View Full Version : I just love love love my lovies!!

01-04-2007, 12:16 PM
Well its been a month since I brought Mimi and Mango home, and everything has been going really well. They are coming out of their shell so to speak, and I am noticing new and wonderful things about their personalities every day. Mango is a flirt, and Mimi is extremely shy. They love swinging and chewing on their swing, and they are just so adorable when they groom each other even though ocassionaly they will have a lover's spat. They aren't 100% comfortable with me yet, but they don't fly around the cage in fear when I clean it.

Other than them becoming more familiar with me (which we still have more work to do) I made two changes that I think made them more comfortable. First, we put them in a different room. They do see us alot and get alot of interaction, but is quite especially at night. They aren't excited about strangers, so its also nice that we can close the door and leave them alone when company comes over. Another big improvement is that I started covering the cage when I vacuum. I am sure they still hate it...but they don't freak out as much as the did before.

Oh and before they didn't even eat treats.....now they do, and even study my every move when I open the snack bags :)

I just love my lovies!!!

01-04-2007, 12:43 PM
That's great! Thanks for the update. It's really neat to see their little personalities develop, isn't it?

My lovies enjoy having their own room, too. It helps with out-of-cage time, because there are no other pets lurking about!

01-04-2007, 02:10 PM
you are officially addicted to lovies. It doesn't take long - they find their way into our hearts with thier chirps, snuggles and personalities. :happy: You already sound like you are good lovie parent, and with patience, the bond gets stronger.

Kiwi also has his own room, (he is a 2 year old peachie) one that we are in a lot, (and to be honest, he is a velcro birdie and spends most of his time in my hand or on my shoulder :rofl: )but at night, he has his own space to chill.

01-04-2007, 04:03 PM
Sounds like great progress, Natalie! :D One month is very little time, imagine what you'll be posting after six months!!! :D It does take time and although we say that over and over (and over!) again, it's sometimes hard to remember that when a new owner is so anxious to have interaction with their little feather butts. I think you're doing a good job and allowing them learn to trust you slowly but surely and on their own time table. Good for you! :clap:

01-04-2007, 07:41 PM
Waaay to go, girl! You're doing great and I'm so glad to hear that things are progressing well. I think that is the biggest stumbling block - so many people buy a bird and expect it to perform like instant oatmeal. Keep us posted on their progress. :happy:

01-04-2007, 07:57 PM
You are doing a GREAT job with Mango and Mimi!

And I can related to how much your LOVE your lovies! I don't know how I have avoided bringing home more... I am so in love w/ my Beetle-brat. I'm sure that Mango & Mimi bring a lot of joy.

Best of luck,


01-05-2007, 07:42 PM
Thanks for all the replies....I am trying very hard to be patient. I am normally very patient but sometimes it can be hard...I am already so attached to them so its hard to see that they quite feel the same way just yet. They are so cute....when they cheep and play around I just want to kiss them on their little heads...but if I did that now I would scare the pooh pooh out of them :P So I wait. Slow and steady seems to be our pace.....I have several perches..and they tend to stay on the one at the top of the cage. I think that perch makes them feel safe. But for the past two days Mango will hop on the perch closest to the door and look at me. If I open the cage he just looks at the open door and cheeps but doens't do much. I hope eventually he will come out to pay me a vist.

Its nice to know you guys are just as interested in lovies as I am. I tell my friends and family about them....but I think they are getting a bit tired of hearing how cute I think they are :P

01-05-2007, 08:14 PM
Oh yes, we are interested! And then some! :D It is nice to find a group who shares your addiction isn't it? :lol

You are doing great, really! I never had to take it slow and easy and when I give that advice, I wonder how *I* would have taken that same advice! :whistle: All three of mine were very tame when I got them and all I had to work on was a bond/trust which is very easy compared to what you are dealing with but you can do it and you are well on your way! I applaud your efforts and progress! :clap:

01-05-2007, 08:17 PM
That's great news!! Louie and I became friends within a week, but the bond between us has gotten stronger in the year that I'v had him. Currently, he is stationed in my bedroom as we are trying to move(and noone else in my family likes his 'squawking'). I am sooo hooked on lovies. Louie is just a doll!:) I just wish bird toys weren't so darn expensive!;)
A slow and steady pace will win the race. You are doing an excellent job, not rushing and all. The best thing you did was put them in a room that can be quiet when you have company, but is usually occupied by the family.
Keep us posted on your progress!