View Full Version : Scared of New Perch

12-27-2006, 10:32 AM
I bought Bailey this perch as one of his Christmas presents.


I thought he would love all of the toys that are attached to it, but he's scared of it! I put it in his cage and he will not stand on it. There is a treat holder on the perch and I've put millet and Nutriberries in it, and he does take the treats. I've also stood on side of the cage where I have perch and tried to coax him to that side of the cage so he would stand on the perch. He stood on the new perch for about two seconds until he realized where he was, and then climbed back to his main perch.

I've noticed that he's been cuddling a lot in his cozy corner and I've noticed he's more nippy when he's out of the cage. I'm not sure if it's due to being afraid of the perch or if it's just coincidence.

Any suggestions on what I can do to make Bailey NOT afraid of the new perch, or should I just take the perch out of his cage?


12-27-2006, 10:37 AM
Hey Alyssa,

Before you actually put the perch in permanently, try playing with it outside of the cage. When you have Bailey out, pick up the perch, and show him all the toys, treat holder etc.... and show him how "good" it is. When he decides to start exploring it, then try putting it back in the cage.

It does look like an awesome perch, and I'm sure given time, Bailey will love it:)

12-28-2006, 12:45 AM
Ditto (not the birdie boy) to what Lori said. I have to lay things outside near the cage for several days, then I place it on top a few days and see if they approach it before I put it inside the cage. Doesn't matter if it is a new snack, toy or perch...they must think anything new is an alien enemy or something. "It's ALIVE and in my house, screeeeeech!" lol :rofl:

12-28-2006, 01:10 AM
Holy cow, one look at that perch and I'm scared of it too. :omg:

12-28-2006, 07:14 AM
Holy cow, one look at that perch and I'm scared of it too. :omg:

:D.....I have to agree! It looks more like an object than a perch.:whistle:

12-28-2006, 01:10 PM
LOL You guys...
When we started carrying these perches at my work, I right away ordered 4 of them, 1 for each cage.
Abbey screeched at hers for a week, Scooter and Beaker demolished their 'hangy' things on it, Blue and Cinny shredded what they could and built a nest in the corner of their cage, and GEorge and Dawn stared at it all day, then slept on it at night.
Each birdie is different and it might take some time for yours to approach the "UFO" (unidentified foreign object)
I sometimes will attach a new perch to the outside of the cage, rather than inside. Works 50/50:wink:
I like the ideas everyone is offering about you playing with the perch first...this always peaks a birdie's curiosity and might very well calm the fear for Bailey.
Good Luck !

12-28-2006, 07:55 PM
:D.....I have to agree! It looks more like an object than a perch.:whistle:

:evil: HA HA HA :evil:

I met up w/ some birdie-friends at Bird Paradise this past October. They host a Parrot-palooza event (store sale & fundraiser). They had a HUGE display of this perch and we all couldn't stop staring at it :p There were A LOT of laughs over that toy, that's for sure.

Back to being a grown-up... I've had good luck w/ Beetle in regard to introducing him to new perches and toys. He's pretty laid back about a new toy. If he's not sure what it is, he ignores it for a day or two. I've read that a lot of birds, esp. poicephalus parrots, can be quite put off by new toys and perches so introducing them to your lovie slowly can't hurt!
