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01-21-2007, 03:32 PM
Indy's got his flight back. >o Have any of you ever clipped your bird's wings when they haven't all grown in? Would this be a stupid thing to attempt?

01-21-2007, 03:34 PM
I use the former clip line as a guide for the new feathers. Remember to clip only the flight feathers.

01-21-2007, 03:48 PM
Hmmm, ok. That's good to know. The only thing is, I'm not sure Indy would allow me to do this. Any tips for clipping a wild, hand-fearing birdie?

01-21-2007, 04:25 PM
Yes, I use a face cloth to hold my birds. I have a small video on how I do it. Keep in mind that you cannot see the bird in the face cloth but I hold her very lightly. She has a lot of room to wiggle.
Not the best video but it might help. Using this method, I can clip without the assistance of my poor husband who feels worse then the birds after a wing clip :)


Be careful not to clip feathers that are not fully grown

01-21-2007, 04:34 PM
Elle! :clap: :clap: :clap: That was a great video and I think it would be very helpful for someone with a bird who isn't tame enough to hold. I just recently started clipping Big Boi and Shy but I'll admit that it's easy with those two because they are so easy to hold. I do it by myself cause my hubby won't even stay in the room and thinks I'm going to hurt them! :whistle:

BTW, Oliver is on my shoulder (what else is knew ?) right now and talked back to Phoebe! :D

01-21-2007, 05:05 PM
Elle! :clap: :clap: :clap: That was a great video and I think it would be very helpful for someone with a bird who isn't tame enough to hold. I just recently started clipping Big Boi and Shy but I'll admit that it's easy with those two because they are so easy to hold. I do it by myself cause my hubby won't even stay in the room and thinks I'm going to hurt them! :whistle:

BTW, Oliver is on my shoulder (what else is knew ?) right now and talked back to Phoebe! :D

Thanks. Tell Oliver Phoebe says hello, and she would love to meet him! ;)

01-21-2007, 05:27 PM
I'm a wimp! I don't want my birdies to associate me with the wing clip, so I have my (avian) vet do it! Then I'm the one to comfort and give lovin's.

01-21-2007, 05:41 PM
I'm a wimp! I don't want my birdies to associate me with the wing clip, so I have my (avian) vet do it! Then I'm the one to comfort and give lovin's.

When I do a wing clip I take that opportunity to view my little guys all over. I do a thorough visual examination and palpitation when necessary. Doing the wing clip allowes me to ensure I am able to handle my birds. I would hate to have to handle my birds for the very first time in an emergency situation.

I know how each one of my little guys reacts when they are towelled. Phoebe doesn't bite but is like a contorsionist. Blu will wait until she is in the perfect position to grab that finger. Yuki is like a electric gun. Kio wiggles non stop.

My birds forgiet about the wing clip as soon as they see the millet so I have no problem being associated with a wing clip:lol

01-21-2007, 06:41 PM
Don't forget to check for blood feathers before you clip. A blood feather will have a black of very dark shaft, and if you cut it, the feather will bleed. If that should happen, you will need to remove the feather including the root by pulling it out with a pair of hemostats or needle nose pliars. Don't let this scare you, but one needs to be prepared.

01-22-2007, 02:00 PM
Just my :2cents: But if I had a lovie that was afraid of hands I would have the AV (Avian Vet) do the clipping. The reason being that I would not want MY hands associated with that in his mind. In fact I would use it as an opportunity to give extra love after the fact to be viewed as the one who made him feel better not the one who scared them and took their feathers.
But I should also mention I am too chicken to do my own birdies feathers... :lol

I also as a personal preference like my fids to have a bit of flight in them. We have two dogs and although they are never out around the dogs lovies can be escape artists, and should they ever get out I would feel better knowing they had enough flight in them to escape a potentially dangerous situation.

01-22-2007, 02:05 PM
and my :2cents: I will second Shy's advice.

I will often clip before all the feathers are in, but I will clip only the feathers that have fully grown in, after checking for the vein. If there is a feather that is not fully in, I leave it. I have never (thank goodness) yet clipped a blood feather, and I hope I never do!!!


01-22-2007, 02:37 PM
Elle - great video! Thanks for sharing that.
The reason you shouldn't clip the feather before it's grown in, is because it might still have blood supply. Like Shy said, you want to look at the shaft. You don't want the feathers to bleed.

I have two wild males that are hand-shy. I towel them when they need medication. I also like to (as Elle said) ensure that I can handle them when I need to. I don't clip the wings on my males, though, because they fly anyway. It's a big waste of money if I have to pay the vet ($11 per bird).

Peepo, my hen, is fairly easy to clip. She doesn't mind hands in general, but restraining her?!:omg: She turns into a wiggle worm.

Like Elle said, hold them lightly. My vet also showed me that I could grasp my lovie at his "shoulders" and gain some (some, not much) control over the wiggle factor. Birds don't have diaphrams so you don't ever want to squeeze their body or you might suffocate them.

In the Resource Library there is some really good instructions on holding your bird and wing & nail trimming.

01-22-2007, 06:55 PM
I'm a wimp! I don't want my birdies to associate me with the wing clip, so I have my (avian) vet do it! Then I'm the one to comfort and give lovin's.

That's what I do as well... or I take him to one of the avian stores. They LOVE when he comes in. Everyone goes on about how big and handsome Beetle is and how SWEET he is.

I was taught how to clip years ago when I worked in a pet shop. I never felt 100% comfortable doing it so I haven't yet decided to do it myself.


01-26-2007, 10:48 PM
I clipped three flights from each wing a few hours ago. He wasn't very pleased, but then, when is he ever? :p

01-28-2007, 02:08 PM
I think the biggest problem is learning to handle them safely. Something I have to learn yet. Lovebird Goofy is very tame. I can pick him up and hold him at almost an moment. Even when he bites its very gental. BUT! When you try to hold him and get his wing out even with a small towel he is like Elles birds all packed into one! And the little stinker is non stop action as well as noisey too so after 4-5 attempts I decided to have the vet show and assist me. Think I'll bring a little millet with me when we go.

01-28-2007, 03:06 PM
Michael, I think that is a great idea about having the vet teach you. I know mine would if I asked. Since my younger two are more flighted than not, I can clip a feather or two when needed but if I decided to do a real clip, I'd take a couple of lessons from the vet! :)

01-28-2007, 05:39 PM
I think the biggest problem is learning to handle them safely. Something I have to learn yet. Lovebird Goofy is very tame. I can pick him up and hold him at almost an moment. Even when he bites its very gental. BUT! When you try to hold him and get his wing out even with a small towel he is like Elles birds all packed into one! And the little stinker is non stop action as well as noisey too so after 4-5 attempts I decided to have the vet show and assist me. Think I'll bring a little millet with me when we go.

My Won Ton is like this because he HATES his wings clipped and knows when he's getting one. He is normally very friendly and loving, but when the scissors come out he just freaks and it's difficult to get a good grip on him. He's becomes a master wrestler breaking a hold. I won't even mention the screaming :x .