View Full Version : On the verge of vomiting?

01-13-2007, 05:24 PM
Hello, all. Wow, its been a while since I've posted here. Indy is doing well and has grown to trust me quite a bit more than I would have believed before. However, his recent behavior frightened me. He just started bobbing his head with very jerky movements and after 2-3 bobs, it looked like he was tasting whatever came up in his beak. When I got close enough to see what was in his mouth, it looked like saliva. Nothing every really came out, so I'm not sure if he's on the verge of vomiting or doing something completely different. I was able to get him onto my sleeved arm from his cage and brought him out. He immediately scampered onto his favorite place on my shoulder. I thought that maybe his weird behavior would stop but a few seconds later, the violent bobbing started again.

He's never displayed such behavior before. Should I be worried?

01-13-2007, 06:21 PM

I may be wrong, but it kinda sounds like you have won his little heart over. Unless he seems to be in some kind of distress (like a medical problem,) which it doesn't sound like from your post, I would say he's trying to regurgitate for you. Or in other words, "gack" as we often refer to it here on the board. Just hope it doesn't move on to the ...um... next stage:whistle: ... of affection.:lol

Congrats! (I think:rofl: )

01-13-2007, 06:23 PM
Hi Kumashe,

My first though is that he's offering to feed you but that is only a thought. I have two younger males who do that daily. Usually their affections are towards their birdie buddies but sometimes they will offer to feed my finger. The only time Oliver did this (he is my much older adopted lovie) he was sick. We'd been to the vet for his yearly exam and he started vomiting right before we left the vet's office. I was horrified. I don't know if it was nerves from being there (but that never happened before) or whether the heat in my car bothered him but I did keep him with me, right next to me, for hours after that until he was back to normal, eating and drinking well. Oliver didn't really bob his head, just kind of jerked it from side to side and wet seed did come out. When Big Boi and Shy do their puberty gacking, they do bob their heads. I really think that is what you are seeing but will be anxious to hear what other members have to say.

Rachel and I were replying at the same time. :D I do think that what Indy is doing is OK and am glad she suspects the same thing. :)

01-13-2007, 06:27 PM

I may be wrong, but it kinda sounds like you have won his little heart over. Unless he seems to be in some kind of distress (like a medical problem,) which it doesn't sound like from your post, I would say he's trying to regurgitate for you. Or in other words, "gack" as we often refer to it here on the board. Just hope it doesn't move on to the ...um... next stage:whistle: ... of affection.:lol

Congrats! (I think:rofl: )

Actually, that was my first thought. That he was gacking. But I'm still not sure... I've never seen what gacking looks like so I don't really know what to look for. I hope that's what it is... almost gave me a heart attack. >o

01-13-2007, 06:29 PM
If he is acting fine otherwise, that is what it is! :D Oliver was puffing up, not eating, and really not acting like his normal self when he vomited. What you're seeing, I really think, is gacking. Take it as a compliment! You and Indy have come a long way! :D

01-13-2007, 06:45 PM
:clap: Yay!:happy: I thought he was sick!:rotfl:

01-13-2007, 06:58 PM
:clap: Yay!:happy: I thought he was sick!:rotfl:

Sounds more like he's in love. :clap:

01-13-2007, 09:24 PM
Ah, yes, birdie love is a many splendored thing. :lol :wink:

01-14-2007, 11:46 AM
Regurgatation is usually white-ish. And it's a sign someone is in love. lol
If it is vomit, it can be brown, or shades of brown... usually the bird looks very upset and it doesn't take a long time for them to loose weight from vomiting. It sounds like regurg to me... lol

Mikey regurg'es on his ball toy and I have to wash the gack off it every few days. He's even gacked in my ear... I try not to let him anywhere near my ears anymore. lol

01-14-2007, 06:01 PM
:rofl: Yes, I was going to warn you about ears..but Asue beat me to it :rofl:

Fingers and toes are better targets.

He is "hopelessly devoted to you" (Grease is the Word) :whistle:

01-16-2007, 08:26 PM
The biggest difference I've noticed between regurgitating and vomiting is that lovies tend to shake their head after they gack. This causes vomit to be flung around. This, plus the puffing up and laying on the bottom of cage are signs of illness. If Indy is acting normally, then I go with everyone else and believe he was just gacking. Of course, I would keep an eye on him just in case.

It's good to hear from you and it's great to hear Indy still making great progress:) :)