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Purpose By Design
01-16-2007, 09:38 AM
We added to our family a beautifull young masked normal green lovebird named Kc.I have been looking for weeks to find him and we finally did.He/She is very shy.he's semi tame and he's afraid of hansd.he does alow us to hold him.


01-16-2007, 09:50 AM
Congrats on the new birdie! :) We'll be looking forward to hearing more stories about your progress with socializing him and getting him ready to join your flock officially. I know that this 30-90 days of "not sharing airspace" time can be difficult, but it does keep everyone safer. Remember after you've been working with him to be sure and wash your hands etc. before handling Sydney during the quarantine.

I'll be looking for pics of your new good lookin' fella soon. Maskeds are pretty aren't they? This is the part where I remind myself I do not need another parrot ;)

01-16-2007, 09:50 AM
Congratulations! How's the quarantine going? Can Sidney hear him/her? Any pictures of the little masked beauty?:)

Purpose By Design
01-16-2007, 01:01 PM
i just fell inlove with the normal green masked lovie, i just adore them.Quarantine is hard for now and i hope this month will fly by.Sydney do know that he is there.but he cant get to him
i will post some pics of him tonight.

01-16-2007, 01:39 PM
We'll be excited to see the pics! :)

Quarantine seems long at first, but it will fly by. Plus it gives you the added advantage of having some opportunity for one on one time with KC.

Keep us updated :)

01-16-2007, 04:10 PM
I have a blue masked and I have to agree. The masked lovies are just so cute. for some reason their lil faces just ooze mischief and personality to me. I swear that i can tell when cooper's smiling , grumpy, cheeky, playful, or cuddley just by the twinkle in his lil cheerio eyes. congrats from me and Coope!

01-16-2007, 06:34 PM
A new addition to the family is always exciting!

I hope that quarantine goes by quickly... and that you're able to share some photos of KC soon!


01-16-2007, 08:17 PM
Yep, I hear you. Quarantine is sometimes so hard, but really is necessary for all the bird's wellbeing, just as the handwashing. I also wouldn't trade that one-on-one time for the world. It jump starts the bonding. If you have a well-bird visit complete with bloodwork, you MIGHT be able to trim a little time off but I definately wouldn't get them together for atleast 30 days (I may get cyber-slapped for saying that).>o

I have two blue masked and certainly wouldn't mind adding a splash of green to the mix - they are so cute! Look forward to seeing the picture(s).

Buy A Paper Doll
01-17-2007, 09:02 AM
LOL Deb, "cyberslapped" :)

Personally I think it depends on where the new bird came from.

If you're buying from a closed aviary, and the new bird's test results come back clean, I think it would be OK to go with less than 30 days.

If you're buying from a pet store or a bird show, I'd go 45-90 days. Here's why: You may be buying a bird that came from a very reputable breeder, but you have no control over the health of the other birds in the area. Because of that, it's possible that your new bird could have been perfectly healthy when he left the breeder's house, but picked up an airborne disease at the show or in the store. Some diseases do have more than a 30 day incubation period.