View Full Version : First time for me

01-12-2007, 07:07 AM
I was at PetSmart last night browsing bird toys and I saw a youngish couple who were getting a bird. They seemed very nervous/excited and when they wandered close enough I asked if they were getting a lovebird. No, they were getting a blue parakeet. It was so d**n adorable - the girl had a little piece of paper with info about parakeets that you could just tell she printed off the internet. She was very anxious, wanting to get only the best food and toys. She had no idea about wing clips (she asked if she just unclipped them when they got birdie home). This is the first time I've been able to offer any new bird owner any advice - I must have sounded like an expert to her and it was very cute. I'm so glad to have helped her and I think I'll always remember that moment.

01-12-2007, 08:14 AM

It is wonderful to have enough knowledge to help those who are looking at at getting a bird. I have spoken to some myself, and most are always very perceptive to the information you can offer. I have to admit though, I've probably talked more people out of a bird, than into getting one.

The first thing they hear from me is about a well bird visit. When they hear the cost of that, put together with a good cage, toys, treats, food, etc..... some seem to re-think their decision. I have however had the pleasure of helping someone pick out everything their new bird would need to go home with, and it is very satisfying knowing their new bird will have all the necessities, not to mention the luxuries they deserve:)

Always offer. Everyone should know up front what is required to take care of their little ones, and my experience is that almost everyone appreciates the information. Good for you for stepping up:)

01-12-2007, 08:23 AM
It's nice you were in the right place at the right time too. There is a satisfying feeling of accomplishment when you can encourage a new owner who has done some research and is really excited about providing a home for a fid.
I enjoy visiting with people at the petstore in our town, because the owner doesn't offer much help...I've even printed off info sheets for the owner to distribute to new bird owners. (I purchase only essential feed there...buying my birds from OKC or breeders.)

It is a wonderful opportunity to also inform the new owner about the problems with Teflon...so many are not aware of this. It is surprising how much of that stuff is still out there!!

01-12-2007, 08:33 AM

It is wonderful to have enough knowledge to help those who are looking at at getting a bird. I have spoken to some myself, and most are always very perceptive to the information you can offer. I have to admit though, I've probably talked more people out of a bird, than into getting one.

The first thing they hear from me is about a well bird visit. When they hear the cost of that, put together with a good cage, toys, treats, food, etc..... some seem to re-think their decision. I have however had the pleasure of helping someone pick out everything their new bird would need to go home with, and it is very satisfying knowing their new bird will have all the necessities, not to mention the luxuries they deserve:)

Always offer. Everyone should know up front what is required to take care of their little ones, and my experience is that almost everyone appreciates the information. Good for you for stepping up:)

Lori, I just had to quote your entire message cause I agree with every single bit of it! :D Like you, the first thing I do is try to talk someone out of a bird (Miss Gloom and Doom here!) cause I know, first hand, the time, effort, patience and money required. I'm surprised that I haven't been thrown out of a few bird fairs for stepping in when a breeder is trying to make a sale but giving the perspective buyer no real information about pet bird ownership.

Tania, I am sure you were a tremendous help to that couple! :) Far more than the average sales person working at a retail pet store!

01-12-2007, 10:49 AM
Lol, I doubt I could have talked her out of a bird, excited as she was!

I directed her to some of the books they had and told her that she should find out what PetSmart was feeding the bird and feed that for a while, but that the store doesn't usually feed the best diet and that she should research what parakeets need specifically. I left them browsing the birdie books.

01-12-2007, 11:36 AM
Tania, if you can't talk someone out of getting a bird, that is usually a good sign that they really, really, really want one! :D I don't think anyone gets into this pet bird thing with the intentions of neglecting their bird, they just don't know any better and rarely are told anything helpful by people working in stores like Petsmart. Not that those employees mean to with hold information, I just don't think most of them know squat about birds. There are exceptions to that and I have run into two people at a Petco that were very bird knowledgeable.

With the internet at our disposal these days, it's hard not to know about any and everything. I just got a Betta fish (my hubby was so relieved that it was a fish instead of another bird) and have already learned so much about them on-line.

01-12-2007, 04:02 PM
With the internet at our disposal these days, it's hard not to know about any and everything. I just got a Betta fish (my hubby was so relieved that it was a fish instead of another bird) and have already learned so much about them on-line.

Ok great, so I'm not the only one who bought my new fish and as soon as he was home jumped on google to find out absolutely everything about him I could:whistle: my roomate thought I was nuts, so did my parents, oh well, I know my pets are well looked after

01-12-2007, 07:00 PM
:clap: I never was bold enough to approach someone looking at birds until I became a member of this board. I've only had a couple of opportunities since October, but both times I have encouraged them 1) to become well-informed, because most owners expect too much too quickly, and 2) to become a member of this board! Don't know that either of them did, but I atleast made them aware of it and hope they don't wait until they are in crisis-mode to find us like I did.

...to find out absolutely everything about him I could my roomate thought I was nuts, so did my parents, oh well, I know my pets are well looked after.

Way to go, Jenna! :clap: I learned a lot from my grandmother when I was a little girl; she had a parakeet and got me hooked on birds, but this forum is still by far the best place for information.