View Full Version : Be QUIET!!!!!!

01-06-2007, 11:02 AM
Oh my gosh! So I'm getting new cages for Daisy and Clover that won't fit into the closet which is where I currently put their cages into for the night. Don't worry, it's a walk in.

But that was a last resort.

I've tried cage covers, telling them to be quiet, calling back to them, laying still and barely breathing so I don't make a noise but nothing has worked. It has to be absolute darkness or they're start screeching. Hense the closet.

I don't mind it so much because I've learned to put a pillow over my head during naps but nobody else in the house appreciates the noise at sunrise, or even in the middle of the night b/c they still won't be quiet! >:

So the closet option will soon be out and I have no idea what to do. Help?!

I forgot to say I don't have an extra room to put them into upstairs. Downstairs isn't an option b/c they'll still screech.

I thought I could keep their smaller cages but one of them is too big to keep out, I had a spare small cage that my dad threw out and also I don't want to force them out of their big cages everynight especially if one of them is in a mood and doesn't want to cooperate.

01-06-2007, 06:07 PM

The smaller night time cages would work well. We have many people here who have a different night time cage, and it works very well for them.

The only other option would be to get thick, dark cage covers. It will help them to stay a little quieter in the mornings, but of course they are birds, and they are supposed to be up with the sun. Drawing the blinds, or closing out as much light as you can will help too.

Buy A Paper Doll
01-06-2007, 10:47 PM
Yeah, my birds don't get that they're supposed to sleep for 12 hours a night, either.

Some days they sleep through ANYthing - for example, New Years Eve at midnight, my birds did not make a peep in spite of half of the neighborhood setting off fireworks in their lawns. Other days, the sound of someone rolling over in bed in the next room will set them into a chirping frenzy. If it sounds like they're making contact calls in the dark, I'll call back with "Shh, it's still sleepy time" or "It's OK birdies" and they usually settle back down. Usually.

01-07-2007, 12:49 AM
I'll take morning chirping over being bitten in the toe by an African Grey to knock me out of a dead sleep:rotfl: :rotfl: .

I like the nighttime cage idea. It may be rough in the beginning but once you have a routine they should be okay with it. It will also be a lot easier to let them have a cozy at night since they have different day cages, and a cozy in the cage makes so snuggly and lovies love it.

Good Luck

01-07-2007, 08:27 AM
Oy, I've got to replace that small cage my dad has done away with then.

I don't know about that bite in the toe preference. MY preference is I would take the bite over the noise, as long as the bite's quiet of course. :P

01-07-2007, 08:44 AM
Oy, I've got to replace that small cage my dad has done away with then.

I don't know about that bite in the toe preference. MY preference is I would take the bite over the noise, as long as the bite's quiet of course. :P

Take her word for it! Lovie chirp over a Grey's bite anytime!:rofl: :rofl:

01-07-2007, 12:08 PM
Mikey's never been an "early bird", he usually doesn't make any noise until he sees someone pass his cage in the morning. Thank bird for that :lol
Anyway, they have something internal they use to sense morning. My suggestion is to find a small "sleep" cage and only have two perches and water/food dish. No toys, no nothing. This way it's really a cage to relax in.
It'll fit in the closet too. Maybe even offer millet and a quiet time snack?

If not, why not find time right before bedtime to let them out and blow off some extra energy? I've had to chase Mikey to get him to fly... apparently, he only uses flight as a last resort to getting where he wants to be :wink: or when he doesn't feel like being in the cage.

Lovies in the wild would fly many, many miles a day to find food, water and such, so extra energy needs to be zapped with foraging and mental stimulation. Hope this helps...

01-07-2007, 05:02 PM
Trixie Has a big Mansion cage for day and a little starter cage for nighty night time. He really likes having both. He loves his little nighty night cage!

I have 2 covers for his nighty night cage. One is soft and long and the other is a dark towell. I use both.

WHen I put him to bed, I leave the long one a little opn in the lower corner in front of his food tray, so he can snack. Then he gets on his perch and goes to sleep. When I goto bed I close his cover and he says night to me and I say night to him.

He then doesnt stir usually until its time to get up :)

01-08-2007, 02:49 PM
Cooper's pretty good at night. One night we kept eachother up all night though. I think I kept tossing and she would let out a little "peep?", I just remember waking up feeling like I got no sleep and she was kinda cranky too.

There was also a commercial that would consintantly play during a show we watched around 11:30 pm that had a chirping bird. We would always wait for the single chirp from the bedroom :)

01-08-2007, 04:27 PM

In reading your post, what concerns me most is the 'screeching'. You may need to determine why they are doing this. Do they have enough time out of their cages; is their diet good; are they on a schedule; are they content......?
To give you an overview of our evening. At around 7 pm, I let the birds out, (for the third time that day). I then wipe down the cages. They are out for about 30 minutes. Once the cages are clean, I put in fresh water and their daily seed/pellet mixture. (They only receive seed/pellets before bedtime, during the day they eat veggies and grains). As soon as they see the seed cups they return to their cages. They eat for a half hour. I then cover them and they sleep for 10-12 hours. I do not hear a peep out of them until about 8 AM. Hope this helps a little.