View Full Version : Few more questions.

01-21-2007, 11:19 AM
What is the best way to get a love bird not to screech so loud, I do not mind that she sings its cute in my opinion but she screeches for whatever reason and she's on my shoulder. I have extremely sensitive ear's so when she does that.. My one ear start's to ring/feel clogged. Was just wondering if there's anything to make it less screechy?

There's also another behavior I have noticed. When I put her in her cage with the "down" command, I give her some millet. She starts do do that noise that my friend's cockatiel did (When you scratch or pet them on the back/rump area) She also starts to wag her tail when she get's her fav snack. Should I stop giving this snack to her, when she does the "Down Command" ? Give her another treat maybe?

There's something else too. I've had my lovie for two weeks now.. She seems to be coming around, but she still fly's away from me from time to time... I guess because she know's she has to go in her cage to sleep/eat? Is there any way to make her not so scared of me.. Her wing's are clipped but they are growing back now..

Bathing.. I've tried everything to get her to bathe she really really needs one.. When she is soaked.. She doesn't really preene herself like some other birds.. What is the best thing I can do?

She doesn't even use her cuttlebone that I have in there for her... Is there anything that I can do to at least have her try some of it?

01-21-2007, 12:20 PM
I Just now noticed that she is pretty calm/quiet when my husband isn't around. Perhaps she can sense that my husband isn't really fond of birds?

Purpose By Design
01-22-2007, 04:48 PM
Well i know my Lovie Sydney is inlove with my husband ( they choose one person in the family as their companion),i could be on the couch spending some time with him as soon as he sees my husband Sydney is GONE . When Sydney hears his voice he goes crazy and wants to come out of his cage.

So it could be that she like's him.

01-22-2007, 05:21 PM
Two of my three do not like strangers and consider everyone but me and my husband as strangers! Even my two sons! :D They do go nuts and screech like crazy making contact calls if a stranger walks into the bird room. So, my guess is that your lovie isn't nuts for your hubby and won't be unless he makes the effort. Our older bird if very, very family friendly. I think lovies can and do bond to many people in the same home if the people really want a relationship with the lovebird.

And BTW, sometimes mine are just loud cause they feel the need to be loud! I think it's good for them to exercise those vocal cords! :D

01-22-2007, 10:21 PM
Well I dont know if she's really fond of my husband or not, I do know she goes crazy.. and keeps a close eye on him when she's out and he's home. My husband isn't always home, so maybe she's not used to him? She still doesn't let me touch her yet.. but I think in time that may come? I hope.. cuz I like cuddle sessions with birds lol.. When she hear's anyone talking.. she sqwaks till I go in the room and she quiets down.. Still not sure if she's bonded to me or him? lol

I do know she was very calm today, besides her usual flying around strecthing her wings and what not.. She didn't squeal like she did yesterday. She actually did her small chirps, the very cute kind the ones that make you want to squeeze them purple! lol