View Full Version : how/why did you get your lovie(s)

01-06-2007, 12:08 PM
Hey all!
I was just curious to see either how you received your loveis, or when you knew you wanted lovies.

I first saw (and knew I wanted one) a lovebird when I saw "The Birds" by Alfred Hitchcock. The Pair of lovies in the car were so cute, I knew I wanted one. Then, last year, one of my mother's friends mother (mother's friends mother.....I think that's right:roll:) had a pair of lovies with babies in the nest, and said I could take one when they were old enough. Therefore I now own Louie. When I first got him, I thought he was very clever and funny, so I named him after Lou Costello. Now we all call him Louie.:clap:

:happy: Can't wait to hear your stories!!!:happy:

01-06-2007, 12:27 PM
Hmmmm, quite by accident!:rolleyes:

My oldest son was in college in Charleston, SC and a friends daughter was just starting her freshman year there. They offered to take a package to my son when they took their daughter and I went by their house to drop it off. My friend asked me if I'd like to have a lovebird who belonged to the daughter leaving for college. I asked, "what's a lovebird?" and then went up to Laura's room and met "Giggles", her normal peachie. I had no pet bird experience and told them I'd like to think about it for a few days. They were leaving for Charleston the next morning and would be gone for a week but said that "Giggles" would be fine left alone for that long. I found this forum and immediately learned that it is not OK to leave a bird alone (no fresh food or water) for that period of time so I called them (they were already in Charleston), got their garage door code and went after my boy! I changed his name to "Oliver" and let me tell you, I was so lucky to have found such a sweet and loving little bird. He came to me tame and within a few months we formed a strong bond and trust. Laura still drops by a couple of times a year for a visit and he obviously remembers her. The last time he was less cozy with her but I think that is because somewhere in the back of his mind he's afraid she take him with her when she leaves. :D Laura is a wonderful young woman but was clueless about good bird care and her parents had no interest in her birds or other pets. Oliver really did hit the lotto when I adopted him. We both got lucky that day and it was nothing more than me being in the right place at the right time.

I've had animals, dogs and/or cats, all my life but my relationship with Oliver and my other two lovies is very different from anything I could have imagined. Who knew how much fun and what a great companion they could be? Because I adored Oliver so much, I just had to have two more! :D

Funny thing about the movie, "The Birds".....I was watching it about a year ago and even though I'd seen it many times before, that was the first time I realized that the lovebirds were little normal green peachies. :D Just like my Oliver!

01-06-2007, 12:35 PM
Even though you see the lovies for only-I dunno- maybe 5 minutes max. throughout the whole movie, I knew I wanted one. But now that I have Louie, I know they are MUCH more sweeter and loveable in real life. I love hearing stories like yours, Janie-rescue stories. We prefer rescued animals because they learn to love you all the more if you don't try to rush them. YOu have to earn their trust. Whether they were misused, abused, or just lived in an unhealthy habitat, theyll thank you for the rest of their lives.

01-06-2007, 01:15 PM
Squeaky (Pied Green Peachie hen) was my first lovebird and I found her at a flea market in 1991. An owner had given her to a vendor to sell for $20.00, bird plus cage. Apparently she had been at the flea market for about a week and no one wanted her. Her cage had not been cleaned for at least that long and her cage was put in a shed at night because the vendor didn't want to take her home! I was absolutely furious, gave him a $20.00 bill and was bound/determined that this lovie would have a better life with me than she had with her former owner. Before I left the flea market, Squeaky was in a brand new cage and her old one ended up in a garbage can!

So started my life as being owned by a lovebird!!!!!

01-06-2007, 01:21 PM
I got my two kind of the same way. My neighbor wanted hand tame birds and got Sunny and Apollo at a bird fair. Well the breeder misled her, because Sunny wasn't hand tame AT ALL, and Apollo only slightly. I take care of her vast assortment of animals when she's away (she breeds dogs and has a farm - horses, sheep, etc) and so I got to know Sunny and Apollo. I just adored Apollo - he would take a seed from my hand. They were being fed an all seed diet and were in a small, round cage. They seemed very scared and not at all happy.

Because they weren't hand tame, my neighbor decided to rehome them and get different birds that were hand tame. She asked me if I wanted them and I jumped at the chance! Not to pat myself on the back or anything, but they are much better off now - nice big cage, their own room, good diet and lots of toys. And oh yeah - out-of-cage time!! I renamed them Bubble and Squeak.

01-06-2007, 02:36 PM
I adopted Tiki two years ago from a friend who said he was noisy, took too much time to take care of, got into stuff and was naughty (typical parrot type stuff which he wasnt prepared for when owning a pet!) I fell in love with Tiki, and lovebirds in general.

He and his mate, Cherry (I purchased her last fall) are always happy, always happy to see me, and have been such a joy to have around. Oh, I left out entertaining, as I am sure all of you lovebird people would agree! I had never had a bird before Tiki, but now I know I will always have a lovebird in my life!

01-06-2007, 04:06 PM
My mom was in a nursing home last year around October 2005-November 2005 and in the lobby of the nursing home they had 2 lovebirds in this most wonderful cage. I went daily to visit my mom and I had to spend time upon arriving & leaving the nursing home with those 2 adorable lovebirds. I knew right then and there that I wanted one, but had to wait until the right time. For Christmas 2005 when my youngest daughter asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I told her a book on lovebirds. We were living in an apartment while our house was being built so I had to wait until I could get my lovebird.

Today my dream came true and I now own my own lovebird, Charlie, a blue mask. He is adorable even if he is still scared to death of me. :D

01-06-2007, 04:42 PM
I love hearing all of these different stories!! Seems like a lot of people received them from friends or rescued them from bad owners. That's really neat!

01-06-2007, 09:17 PM
I was just supposed to be babysitting Ditto for a few weeks while my girlfriend went to school. We hit it off great right from day one.

She finished school and got a job so Ditto went home again. That lasted about 2 days and she called me and asked if she could bring him back, he didn't like her anymore unless he was in my house. She's gone and he's still here 3 years later happier than ever. :rotfl:

Buy A Paper Doll
01-06-2007, 10:10 PM
Milo was a pet store bird and he was love at first sight. After much research I had decided that I wanted to get a lovebird. I had the cage, I had the toys, but no lovebird. I had been on a waiting list with a breeder for months, but when I went to the store where the breeder worked, I saw Milo and that was that. I literally pulled my credit card out on the spot and waved it at the first store employee who walked by, gushing that I just HAD to have that lovebird.

Melody came from a bird show after I decided that Milo needed a feathered friend to hang out with during the day, while I was at work. As it turned out, Linda was going to the same bird show and she was kind enough to meet me there and walk around with me. She knew what mutation I was looking for, and we went up and down every aisle until we found Melody. Linda inspected Mel from beak to toes, talked to the breeder (asked the questions I didn't have enough experience to ask) and gave her approval. :) I remember I got to meet Barb the same day. Hard to believe, that was almost 2 years ago!

01-07-2007, 11:55 AM
I got Mikey after my first lovie pasted away... it was about six months later when the bird mart came back to Forest Park Farmer's Market. I was still sad and thought maybe seeing some happy chirpy babies would hepl me get over losing my first lovie ( who was Mikey #1 )

I really wasn't going to get a second lovie, just wanted to see some babies before I had to go to work that night. I saw this little peachface in a cage and it followed me from one cage corner to the other when I passed by. :confused: I kinda teased it by walking past again and it kept running back and forth in the cage. :lol The woman was busy talking to a couple about handfeeding, so her husband ( with bad arthritis ) asked if I wanted to see the baby. I popped my hand inside and the little booger hopped right on my hand... needless to say, Mikey's ( the 2nd) been my little baby terrorist ever since.

01-07-2007, 12:43 PM
I got Blu from a pet store. I had lost my dear Sam a year before that and thought I would never get another bird. I was heart broken when I lost Sam. She had been with me for 10 years.

Then I met Cindy ( Bomom) and she showed me a picture of Bo. I fell in love all over again and I was going to get a yellow bird from a breeder. Same as where Bo came from. I was on a waiting list when I walked into a pet sotre and saw little Blu in a cage with two other huge peach face lovies. She was surrounded, had her eyes closed wings half opened and her little beak titled up and she was singing for all it was worth! I immediately fell in love! Pulled out the credit card and on our way home we were.

14 months later, we walked into another petstore and had to rescue Phoebe. That was on April 11 on last year. We were not planning on having another bird but this little one really needed us. By the way, Phoebe comes from the same breeder as Bo. So with a twist of fate, I did end up with a yellow bird from that breeder.:)

01-07-2007, 01:27 PM
Friday came to me by way of my husband's sister who had rescued a pair of lovies from someone who was going to "throw them away." She had other birds so only had room for one, and I got the other one...so Friday entered our lives. As soon as we got him home, I sat down at the puter and did some websearching and joined the board (then on EZboard.) We've had Friday now for about three+ years and I'm still in love with him. Such a character.

I had been considering getting Friday a feathered friend of his own, and after finally talking my husband into it, I moved quickly on that approval :lol Eric (Keltoth) lives conveniently near us here in Utah, so when I went over to browse and admire his flock, I wound up coming home with a new lovie. We named her Sonnet at first, but my daughter only would call her "Baby" and it stuck.

01-08-2007, 03:04 PM
We stopped at a store to check out the corals and fish, but had to walk by the birds on the way to the fish section. I had met one little peachfaced in the past and loved the colours and that he would sit on all our shoulders, but I was a cat person then. Well the hubby's allergic to cats and the fish aren't cuddley - although Cooper isn't either :p

Of course in hindsight, I would not go about buying a bird on the spur of the moment again, but glad that Cooper ended up with us and not someone who would neglect her.

01-08-2007, 04:24 PM
I love these stories!

01-08-2007, 06:05 PM
I don't care what people say, most pet stores I know are :evil: when it comes to birds. Not all....just most. :p I've seen so many birds that would just break your heart, but I've only been allowed to buy one that was being mistreated. I want to volunteer in a pet store next year (yay 14 yrs.:roll: )if I get the chance. A lot of people don't really know what their doing, as long as they make a profit. OK. I don't care if anybody talks about other pets besides lovies now. When I got my second finch, Finian, He was sitting in a big breeder cage with maybe 10 other finches. Both of his feet are deformed, and he couldn't perch on any of the food/water dishes or perches because of the competition. All he could do was flap around on the bottom of the cage, hoping, wishing....I had to buy him or else:evil:!!!! So, I got him (half off to boot!) And now he is a very happy little guy with a gal (even if she is a different species) and everything.

01-08-2007, 07:44 PM
I was supposed to get a lovie with some sort of leg issue once I was settled into the dorms at college (housing allowed small birds and fish). I had been volunteering at a local wildlife refuge and a fellow volunteer had known that I was thinking about a bringing a budgie home (she tried to steer me towards 'tiels). I can't recall the exact circumstances but someone she knew had two baby lovebirds from a clutch w/ leg issues (I *think* splay legs). The vol. offered to take in one (she was going to name it Jellybean) and said that she's ask me. I offered to take in the other bird (I thought JuJuBe would be the perfect name, to stick with the candy theme) but another home was found for it.

That was back in 1993. I did get a budgie (and later 2 more) while in college. I didn't have birds for several years and in 2005, decided that I wanted to share my home with a small parrot again. I first thought about a Senegal, then budgies, had my heart set on a parrotlet... but for some reason, I kept searching for info about lovebirds. I found a reputable breeder locally and cooresponded w/ her for a few days. One Sunday I went over to meet a wee orange-faced green peachie and came home with him that night (yes, I did have a cage ready!).

Beetle has been with me since October of 2005 and I'm all the happier for it. We have our issues (he won't step up from his cage but will from the floor or couch; is relatively quiet except when I want to sleep it -- hee hee) but honestly? I can't think of a better companion.


01-09-2007, 12:21 AM
After the loss of a beloved sparrow we were looking at birds at a local pet store. On the bottom shelf of rows of finches was a little lovebird. She looked very sweet but was extremely scared of us. Her cage was clean and she had good food but it was dark with no toys or companions. My husband didn't want a lovebird because he had a pair as a child that were noisy and mean. He now knows better:happy: . On a whim I decided to ask about her. They said she was hand fed but had gone wild when her companions left and they didn't have time to handle her. I assumed this meant she bit but I decided to have them take her out. She was terrified but never even attempted to bite. I had to have her and my husband knew how much I missed our other bird and didn't object. It took a few days but we finally decided that Celeste was a good name.

I would never recommend getting a bird without lots of research but I knew that I was willing to learn quick. Before we got home I had everything I needed for her and a book to learn. We had a cage but learned it was the wrong shape and had a new one immediately. The jack pot was when I found this site. It taught me what I needed to know about having a healthy happy lovebird. Today Celeste is very social and will perch on anyone. She also has never given us a hard bite. Amazingly if I tell her gentle she just nibbles. We were very lucky the day we found Celeste.

01-09-2007, 01:17 PM
My Dad wanted me to go to a birdfair one weekend and I went cause I had nothing to do. As soon as I walked in I fell in love with the little bird with the big personality. I did several months of research and bought Molly who was my first. I bought Daisy later thinking she would be a companion, but they did NOT like each other and still don't. A few months later I bought Piper. Piper & Daisy hit it off until I got Olivia. Then Daisy booted Piper right off her list and Olivia & Daisy have been paired since. A couple months after I bought Olivia, Molly befriended Piper and my boys are paired up. That's my story :clap:

01-09-2007, 04:00 PM
I have always loved birds...I used to have two parakeets, Pookie and Azul. When I didn't have any pets, I would always feed the birds outside...but eventually had to stop becuase of some squirrels would spend ALL day with their little heads in the feeder. Once they started peeing and marking their territory on my balcony I knew I had to take the feeders down.

My husband is a cat man, but I am extremely allergic...I sneeze like crazy and my face swells!!....too bad too because cats are great. Anyway, we are both in graduate school, I'll be 28 next month and have been thinking about having children....since we were are in no position to have kids at the moment, my husband who was not fond of birds bought me Mimi and Mango from a petstore as an early xmas present. He thought that would shut me up about having babies :P Its wonderful to have Mimi and Mango to take care of...it makes me happy and takes the away the stress that school often causes. I have had them for about six weeks and they are just precious. Mango is now eating millet spray while I am holding it. Mimi will protest but manages to sneak a few nibbles when she thinks I am not looking. :) And just recently I saw a cockatiel in a petstore that I just had to have...I call him Mo...or Momo when I sweet talk to him. Its only been three days and he is already eating out of my hand!

Lovies have soooo much personality. I have to admit I didn't know much about them when I got them....but after doing research, I still feel just as happy that I have them. They can get loud sometimes....but my birds are pretty moody...sometimes they are LOUD and other days not so much. But even when they are screaming like Banshees, I still love em'!!!!

So we are all one big happy family now....and I am happy to report, my husband who once said he hated birds enjoys watching them almost as much as I do.

Ozzie's Mom
08-17-2007, 12:53 PM
Ok ... I know this is an old thread ... but couldn't resist adding my story to it!
My "birdness" started late last year when my sister found a great deal on a couple of large-ish cages from a classified site online. Up until she told me about them I had no inclination to add a birdy to my zoo. But as soon as she said she had them... it was on! A month later and a million hours of research on suitable bird breeds and I had settled on a lovie. I found a great breeder in my area and brought home my first baby lovie, Beanie. When she was about 4 months old there was an accident with a puppy I was babysitting, and I lost her. I have to tell you it was the most heart-wrenching thing I have ever experienced. I still miss her more than I could tell you. I couldn't stand the silence in the house... especially when I came home and she wasn't there to call me. Soooooooo... a month later I found an ad for a baby blue-masked lovie. And without hesitation went to pick him up. I learned very quickly that "Ozzie" was not socialized very well, and it's taken the last couple of months for he and I to come to an understanding. I know he'll never be the sweet, cuddly bird Beanie was... but I adore him anyway, and have come to terms with the fact that he will likely always be a little bit "grumpy"! LOL
And here is where I came to my latest addition. "Shye" is a Pied Green/Yellow Peachfaced lovie who is two months old and has been with us for about 2 days. I can't say for sure that she'll be the last addition! ;) :rofl:

08-17-2007, 01:21 PM
This is an AWESOME thread!! I shall add my story in as well !!!!

Well I have always had an animal in my life, whether is was my Kitten Rizzo, or my beloved horse Webster, so when I moved out to Victoria, BC on my own with family, friends or animals with me, it was VERYhard to adjust and attempt being on my own.

This was over a year ago, and after living in places where I wasn't even allowed a gold fish, I finally moved to a house where I am allowed pets!!

I told my boyfriend I would like to get a bird ( I was really set on a budgie) and I spent over 2 weeks looking for the perfect budgie/parrot. After giving up on visiting petstores every day, I resorted to looking in my town's online Classifieds website and found DOZENS of lovebirds. Since I only had room for one lovie, I found the perfect one online. I went to check him out and fell in love.

And so home with me came Kirby!!!!!

Skittles came to me as a random purchase WHIM. I went back to the same private store where I had bought Kirby, and this time was looking for the "Cheerio Eyed" lovebirds as Chris (bf) has dubbed them. She unfortunately had none in the store, but still had the little (meanwhile she's MASSIVE) pink and yellow lutino lovie who was caged with Kirby originally.

And after Chris heard her ringing on my cell phone he told me to bring her home.

08-17-2007, 08:25 PM
i saw my kahlua first in the pet store. i finally convinced my dad to let me get one after one of my parakeets died of an illness. i looked at the pair of lovies they had and all i had to do what look at one and they would freak out and scream all over the cage. i wanted to get both of them but they were sort of expensive so i had to choose. it broke my heart to see the lady there grabbing the bird out of the cage and puting her in the cage i had got for her.
after this she was fairly easy to train considering she was soo scarred when i got her. i love her so much. i dont know what i would do without my little lovie:D

08-17-2007, 08:53 PM
Great stories! My story isn't quite as "epic" but it's still a story ...

Well ... here's what basically happened. I have had several virtual pets for a while, Tamagotchis. They are really nice to play with and are sweet and cool, but I knew I really wanted a REAL pet. I've owned Parakeets before, and soon after Breakfast I decided I wanted to have one again. I was a bit leery about telling my mom, because my father works shift-work, and he often has to sleep during the day ... so, a noisy bird probably wouldn't work out.

I talked to my mom about it, and she told me it would be better if I just got a Guinea Pig ... or something that didn't make noise. I completley understood, I didn't want my father to be interrupted during his sleep. Soo ... I did some research online about Parakeets ... Guinea Pigs ... Chinchillas ... and then, all of the sudden I saw a link for Love Birds. Love Birds?? I thought they were just for rich people to have as decoration basically! Boy I was wrong ... what a wonderful pet choice. I did TONS of research on them. Then I made my decision.

I kinda kept it secret until we went to the petstore that I was really after a Love Bird, not a Guinea Pig. Soo, we went to the Pet Store. This is a small Mom & Pop kinda pet store, and we knew the owners since they started their business, so I trusted them to own only healthy, lively animals. I went over to the guinea pig section ... NONE of them looked cute to me. I don't hate Guinea Pigs, I just didn't find any of them "pet" worthy. Plus, after I held one and it scratched me and pooped in my hand, and I saw the MASSIVE cage you need for one ... I confirmed that I did NOT want a Guinea Pig.

So, we went over to the Bird section. I looked around at all the parakeets, cockatiels, rare birds, and then saw the Love Bird section. I looked around at all the gorgeous birds within the small cage. I didn't want to select one that seemed very attatched to its mate. Then, center of the cage was a beautiful blue and teal lovebird. I told my mom I really wanted a lovebird ... :) She agreed it would be a good choice :D

I picked up a book in the store just to do some last minute research on Love Birds, and it confirmed that it would be OK just to own one lovie. So, they took the little bird out of its' cage ... rather roughly might I say. We got it a new cage that looks like a house, and purchased it. I asked the owners whether it was a boy or a girl ... they didn't know ><

So, I found myself referring it as a "she" and "her". I assumed she was a girl :) We tried to think of names, and my mother mentioned Lucy ... that was perfect. I love "I Love Lucy" and the name fit her perfectly.

Since that day that I took Lucy home, it has been a pleasure putting her on my shoulder, letting her perch on my finger, and explore the wonders of my room. She is a wonderful pet, and I am thankful that I chose her! I love Lucy :)

08-17-2007, 08:59 PM
My roommate really wanted a lovebird. We had looked around but no one had any. We ended up at a pet store and Kiko was the only friendly pied lovie in a enclosure with some grumply lutinos. My roommate thought she wasn't pretty, but to me she was a beautiful friendly bird. After a few weeks he didn't want her in his room anymore because she was too loud. That was almost 3 years ago, and my flock has steadily grown to 12 lovebirds (+ 3 babies) and 2 parrotlets.

It has become a relaxing system taking care of these little parrots (who think they are really big)! They bring so much joy to my life, I am in love!:happy:

08-17-2007, 09:28 PM
My story begins with my husband. We were having a discussion about pets and he mentioned that I always get whatever pet I want (I just love animals!). I told him if that were true there would be two lovebirds in a beautiful cage in our living room. Lucky for me my birthday was a week away. My husband is one of those shoppers that waits until the last minute and then frantically tried to figure out something that I would like. He normally misses the mark, but this time he knew just what to get me - two love birds!! It has been my favorite gift from him - something I've always wanted! Two beautiful Fischers. He was told they were two females, so I named them Lucy & Ethel. That was almost three years ago. I now have two additional...the babies of Lucy and Ethel (name now changed to Ricky!) named Izzy and Frankie. That's my story!


08-18-2007, 11:21 AM
Wow, what have you done! When I was a child playing outside, a lovebird was flying free apparently escaping his former home. My dad caught him and we housed him considering that he couldn't live on his own on Guam. His name was Polly and he was my mom's favorite little guy. When he died, it was such a tragedy. My mom swore to never have another lovebird because it would break her heart. 10 years later I adopted my sister's bunny because she never cared for him. He passed away playing in the yard when the neighbors dogs came out of nowhere and got the better of him. I visited the petstore with my girlfriend and I was remembering my rabbit as I looked at the baby dwarf bunnies and I heard something trying to get my attention. It was a cage of handfed baby lovebirds and they were all coming straight at me! I immediately fell. This is when I reserved Peaches for me. The store owner said it'll be a few more weeks before they're ready to go. I came to the store everyday to see her. She was a loner and all of the other birds grouped up. I was finally in time to get her and she made me the happiest pet owner ever. I didn't have much money and the cages here are somewhat expensive because I wanted her to have lots of space so I bought raw materials and custom made her cage checking and making sure everything was safe. Thus, now I have my bird fever and my mom's bird happiness is restored along with her broken heart.

08-20-2007, 02:18 PM
When I was really little...somewhere between 6-8 my mom told me for my B-Day she would get me lovebirds...well she never did! haha
And I never forgot it! I have had many dogs and cats over the years..my dog annie, who lives at home with my mom is 11 and my cat who came as a stray this summer is around 7 months...
My fiance and I just moved in together and our apt only allows caged animals..so I finally got my lovie for my birthday, 14-16yrs later! haha
I had been bugging him before, when he lived in TN and I lived on Campus that he could get me a bird and keep it at his apt and I would take care of it! Well almost 2yrs of convincing..and I have my baby. We found a breeder in WV (we are both from VA) who met us and let us see the babies, she emailed pics of the clutches and of my babies parents and grandparents...

Well 2 weeks ago, Jason and I were visiting home, and he kept acting weird about when he was driving back to the apt...because he had my baby with him and wanted to surprise me! What a good fiance!

08-23-2007, 04:39 AM
Hey all!
I was just curious to see either how you received your loveis, or when you knew you wanted lovies.

I first saw (and knew I wanted one) a lovebird when I saw "The Birds" by Alfred Hitchcock. The Pair of lovies in the car were so cute, I knew I wanted one. Then, last year, one of my mother's friends mother (mother's friends mother.....I think that's right:roll:) had a pair of lovies with babies in the nest, and said I could take one when they were old enough. Therefore I now own Louie. When I first got him, I thought he was very clever and funny, so I named him after Lou Costello. Now we all call him Louie.:clap:

:happy: Can't wait to hear your stories!!!:happy:
This is quite funny, because the "The Birds" movie played the same trick on me. I have found it so funny when the woman was driving quite aggressively and the birds were bending from left side to right and vice versa.

08-23-2007, 12:08 PM
i've always wanted lovebirds but had parakeets instead because that was what my daughter wanted... also didn't want to purchase from a pet store, we've always adopted our pets, except for our hamster, mickey, who passed away a few months ago. after a huge rescue close to where i live... i found out where all the birds had gone and filled out an application for any kind of birds that needed a home, but put lovebirds on the list... i got a call from the shelter that 2 lovebirds had been rescued from someone who wasn't taking care of them... they didn't even have names and he had them for about a year... so i drove up to voorhees and brought them home... i had no idea of the sex of the birds until gracie started laying eggs and now i have 5 beautiful babies who i am trying to find homes for...


Pips mom
08-23-2007, 01:14 PM
I saw an add on craigslist.com ----Pip's owner was giving him away with cage to a good home. He was a college student who worked and realized that he didn't have the time for Pip and wanted him to be somewhere where he could have more attention and time out of cage.
I responded to the add and told him I am a bird owner of two tiels, a bird lover, and gave the link to another forum I belong to so he could read my posts and see that I have a big interest in always learning about my birds and doing the best I can for them. He picked my email out of about 15 others that responded. When he came with Pip, he could see where we lived and meet my tiels, woody and boss, and could see that Pip would have a good loving home. We took Pip after only having tiels, which was kind of a shock! The tiels are so laid back and good and well behaved----and Pip, well, he is kind of a little monster in disguise! and kinda loud! but he seems very smart for such a little bird and he's adorable and we have adjusted to him being here nicely-----and amazing enough, the tiels tolerate him pretty well too----one of his favorite things to do is harrass them! lol
I didn't plan on a lovie----it just kinda happened! Now we have a little Pip! little cutie! and I amazed every day by his energy, curiousity, an adventurous little energizer bunny!

08-23-2007, 11:22 PM
I went into a pet store about 4 years ago and Mango was begging to come out...he hopped on my daughter's shoulder and gave her kisses...I wasn't sure who was happier, Mango or Mckenzie! I couldn't leave without him of course. And I have been lovebird crazy ever since. I believe I will always own at least one (or two, or three...) of these wonderful creatures for the rest of my life, and my young daughters feel the same way!

08-24-2007, 02:57 PM
I believe I will always own at least one (or two, or three...) of these wonderful creatures for the rest of my life...

Traci, I feel much the same way.

No matter what the future holds for me, I cannot imagine being without a lovie (or a budgie) ever again. They are both wonderful avian companions and I can't imagine not having them with me.

08-24-2007, 09:55 PM
With Haku, it was love at first sight. I originally went to the store to get a budgie, because my siblings wanted a birdie that they could tend to. I was just checking the budgies out, when I saw this beautifully coloured little bird all alone in the lovebird cage. He was the only one not paired up, and to me he was certainly the most striking. I didn't get a budgie, but my sweet Haku came home with me that day, and my life has changed for the better.

I also can't picture my life without my birds. I have converted to parrothood for life. :)

08-24-2007, 10:33 PM
This was a great thread idea! Its really cool reading how everybody got addicted :) My first lovebird, a pied seagreen peachface was a totally unplanned fid. I agreed to fid-sit for the people who gave me their Senegal and Mitred conure (now my senegal and mitred conure :) ). The first thing I did was open his cage door to let him out if he wanted. I turned around with my back to the cage to get or do something, I don't remember, but I heard this buzzing sound and felt something land on my back, it was Itty-Bitty! It was love after that. I'd never even considered getting a lovebird, let alone a third bird. Now I have three lovies. Would love another senegal or conure, but could never live without a lovie!