View Full Version : My lovies get too close to the TV

Buy A Paper Doll
06-16-2005, 07:53 PM
I'm taking the week off to relax before my busy season starts at work. So the birds and I watched home and garden shows all afternoon. :) There was one show today where the homeowner had a lovebird. At the end of the show when they were interviewing the homeowner about their newly decorated room, the lovebird was chirping and squawking away in the background. My two jumped off me, flew across the room, scaled the front of the entertainment center, and just STARED at the TV, their little beaks pressed up against the screen. Apparently they think there's a lovebird that lives inside the TV. :rolleyes: Sooooo cute!! I told them it's bad for their eyes but they don't listen to their momma.

06-16-2005, 08:09 PM
Jennifer, that is too cute! I watch the Animal Planet channel a lot and any time a bird, usually a parrot, comes on, Oliver has a fit and tries his best to get the TV bird's attention. :)

06-16-2005, 08:25 PM
Ahhhh Jennifer,

That is too cute. I know you had that camera handy, right???? ;)

06-16-2005, 09:34 PM
How sweet! They were just looking for a friend to join in the fun. Too cute :D

06-17-2005, 06:22 PM
YOu should see Ditto when birds come on tv. With the surround sound it sounds like they're everywhere. He flies to all of the speakers looking for them.

06-17-2005, 10:13 PM
When we first got Zimber five years ago he was our only lovie and actually fell in love with the television. He would get real close to it and start doing his clickety click dance. We used to hang cable wires in front of the T.V. he would hang on to and try and fly into the television.

Joanie Noel
06-18-2005, 10:27 AM
I never had a lovebird TV incident until yesterday. Kirby has decided to explore everywhere again, so... He was sitting on the TV stand, and, well.... Poor Maple, on the floor, wanted to follow and flew right into the TV. :rolleyes: No harm done, but I wonder if she got that "fuzzy" static feeling on her when she hit it. LOL. She looked a little dazed. :o

~ Joanie