View Full Version : First time out

01-10-2007, 03:01 PM
First order from Drsfostersmith came in so I thought this would be a good time for our first bathroom session. While Charlie was out, I could clean his cage good and add all his new toys. Oh boy!

Let me tell you, he eyed that open doorway with a gleam in his eye, but he also didn't like the fact that I was on the other side. He came out and his wings are definitely clipped because he could not fly very far. He also flew or fluttered as far from me as he could. Actually, he landed in my bathtub making it easy for me to begin working on step up, which I am proud to report he did, but I think he thought that was the lesser of all evil. :D He would stay on the dowel too, while I lowered it all the while telling him what a good bird he was, but he also was on the very very end of the dowel as far as he possibly could get from me. :(

On this first time out, I didn't push my luck and try to touch him. One, he would have fluttered off or two, bit me. I am convinced it was not the right time for petting yet. Also, I was nervous as well. Wonder, if he was able to tell. Anyways, he still would not eat the millet spray out of my hand, but did eat it on the cage with me sitting close by right in front of the cage.

Now, question is when do I try it again? In case I didn't make it clear the whole time he was out, he was scared to death of me. :(


01-10-2007, 04:22 PM
short sessions of 10 to 15 mins. at least once a day more if possible. he'll calm down after the 1st few times. Keep the sessions short so he doesn't get too stressed. he'll be fine.. and yes i think they can tell our emotions. try and control them. try to remember that although you hear lots of warning about how delicate birds are , these animals are from the wild and mother nature isn't gentle on them. Cooper accidentally got flung across the room shortly after i got him. Was certain i had killed my brand new baby, but he straightened out his feathers gave me a dirty look and climbed back into my lap still in one piece. try not to be constantly worried bout hurting him will ruin your time together. good luck! ;)

01-10-2007, 04:27 PM
:clap: :clap: :clap:

Patti, I think that was a great first time out! :D It is perfectly OK that he seemed frightened, I'm sure he was, but that is a huge first step and I think you should do it at least twice a day. Just for 15 or 20 minutes each time. As he becomes more comfortable, you can do the bathroom sessions even more than twice a day and before long, you won't need to use the bathroom anymore....for taming I mean! :lol That he stepped up is terrific!!!! My birds were tame when I got them and it took at least a week or two to teach them to step up. I never used a dowel but that is the best approach. Once he's stepping up regularly on that, try your finger. A dowel is always fine but you've got your finger with you at all times so that comes in handy! :lol

Glad the order arrived and I hope he likes his goodies! He is precious! :D

01-11-2007, 08:29 AM
Well, I don't think he has learned the command yet, I just mean he stepped up on the dowel mainly because it would not go away and when he moved so did the dowel. :D

01-11-2007, 10:53 AM
patti - the first step to learning the command is to get him to do it once, and you did! :clap: with practice, patience, lots and lots of patience, and time. it will become routine for him, and he will step up when you ask. for now, just remember to always say step up, or up when he does it, and you will be on your way. you're off to a great start!!!!!!!!:happy:

01-11-2007, 11:43 AM
Hello Patti, I do not have much more to add except that you are doing a fantastic job. Your bird will be comfortable with you and you with him in no time at all if you keep up the good work.

01-11-2007, 01:01 PM
Thanks everyone. I did have him out in the bathroom today, but I cheated and left the cage in the bathroom for the second go round (with him in it). It is a big cage and the only one I have so a bit awkward to carry. I do think I am making progress though as he did eat millet spray with me holding it, albiet as far as he possibly could.

I think he needs a bath too, and I filled a pie plate with water (1/2 inch deep?), but he would not have a thing to do with it. He would cock his head watching what I was doing though.

He still flies (as best he can) to the opposite side of the room if he feels threatened, but overall I think it is going well. I even put my finger very near him and tried "step up" while he was on the dowel, but he wouldn't go for it. I had braced myself for a bite, but he didn't do that either. :D