View Full Version : birdie bathing.

12-19-2006, 12:06 PM
yesterday i noticed that my little ruby was plunging her face into her water dish and shaking the water all over herself. so i brought out the squirt bottle i use on my budgies and misted her for a little bit. it was so much fun and i think she really liked it. :clap: birdies are so cute when they are wet! i wish i had pictures!

anyhoo: i did it again today to see if she would be interested again and she kind of just sat there while i did it... not quite as enthusiastic as she seemed yesterday. so it got me wondering how often i should do something like this. do they need to be bathed everyday?

12-19-2006, 12:12 PM
Hello, I offer a bird bath to my birds every couple of days. If I notice they are not bathing themselves, then I mist them. Hope this helps.

12-19-2006, 12:15 PM
Most birdies don't bath everyday. I think the general rule is somewhere round twice a week, but some bird like to bath more some like to bath less. as long as she's not smelly or dirty follow her cues as to how often she wants to bath. My Cooper baths bout once a week, but I've read about birds on here who really love to bath. It's all a matter of what the bird enjoys. They also need to bath more when they molt as the water helps soften the feathers and helps the itchiness.

12-19-2006, 01:18 PM
kiwi decided when he wants to bathe, which is usually twice a week. It took a while for him to show interest when I first got him, and then one day, I was washing dishes in the sink. He climbed down using the dish rack into the sink, and splashed around until he was soaked. (i always make sure to put the stopper in the drain before he goes down) Keep offering her opportunities to bathe, (shower, sinks, your hands cupped together with the water running, misting,) and Ruby will probably decide what she likes best. ;) Good luck!!!

12-19-2006, 02:21 PM
alright awesome! thanks for the advice and the suggestions!


12-19-2006, 04:38 PM
Beetle's bath of choice is his water dish -- go figure, right? Sometimes I'll walk by his cage after I've washed dishes in the sink or taken a shower, only to find him sopping wet. I guess he gets inspired?

There have been times when I've noticed Beetle bathing once a day. Now that the weather is colder I don't see him doing so very often.


12-19-2006, 06:34 PM
My little Joey climbs down my arm while I'm washing dishes, or washing my hands. This is my clue that he is ready for his shower/bath.

12-19-2006, 09:03 PM
Ditto loves to take baths in my hands under the sink faucet. I'll just make a pool in my hands and he'll soak in there with the water running on his back. We do that every sunday while we clean his cage. During the week he waits for me to put fresh water in his dish when I get home from work, then he dives in so I have to change it again. :rofl:

12-19-2006, 09:36 PM
Melli has been taking a bath in my hands almost since I got her in July but Sham took his first real bath this morning. I let them free every morning while I am giving them fresh food and water. I was letting the water run and Melli was perched on my hands and getting a drink and then bathing when Sham jumped into the fray and then he couldn't get enough! I was so excited and proud of him for taking a chance and trusting me. It was a wonderful way to start my day.

12-20-2006, 01:41 AM
Finny does not like to bathe at all. I have tried showering with him, putting him in sink (bathroom and kitchen) and putting water in a pie pan for him. He acts like I am trying to kill him if I put him anywhere near water.

On the few occations he decides he want to bathe he will do it in his water dish. He flaps around gets a tiny bit wet and thinks he has accomplished something great. I do occationally have to mist him. He does not really care for it but when he is a dirty birdie he needs it.

Reilly on the other hand jumped into his water dish about 5 minutes after we put him in his cage after his flight from Georgia. He got nice and wet and seemed to really enjoy it. I am hoping he will inspire Finny to improve his hygene :-)

12-20-2006, 08:34 AM
My older bird, Oliver, only dipped his head in his water bowl but because he had an area around his vent that was itching, I took Shy's advice and gently held him in a sink full of water. I was careful not to let water get above his neck. I did this any time I saw him dunking his head in his bowl and that was usually 2 times a week. Now that the other two lovies have joined our family, Oliver understands how to jump in the large bath bowl with them. :D He watched them bathe and figured out that it was OK to jump into the bowl and get wet all over. Thanks to those two I rarely have to put Oliver in the sink anymore. :D They've taught him so much about how to be a real lovebird! :happy:

12-23-2006, 01:05 PM
Mikey hates being squirted, misted... if he can't dive into a pool of water, he usually rubs against his water bottle nozzle.

Such a dainty little guy :lol

12-23-2006, 05:06 PM
Ditto also likes to take a shower through the screen door during thunderstorms. :eek: He'll puff up and spread his wings and get soaked. Of course he's on my shoulder at that point so I get soaked too. If I try to close the door he flies to the screen and hangs on so I have to leave it open.:rolleyes: