View Full Version : Has anyone ever experienced this?

12-23-2006, 08:45 PM
OK, so I recently added a GCC, Mijo, to my flock. It seems that my little lovebird Sophie is completely in love with him. Sophie is always trying to preen Mijo, and reguritate food for him. The problem is, the feeling is certainly NOT mutual. If I am not in direct supervision of them both during out of cage time, Sophie would be severely injured for sure.

My question is, do you think Sophie will grow out of this when his (yes his) advances are continually rebuffed? I am definitely 2nd banana to the conure now, which is sort of sad :(

Oh if it helps, Sophie is almost 2 years old and Mijo is 3 years old. Thanks for reading :)

12-23-2006, 08:59 PM
What will happen can be difficult to predict. Mijo may decide that that little "twit" of a lovebird might make a good playmate but I, personally, would not hold my breath. It's better to be surprised than to be disappointed because you were expecting it to happen. Friendships are made over time so there might be some hope.......

It's best that all out of cage time is strictly supervised. You definitely don't want any serious or severe injuries.

12-24-2006, 12:43 AM
I have a year and a half old slate masked lovebird named Olive. She thinks she's a Meyer's parrot and is totally in love with our Meyer's Cookie. She has been this way since she was a little baby and her admiration has grown stronger over time. Unfortunately, Cookie is not at all interested in her and he tries to ignore her advances and attempts at being friends. Luckily Cookie mostly ignores Olive but there are times when he just can't take anymore and will nip at her. He doesn't really try and hurt her, he justs needs some room. Olive suffocates him and is always about an inch from whever he is. It's actually funny in a weird way cause most of the time Cookie acts like he doesn't even see her. I guess each case is different but I really wouldn't bet they'll ever be friends and if Mijo has already tried to hurt Sophie I would keep them apart as much as possible. I would also guess the more Sophie hounds Mijo the more irritated he'll get with her.

Good Luck

12-24-2006, 11:44 AM
Thank you both for your insight. Something else I noticed is that they both enjoy being near each other while in their seperate cages, and they contact call to one another when not in the same room. It just seems that Mijo goes for Sophie's toes when Sophie gets to close to him while out of the cage. I will just have to respect the boundaries Mijo has set for their relationship and have more seperate out of cage time.

Oh and Laura, I LOVE Meyers parrots. If I decide to get another birdie, that will definitely be the one.