and saturday a good day to post them. That will give me time to install an alarm on REilly's cage :rofl:


12-19-2006, 12:55 PM
I still dont get the whole bat thing Reilly is doing... It kinda cracks me up.Cindy, my Piper use to hang from the top of the cage too. Once I showed him the cozy he stopped and sleeps on top of that now. Watching them do that makes my feet hurt for them.

12-19-2006, 01:41 PM
reilly is gorgeous - with the blue and gray, he is a charmer. now, do i need another lovie??? :lol :lol

12-20-2006, 01:33 AM
I will have to run out an get him a cozy. I think he will like that because he sure likes to snuggle.

Bad news on the pictures :cry:

My camera has officially died. Hubby is trying to revive it but I am not holding out hope (sorry hubby). If by some miracle he does fix it, I will take pics and have them posted by this weekend. If not then it will have to wait until after christmas (cause I will have to get a camera for xmas).

Happy Holidays all :happy:


12-20-2006, 08:22 AM
Cindy, if his hatch date is 9/13 then I saw him on Jeanette's web site. Looks just like my "Shy" did.....what a cutie! :D

12-20-2006, 08:24 AM
Bad news on the pictures

My camera has officially died. Hubby is trying to revive it but I am not holding out hope (sorry hubby). If by some miracle he does fix it, I will take pics and have them posted by this weekend. If not then it will have to wait until after christmas (cause I will have to get a camera for xmas).

Oh, well... I happen to have a camera... I could come down and take your bird er.... take pictures of your bird for you:whistle:

12-20-2006, 08:27 AM
Oh, well... I happen to have a camera... I could come down and take your bird er.... take pictures of your bird for you:whistle:

My camera takes great pics.

And my camera bag is big enough to smuggle a lovie in.... :whistle:

12-24-2006, 12:11 AM
Poor Reilly, having to worry about fidnapping cause he is sooo beautiful! lol
I have to brag about what he did today. I went up to his cage and stuck my lips out and made kissy noises and he actaully came up to the bars and gave me a kiss! I just about fainted! I was so proud of him that I made such a big deal that I think I scared him. :lol But I figured out he does like the kissy noises.

I do need to get him on Arizona time though because he is waking up all happy and (loud) in the morning and disturbing mommas beauty sleep (and I need it!)

I hope all have a very merry christmas and a happy new year.


12-24-2006, 06:06 PM
Both of my boys that came from Jeanette love to give momma kisses! :D

Glad to hear that he's doing well. Merry Christmas! :)