View Full Version : What is my bird doing, is this masturbation?

01-19-2007, 08:38 PM
Sorry but
I have one of them happy huts;

Just recently I’ve noticed my bird is bobbing up and down on the edge of the soft top part of the hut. :confused:
It’s very crazy looking, sometimes he/she will turn his body back and forth; the only way to explain this is to imagine if you stuck your bird to a fan and then made the fan move forwards and backwards. It looks like he is rubbing the front of the stomach up and down but other times he is spinning and rocking like this fan example. I don’t’ know how to explain this. What is it doing? If it’s a girl I just hope it’s not pregnant.

01-19-2007, 08:44 PM

Long answer short. Yep, that's what s/he is doing. Perfectly normal. Without a mate, they will choose an object of affection to "love";) Hey, sometimes they choose an object of affection with a mate. Which is what has happened with my two:rolleyes:

01-19-2007, 08:54 PM
Can't be positive without DNA testing, but I lean toward thinking you have a boy doing the mating thing, and....well, boys will be boys, ;) if ya know what I mean. :p

01-19-2007, 10:45 PM
I see, so do you think I have two boys?
the other one never doses it?

By the way, I need to have their sexes tested but with winter now I hate bringing them out of the house.

01-20-2007, 12:50 AM
I had a lovie who did this. This bird would hang one leg over the front of the perch and hump and hump and hump, bobbing up&down, up&down, up&down..... :rofl: This lovie turned out to be a confirmed hen!:p

01-20-2007, 07:12 AM
Same with my hen. She rubs and rubs and swish and she laid 7 eggs. No garrantees it's a male.

01-20-2007, 09:19 AM
I see, so do you think I have two boys?
the other one never doses it?

By the way, I need to have their sexes tested but with winter now I hate bringing them out of the house.

My experience is with my two DNA'd male brothers. Hatched two days apart but Shy started masturbating (FULL BLAST) almost 3 months before his brother, Big Boi, did. They both prefer a birdie buddy as the object of their affections and it's not at all unusual to see them each making mad passionate love to their buddy several times a day.

01-20-2007, 09:59 AM
O great, this morning I saw the one bird try to do his dance on the other birds back. I wouldn’t know what to do if they had babies. I guess it's ok if he only dances on the other birds back right?
By the way, I have noticed this new ritual that is kind of strange; the one male looking bird will often tilt his head back like he is choking and then both birds will grab each others beaks like they are kissing. It looks a lot like when birds feed each others. But what’s funny is how the one bird always makes these actions like he is choking on something but he always dose it right before he kisses the other bird.

01-20-2007, 10:14 AM
O great, this morning I saw the one bird try to do his dance on the other birds back. I wouldn’t know what to do if they had babies. I guess it's ok if he only dances on the other birds back right?
By the way, I have noticed this new ritual that is kind of strange; the one male looking bird will often tilt his head back like he is choking and then both birds will grab each others beaks like they are kissing. It looks a lot like when birds feed each others. But what’s funny is how the one bird always makes these actions like he is choking on something but he always dose it right before he kisses the other bird.

Um, the "dancing" on the other birds back is mating. You have two birds that are at least trying to mate. and the "choking" and then "kissing" is one bird regurgitating and feeding the other, what we often affectionately call "gacking" here on the board. This is also a sign of bonded pairs. Since you don't know the sexes of your birds, you might want to rearrange the cage a bit, to try and forstall any eggies you might be getting in the near future. Also, keep an eye out for some "torpedo butt" or a bird ready to lay eggs.

good luck...

01-20-2007, 10:49 AM
Yep, that's gacking! Some birds gack to each other, to their birdie buddies (like mine) and to their human, too! :D

You can always stop eggs from hatching if you boil them immediately after each is laid and return it to the nest. It won't hatch (they won't hatch) but your hen will still get to keep her clutch. If it comes to that, you can get more details later. BTW, boiling an egg on the first day it is laid is not killing a chick, the embryo has not had a chance to form that early on.

01-20-2007, 12:36 PM
I didn't know what to make of this at first.

At the end of the "boing" there's a plastic ball with a hole from which there is a metal hoop to hang from the top of the cage.

Flyer would stick the tip of his beak into the top hole in the plastic ball, wrap his feet around the fuzzy part of the boing, and start going to town. :blush:

I chuckle but I kinda feel sorry for him as if Nature is playing a cruel joke.

Of course, Spirit has to be in a different part of the cage while this is going on. She won't put up with it.

We now return you to your family-friendly forum. :wink:

01-20-2007, 04:28 PM
I didn't know what to make of this at first.

At the end of the "boing" there's a plastic ball with a hole from which there is a metal hoop to hang from the top of the cage.

Flyer would stick the tip of his beak into the top hole in the plastic ball, wrap his feet around the fuzzy part of the boing, and start going to town. :blush:

I chuckle but I kinda feel sorry for him as if Nature is playing a cruel joke.

Of course, Spirit has to be in a different part of the cage while this is going on. She won't put up with it.

We now return you to your family-friendly forum. :wink:

Bill, your entire reply just cracked me up! :clap: :rotfl: :rofl: :happy: