View Full Version : what should i expect?

01-02-2007, 11:02 PM

I'm a proud owner of a baby lovie named Enzo and I’m in need of some advice!

I got Enzo at 4 weeks hand raised from a breeder that assured us that he was fully weaned. I have since learned that the earliest a love birds should be sold is 6 weeks! Anyways, he is now about 5.5 weeks (still has black on his beak) and is more then a handful to take care of! I love him dearly and really want to be the best I can to him but I’m so unsure of exactly how to do this!

When I first got him he was really cuddly but since he has become VERY VERY active...never staying long enough in one place to do more then give me a quick kiss! I guess my first question is.. is this normal?

Also he is not clipped so he fly's EVERYWHERE! I'm trying to train him to not fly to far away from me by picking him up, saying no and putting him in the cage every time he does this but its happening so often that I’m so tired! So I guess I’m wondering what extent can you train these birds? What have others done with there birds that fly around so much? I spend a great deal of time on my laptop and of course Enzo finds it just as exciting a toy as I. I think I have made a bit of progress getting him to stay off it but he still tests me out at least once every time he’s out of the cage. .. Can you train them not to go to certain things? Do I just have to be a lot more patient?
Are mirrors a good thing to give them or does it make them less interested in having you to connect with?? He is Obsessed with mirrors! Lastly when is the best age to get them clipped? Does everyone agree that this is the best solution in keeping your little birdie safe????

Any other tips would be great! I really want to make him the best little pet birdie he can be ( as well as making him happy! )


Natalie------->:p :confused:

01-02-2007, 11:12 PM
Hi Natalie and welcome to our community! :)
If I'm reading between the lines correctly, you are handfeeding Enzo, correct? Truthfully, if Enzo is flying that well, he's probably a bit older than 5.5 weeks. Baby lovebirds come out of the nestbox at about 6 weeks of age and, while they can fly/perch, they are not experts at it... :lol He may not be much older but I suspect that you could safely add 1 week to whatever you were told. Do you have any photos of Enzo? I'd like to see a view of his back/tail if it's possible.

At this age, baby lovebirds just want to explore! Hey! It's a big world out there and there's lots to see and get into! That's the mode he's in right now and that will change. Once he flies well, you can clip his flights if you want to do that. I usually suggest starting with 4-5 of the outside flights on each wing. That's usually enough to allow them limited flight, which is what you want.

Mirrors and lovebirds do not go together. Lovebirds form strong bonds with other lovebirds and they can also form the same kind of a bond with their own reflection.

01-03-2007, 01:53 AM
It sounds like Enzo is a normal healthy baby lovebird doing everything any lovie would do at this age:rotfl: .....Lovebirds are very active creatures and I really wouldn't punish him by putting him in his cage cause he really has no idea why he's being put in his cage nor will he stop flying around like a crazy thing. He's a lovebird and that's what they do8o ....You will notice a lot of behavior changes over the first year or two of Enzo's life and much of it is just part of the maturation process. Some of these times are fun and some are NOT......Now, people say you can train lovies but it's been much easier for me to just let them train me:x .

01-03-2007, 07:34 AM
NO MIRRORS! hehe That is the 1st mistake I made with my 6 month old lovie when I brought him home and it didn't take long for him to bond with the mirror and completely ignore me. hehe although I admit it was cute to watch him try and feed the birdie in the mirror. :happy: Love birds are very smart but very strong willed as I'm discovering. The most important thing I've learned in the 2 months since I got my lovie is to observe your bird closely. Learn as much about your baby and lovebirds in general as you can. Each lovie has it's own personality and is unique but there are some typical lovie traits like be'n playful and very active. I've found that by learning my birds personality it's helped me think up better ways to train him and teach him whats acceptable behavior. By learning typical lovebird traits it helps keep me from freaking out when he goes through a new phase and getting discouraged. (There is some comfort in being able to tell yourself "this is just a phase" when your lovebird has bit you for the 7th time that day :x ) Lovebirds go through many phases as they mature their 1st year and their behaviors are constantly changing and developing until then. Most of all be patient and loving. Some birds come around slowly but I think even the most trying lil lovies can feel when their owner is loving and well meaning. Oh and another thing I learned when your or your bird is frustrated with one another put the baby back in his safe cage and walk away calm down and try again later. They can feel when your frustrated and well I've found it only makes my birds behavior worse. My lovies behavior has changed in very small amounts over the weeks so it would be easy to not notice progress. One last thing. The great thing about lovies are that they DO have huge personalities and well there are some issues that YOU will have to give a little on and accept your birdie for who he/she is. Good luck with the baby and welcome to the forum! Keep us updated!:grouphug:

01-03-2007, 09:28 AM
Welcome to the club! As you can see by me original post Billy has been going through big changes. When I got him as a baby I wrote the Forum becasue he wouldnt eat and then wouldnt eat vegtables and now he's doing the humping....He loves me dearly and if he's not on my shoulder he jumps down from his cage and finds me but now I seem to be playing second fiddle to the curtains. My problem now is everyone ways to keep the area clean but I cant wash my curtian everyday so that is my next problem. I am trying to find something else he can do "the thing:" with. Billy is the sweetest (with me only) and kisses me every chance he gets. I would suggest the wing clipping just until he learns his place in your home. Billy used to bite and then all I had to do is put him on the floor and say no bite and then after a few minutes pick him up and he didnt bite. Simple as that. He also likes my left hand but not my right only when Im sitting in my recliner...go figure..I've had billy for about 5 months and he has changed so much in that time I am always wondering what he will do next...Enjoy your little guy!

01-03-2007, 10:20 AM
Hi Everyone!

01-03-2007, 10:30 AM
Hi Everyone!
Thanks so much for all your quick responses! I'm so excited to have a community to talk to! I really feel like a confused new parent over here!

So to summarize what I have learned;
1) Love birds at this young age will always want to fly and explore and I should just allow this to happen with close supervision.
2) He will relax a bit through the year and spend more time in one place
3) I will remove all the mirrors in his life ASAP
4) Wing clipping is okay and I will do so as soon as possible!
5) I can train him not to bite with persistence

Let me know if I'm wrong about any of the conclusions.... and thanks again so much!

Just two more questions... do you know if I can let him hang out on my houseplants? (I have a lot)
Did you guys say then that with persistence I could train him not to go on certain things such as my very expensive laptop that he truly enjoys using as a bathroom!

Oh, you guys said that mirrors were a definite no but my biggest problem is I have a fireplace mantel that he is constantly flying to because the wall behind it is all mirrored and I cant take that down! If I keep telling him to not go there will he learn or is it doomed because it’s a mirror and he is in love with his reflection!!!


01-04-2007, 10:14 AM
Yep, you got it right.

Several members have birdies that are intrigued by computers...what wonderful nooks and crannies to play peekaboo in while fidparent is at the computer. I keep a check box full of little toys to distract my lovies...like tiny dumbbells, cat balls, rings, leather chews, etc.

Suggestion: Rather than take down the mantel mirror, put up a decorative trim molding across the bottom of the mirrored panel that is tall enough for Enzo not to see over.