View Full Version : New Lovebird owner

01-08-2007, 04:03 PM
I recently got a new lovie was on Jan 6, 07; from a breeder. I only have a single one since well I do not have a job and I do plan on giving Attila all the attention I can offer. Even if I do end up getting a job, I'll come by lunch time and give some extra attention excluding getting ready and such. Anyways, enough of me ranting about my new lovie. :happy:

I have not yet found a vet near my area, I have been looking though, want to keep my new lovie as healthy as possible. Is there a legit site that I can find a close vet. I did look at AAV, but I do not know if that site is legit/updated often :confused:

I wanted to know about behaviorual problems. Like biting and if he starts what should I do to make him/her stop. He is still skittish around me when sudden movement is made, but I belive he has adjusted pretty quick. I talk to Attila every morning before he/she eats. I give her attention all day cept when 5ish comes around I put him back in the cage, so he can eat, relax. My other question is.. I take him out at like 8am and put him back at 5pm. Am I giving to much attention? Considering I've only had him for 2 days, he seem's pretty content and calls for me when I'm not in the same room as him. Love's to listen to music seems to calm him down a lot. When I did get him he was in a semi small cage with a few other lovies, cages where pretty dirty but the lovies did seem pretty healthy considering the conditions, yes its hand-raised and it seem's pretty tamed since I have him on my shoulder now without freaking out. He knows the up command and down command already too. Wow I really should stop talking I can go on and on LOL.

Anyways so to top it off, What should I be looking out for like in behavior problems (besides plucking). What age will everything start etc etc? (He's only 4 months old; Creamino lovebird.) Did I start of good or am I missing something?

Oh yea what bout fruits vegetables that is safe for him? That I can give him every other day? I also have been concerned about hot cooking oil and such, I heard that can kill any bird.. So is opening all the window's and turning on the bahtroom vents for the smoke/smell not to get near my lovie, will that be good enough? What bout when I work.. If I give him attention before I leave, on lunch break (If there would be one) and as soon as I come home, Will he stay tamed?

01-08-2007, 04:19 PM
Hi there,

Congrats on your new lovie. I got mine on Saturday, so have only had Charlie for 3 days, but I haven't let him loose yet as he is very scared of me. Saturday we are going to have a bathroom meeting so to speak. That is when I will let him out.

You will find lots of information on fruits & veggies here. From what I gather, apples are good MINUS the seeds. The seeds from them are bad. Definitely, never AVACADOS bad for them. They are suppose to like sweet potato, peas, corn, kale, swiss chard, etc.

I spend literally hours scanning old posts in all the categories to learn, learn, and learn. Good luck to you & your new lovie.


01-08-2007, 04:31 PM
Yay for new lovie owner's! Your bird is beautiful btw. My lovie right now is doing a little grindy noise next to my ear... I fell completely in love with this lil guy ehehe.

Btw thank's for the info about veggies. Is bananna, brocolli, Green leaf lettuce ok for my lovie to eat? What about corn.. does it have to be only from the corn of a cob or can it be canned? (Forgot to grab corn when I went to the grocery store :( )

01-08-2007, 04:42 PM

Sounds like you are off to a very good start. I have included a link to Vera Appleyards book "The Lovebird Handbook". It is the best reference book I have found. Read it a couple times and then keep it for reference. Good luck.


01-08-2007, 04:51 PM
Thanks for the hand-book info. I looked on ebay and it was much much cheaper :D. Here's the link to it if anyone else is interested as well

http://cgi.ebay.com/The-Lovebird-Handbook-by-V-Appleyard-Vera-Appleyar_W0QQitemZ320042522879QQihZ011QQcategoryZ3 78QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItem#DESCDATA

01-08-2007, 04:54 PM
Hi and welcome!

I'm confused here: are you taking your bird out from 8:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m. with no trips back to the cage for food and water? Lovies need to eat or at least be offered food every 15 minutes during the day. One of my lovies does like to spend a lot of time on my shoulder but I make sure he gets back to his cage at least every half hour for food and water. He gives me a chirp when he's ready to go back.

Please check out the Lovebird Resource Library on the home page of the forum. You'll find vet listings and much more advice and information there, including Robin's New Owners Guide. I made notes from that and took the list with me for my lovies first vet visit. Vet care is expensive but just as necessary for birds as it is for dogs and cats. The sooner you take your bird in for the first exam, the better. What the vet finds out then can be very helpful in years to come if your bird has a medical problem. The health/diet section is full of good information including things you can make that your lovie might like. Birdie cornbread is a good one to start with. All three of my bird love it and also like raw broccoli, carrots, peas, corn and kale. None of my three are crazy about fruit but some lovebirds will eat it.

Patti mentioned looking through older threads, great idea! Linda mentioned the The Lovebird Handbook and it's my favorite lovebird source after this forum. I read on this forum for hours, many, many hours, when I got my first lovebird and that saved me many mistakes.

Good luck to you and your new lovie! :)

01-08-2007, 04:56 PM
Sorry knew i left something out, he lets me know when he wants to go back yes he goes back into his cage for food and water. Sorry bout that ^^;

01-08-2007, 05:01 PM
Sorry knew i left something out, he lets me know when he wants to go back yes he goes back into his cage for food and water. Sorry bout that ^^;

Thanks for that clarification! :D I figured that must be the case but had to ask! :)

01-08-2007, 05:04 PM
I would be worried too if I did that! LOL kinda like having a kid and giving it no food for so long @.@