View Full Version : some advice???

01-17-2007, 05:09 PM
my clutch is starting to peek their heads out of the nesting box.they're all coming up to the 4 week mark. what should i do? should i install a smaller birch at the bottom for them?line the bottom with more newspaper ?(just in case they fall out) I've dragged all you guys through this whole blessed event, just want to say thax to all , for all your advice, and congrats to our neew leaders. oh, one more thing, lol, why do mom and dad keep pushing them back in??:confused:

01-17-2007, 06:03 PM

You can put more newspaper, or to give a softer cushion, you can put in a towel, or something soft, and all cotton. Also a thought that came to mind is, if you have any water dishes that they could fall into, move those, and place them so they can get into them just yet.

01-17-2007, 06:04 PM
You can place a plain old tea towel or bath towel on the bottom of the cage below the nestbox hole incase anyone gets curious and falls out. Usually, it's enough cushioning to avoid injury. If it's possible in your cage, definitely place a nice fat grippable perch at or just below the nestbox hole. Don't use smooth wood as they'll slip. Use something with texture, but not those sandpaper ones. This stage is the best, enjoy it!
Are you handling the babies lots to socialize them with people? I love this age...:)

01-17-2007, 06:11 PM
thax guys, yes every night when we settle down, i have them out for about 30 min, they are getting very curiuos and love to be handled

01-17-2007, 06:19 PM
Are you handling the babies lots to socialize them with people? I love this age...:)

Kimmie, you've got to check out the photos that Chris (finally!) posted. They are adorable and yep, he's socializing them! :D He's making us guess his password to access the photos but if I got it, I know you can! :lol

01-17-2007, 06:42 PM
I tried the password guessing game, and failed miserably...if you care to share, Janie, I'd be your slave for a day!!!

01-17-2007, 06:51 PM
Do I pick the day or do you.....LOLA! :D I would have given up but I knew Lori got it and I just couldn't let her one-up me! :D

01-17-2007, 06:55 PM
Oh, Oh, I want a slave for a day! It's a feathered guy Chris is particularly fond of. It has a girl's name that got changed to a guy's name...__o__a. Darn, I was too late - Janie got there first. Poopins.

01-17-2007, 07:21 PM

You have to think "first bird", and you'll get the password;)

01-17-2007, 09:24 PM
I tried what chris entered..."lolo" and "rica"...then played with some letters and realized it was "lola"...:rolleyes:


01-18-2007, 08:31 AM
sorry for the guessing game guys, next time I'll make it easier! hey ,by the way , had a near tragedy last night. Rica as you know, has become the nasty of nasty mother hens. long story made short, i was putting there vegie dish in the cage last night ( didn't put on my glove, thought she was in nest) well , knee jerk reaction, she bit me, my hand jerked up, sent her accross the room, she landed in a cup of water, you guys have no idea how guilty i feel right now, she seems fine this morning, its me who needs absolution..

01-18-2007, 11:16 AM
:lol I had a similar experience once with Peepo was on a clutch. She has no mate, but they're HER eggs, and she's serious. I placed a bowl in really quick and pulled my hand out. As I started to shut the door, I realized she was missing! She was dangling from my hand!:omg: I guess tossing Rica into a glass of water would be worse - they are just so fast! With me, Peepo was so fast the pain in my hand didn't register as fast as it took her to grab and hold.

I'm glad Rica wasn't hurt. :)

01-18-2007, 12:36 PM
they are fast, i guess this will be kinda funny, in a year from now, but it happen so fast. BITE SWISH SHE HIT THE WALL AND INTO THE WATER, very stunned, then angrier, we all just sat and took a time out. on the way home tonight ,think i'll pick up the makings for birdie bread. i feel so bad, hey will she ever go back to normal? just hating evryone else, but loving me?lol

01-18-2007, 03:17 PM
My hen only loves me, too! When she comes off the nest (but my Peepo has no chicks) Peepo goes back to being her sweet lovie self. She stays a little nippy at first, so I remind her that I don't like bites. Peepo always seems a little relieved to get back out to play. She bathes in my hands under the fascet in the kitchen, so when she's off the nest - that's usually the FIRST order of business.

My birds love birdie bread - every day. I cut it up into one serving portions and freeze it. Then each day I thaw one serving in the microwave and serve it warm. The first time Peter (my first lovie) saw it he thought I was off my nut serving that to him. Now, all three of my birds eat it like there's nothing better. :lol

01-18-2007, 06:30 PM
Bubble and Squeak tear into their birdie bread, too. I do the same thing - bake it, cut, freeze it then thaw a piece out everyday.

But I think if I felt guilty I would give them millet. They would do just about anything for millet.

01-19-2007, 07:28 AM
spoiled them rotten last night, birdie cakes(or in there case birdie muffins, easier to store) egg shell and the "ultimate" -danderline.