View Full Version : Who is training who?

01-20-2007, 08:43 AM
Ok, I have now had Charlie 2 weeks now and at times I am not sure who is training who. I have learned that when he is carrying on, acting like a mad bird, climbing all over his cage, and squaking that something is not right inside his cage, at least according to him. For example, I bought this nifty food/water holder and I think he hates it. Once it was gone from the cage, he was happy again. Also, just today after one of his fits I learned he wanted his hanging pepper gone! Another day, it might be his favorite food item in his food dish is gone and nothing else in their will suit!

He still runs away when I approach the cage, but will eat from my hand (pinched grasp) millet, yet will not step onto my hand yet. He was stepping up on a dowel, but then stopped and I have not had much luck lately with that. It is like a light bulb went off in his head and he realized that is what I wanted him to do. He still does not trust me, not one iota, but he feels free to squak at me until I fix what is wrong inside his cage. :lol Thus, who is training who? I think he is having better success then me. :lol :lol

01-20-2007, 08:50 AM
They are picky like that and yep, there is a greater chance of success of us being trained then them being trained :lol Don't give up though.

I learned with all my birds to slowly introce new items to them. Leave it besode the cage where they can see them for a few days before placing anything new in their cage.

01-20-2007, 09:09 AM
Patti, two weeks is practically no time at all considering that Charlie was not tame when you got him. In your mind, you know that but in your heart, you want him to trust you now! :) Unfortunately it doesn't work that way but you are making progress so please don't get discouraged. There will be days when it seems like he's regressing instead of progressing but don't let it get you down. I've read so many posts here from new bird owners saying they are positive their bird will never be tame and it's so good to read a post (from that same person) a few months later about the good relationship and bond that has finally happened between lovie and momma/daddy. Linda has said so many times that these birds are truly wild at heart, it is their nature so taming them takes a lot of time in most cases. Imagine capturing an outside songbird and bringing it in to tame as a pet! :D

Keep up the good work, it will pay off! :D Charlie will continue to keep you confused, that's what they do best.....make us guess what they're thinking! :lol You are both training each other! ;)