View Full Version : Potpourri Oil

01-08-2007, 05:54 AM
I would like to order some potpourri oil to scent my room, no I'm sorry, I meant Daisy and Clover's room.:lol

I know how dangerous this can be for them so I'm going to ask for the ingredients, what should I look for in them?

Or, maybe it would be better if I just posted them here for you guys to see? It's probably better this way since the first way would be a shot in the dark.

01-08-2007, 08:03 AM
Personally, I would not do it. I have no idea what oils would be safe, if any, or toxic. Just my :2cents:

01-08-2007, 12:26 PM
Never mind, I'm just going to go with a 100% natural essential oil (green apple if I can find it) with no other ingredients besides the green apple oil.

01-08-2007, 05:46 PM
Essentail oils are VERY expensive. I use them all the time on oil burners. We use 100% lavender, lemon grass, uhhhhh....what else..... there's something else we like to use, now what is it.....I dunno, my mom has all of the oils right now. I always use lavender in my room where I keep Louie and my finches (who are suppose to have weak immune systems) and it never bothers them as far as I know.

01-08-2007, 10:34 PM
Essential oils are expensive, but if you have a store in your area that sells products for making soaps, you can usually get essential oils from there at a lower price.

01-09-2007, 09:46 AM
I think I've found a place online. It's like 1.75 + 1. shipping for a dram. Is this a good price?

I wanted to use it in a reed diffuser but it's going to be difficult b/c you have to have enough to fill a bottle. Maybe I could mix it with an oil base since these are 100% uncut oils.