View Full Version : Do female lovies regurgitate?

01-21-2007, 09:58 PM
My 'twins' Chubby and Checkers are suppose to be girls. Ok, the breeder 'guessed' they were female, and I am pretty much resigned to the fact that I have ALL females. :x
I think it was Chubby (I can only tell them apart by looking at their tail feathers) who was 'gacking'. I haven't yet experianced this with any lovies and am HOPING that this may indicated she is a HE.
I did feel Chubby's pelvic area, hoping that her pelvic bones would seem close together, but they don't. I compare this to Mr. Peepers, who may be a boy, his pelvic bones feel very very close together. I know this is more of a fifty fifty guess, might as well just toss a coin.
It doesn't really matter if I have boys or girls, since I have decided to just let nature take it's course with breeding...I have just had some nasty nesty hens and would like to have a calm cool laid back male to look forward too.

I know lovie actions can be either gender (as Kiko is a girl and a swishy swishy expert). Who is gonna tell me that gacking is only a male action and females NEVER do it? Please please...make Chubby a boy.:happy:

(I may eventually have to break down and get a DNA test. Right now I am just proud of myself for doing 2 wing clips all alone...WOOHOO me).

01-21-2007, 10:04 PM

Gacking is primarily the male trait, but females can also do this, especially in the absence of a male. When there is no male, some hens will assume the male role. Unless you get eggs, I think the DNA test will be needed;)

01-21-2007, 10:12 PM
I would make no assumptions. While the general rule is that males regurgitate for females, any seasoned lovebirdy owner will tell you only a DNA test or hatched eggs can tell you who's a male and who's a female.

01-21-2007, 11:00 PM
All my birds gack for each other, the males for the females, the females for the males, the females for the females, and I'm not entirely certain I don't have a male pair in the mix as well, so I'm thinking males probably gack for males too.

Don't let those pelvic bones fool you. A females pelvic bones are usually only spread further apart after they have laid eggs and by that time you already have your answer.

01-22-2007, 12:09 AM
I just got excited 'cause I had never seen it before. I think I like the possiblity of boys and don't want my hopes squashed by DNA tests. It's not the money, it's the mystery. One day when I can't stand it I will get them (some of them) DNA'ed. I am probably gonna end up, like I always say (WHINE), having all hens. A house full of eggs and nasties..WOO HOO..cough cough, hide in the closet, cough.:x

01-22-2007, 02:38 AM
Aside from the whole egg thing, I really love all my hens. In total, I have roughly seven confirmed hens and two others I believe are hens. I love them all, but aside from CuddlyBunny who is actually tame but not bird friendly, most of them are pretty mellow. In fact, I was working on cleaning up some of the room this evening and checked boxes as I went. Of the four I checked, I got 0 bites:whistle: .
I think it's best to not worry to much about the sex of your birds. I totally know what you mean about not knowing the sex, but often time will tell with eggs and mating and stuff like that.

01-22-2007, 02:54 AM
Kiko my first lovie ended up being a hen. Her cage mate was suppose to be a boy, Touki, but her and Kiko started laying eggs at the same time.

Kiko was sweet and nice and my buddy till she started laying eggs (only the one clutch so far). Since August when I became a Flock Member here, she has been nasty. I still love her, but she doesn't like me. My first experiance with a hen has left me a little scared about them. Not all lovies are the same, I will just have to see if any more turn out like Kiko.....hopefully not, it's emotional when your buddy doesn't love you anymore. I am just happy that Touki and Kiko love each other. ( and EVERYONE has heard my story so many times...lol)

I have no luck with Girls...my girl dog has emotional problems BIG TIME!! I have pretty much decided male animals are a little more laid back. I know I just jinxed myself!!!:omg:

01-22-2007, 07:54 AM
I'm thinking males probably gack for males too.

No doubt about that! :D Big Boi and Shy gack to each other, to Oliver to their birdie buddies and to me. They'd probably gack to my doggie if she'd let 'em. ;)

Buy A Paper Doll
01-22-2007, 11:59 AM
Yep, I have male/female pair and the gacking is equal.

01-22-2007, 01:29 PM
Well, I know what you mean, Susan. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed about my two latest additions DNA results, but the time one-on-one away from the cage has really helped with that. They will perch on my finger and let me snuggle their beaks and, on a good day, let me give them a scritch or two. Now, around the cage, gym, etc., they don't even let me get close. :roll: It's strictly the dowel there. Comparitively, Nip is still my nasty. She has mellowed some, but there is still plenty of room for improvement. Oh well, I love her in spite of herself. :p

01-22-2007, 01:35 PM
I have 4 lovies. The males are paired and the females are paired. In my house, males gack to each other and females gack to each other. There's a whole lota gackin' going on in my house :p I even have a couple who gack to me! to my mouth :x