View Full Version : Reilly

01-12-2007, 03:37 AM
Ok I know I am bragging a bit here but I just had to say it.... I got sooooo lucky! Reilly is so wonderful and affectionate and kissy!
I was so worried I would get another lovie and not be able to bond with it as much as Finny and I are bonded. Reilly is too lovable to not be instantly in love with! Finny is taken with him as well, they get along so great and even share momma's hair!

Reilly loves kisses so much he wont even wait his turn sometimes. When I am kissing Finny he comes over for kisses too! He is so good at stepping up now I dont even have to say it twice. He just jumps up and then on my sholder and off we go! There does not seem to be any jealousy issues with Finny either. I read that I should approach my 1st bird first and then the new one in the begining and this seems to be working very well. They really are bonded so well already. Finny is the alpha birdie but Reilly does not take any of Finnys crap either so it is a great balance!

Ok I am done bragging (for today). I know I promised pictures and I will get them up soon. I have just been either sick or crazy busy catching up on things after having the flu for 10 days :x

01-12-2007, 03:39 AM
I am so sorry I posted this in the wrong section.. Could someone plz move it for me. So sorry :blush:

01-12-2007, 08:18 AM

I am so happy to hear that Reilly is fitting into your flock nicely. He does indeed sound like a sweetie pie, and I do love that Finney is taken with him as you so obviously are also:)

Thanks for the update, and brag anytime. Of course, you can brag even more with pics;) ;) :happy:

01-12-2007, 08:24 AM
Somehow, I am not a bit surprised that Reilly is such a great bird! :D Jeanette turns out some pretty sweet little lovies, I know! :) Glad to hear that you are happy, Reilly is happy and especially that Finney is happy! One very happy little flock! :D

01-15-2007, 03:44 PM
iiii want a jeanette birdie! does she raise blue masked? how about white faced violet pieds?:D

01-15-2007, 03:51 PM

Here's a link to Jeanette's birds: www.shdybrk.com

01-15-2007, 08:09 PM
Wow, that is wonderful! It certainly doesn't get better than that. Very happy all is going so well.:happy: