View Full Version : Kermit's getting a friend!!!

01-22-2007, 12:55 PM
Sorry I haven't posted much...we've been trying to move! We are almost all moved into our new house. It's lots bigger and better! Kermit did fine so far with the move...even in the freezing temperatures. Kermit is going to be getting a friend/mate! Eric here on the forum is nice enough to let me get one of his lovies! I am SOOO excited...cause I know she's coming from a responsible breeder. She was hatched 6/30/06 and is a is a Seagreen Slate - a blue-series bird with two Dark Factors. She is VERY pretty. I will be picking her up in the next day or so. Thank-you Eric!!!! I am very excited. I was just wanting tips on how to introduce the little girl to Kermie (once the separation/quarantine period is up, maybe even longer for no breeding yet...still..have some research to do). I think he will take to her just like a charm. From what I've read, putting their cages next to each other how you do it, correct?

01-22-2007, 01:40 PM
Eric? Oh my...I mean, uh, ;) OH, how exciting! :lol Yep, that works best. Be sure to quarantine (separate air space) for a while to prevent them spreading anything to each other. Once they are side by side in separate cages, I just watch to see how they react to each other then I let them out to see how they play together. The whole process can take 6 months, but may fall into place sooner.

01-22-2007, 02:23 PM

I got my second bird from Eric and absolutely adore her. I think I might get some more in the future too ;) As long as I can convince the financier, err husband :whistle:

01-22-2007, 05:23 PM
Eric? Oh my...I mean, uh, ;) OH, how exciting! :lol

Hey, what the heck! Ah, I see how you are now (you, madam, can consider yourself to be right off my Christmas list...)! :p

I was just wanting tips on how to introduce the little girl to Kermie (once the separation/quarantine period is up, maybe even longer for no breeding yet...still..have some research to do).

No worries there; if there is anything we cannot figure out after talking when you come to pick her up tomorrow, I'm sure the others here will be able to set things straight. :lol

Grats on your new bird! She's really a sweetheart; I always have a hard time letting them go, but there are a few that have been harder than others, and she is one of them. It makes it easier know that she is going to a caring home where her new mama has taken the time to put some serious thought into her short and long-term well-being.

- Eric

01-22-2007, 05:27 PM
The whole process can take 6 months, but may fall into place sooner.

I agree! :) Even after you've had them out together, playing, it still my be a few months before you're comfortable caging them together. Then again, it might be love at first sight! ;) Congratulations....I look forward to seeing a photo, she sounds gorgeous! :D

01-22-2007, 09:09 PM
OOOOO and we want pictures!!!

01-23-2007, 08:40 PM
Kermie's getting a buddy? And from Eric? Lucky birdie, that's for sure!

Can't wait to see pics!


01-24-2007, 08:50 AM
Upodate we have the beautiful little girl and we love her already! She's a bit shaken from being moved...which is expected. But she did come out a little, flew off my hands a couple of times then decided to settle down on my shoulder, she even snuggled up to my face for a second. She is in one of our bedrooms and Kermit is in the front room...they are singing and sqawking to each other...so I think that's a good thing. I took some pictures of her last night but they are on a mac puter..and still familiarizing myself with it so I will have Rob help me. But for now here are the pictures of her that Eric sent me:

As you can see..she's a beauty! Any name ideas? I'm having a hard time...I was thinking something to go along with Kermit...such as a K name or something...dunno. Maybe I will have to just see what her personality is like after a few days.

01-24-2007, 09:11 AM
She is a beauty!!!! I expected nothing less from Eric's flock! :D I hope she and Kermit will fall hopelessly in love! :happy:

No idea for names but, you have a Mac??? :D Welcome to my world. Fortunately my neighbor is a Mac genius! My kids got me hooked on Mac's and I'll admit it, I've become an Apple snob! :whistle:

I didn't know that linking photos would be different on a Mac, using iPhoto. I use ImageStation and just follow their instructions.

01-24-2007, 10:21 AM
wooohooo! She's a pretty one!

As for names:
Keiko - Means "respectful child" or "celebration child" in Japanese.
Kalani - Means "the heavens" from Hawaiian ka "the" and lani "heaven, sky".
Kumiko - Means "eternal beautiful child" in Japanese.
Kai - Means "sea" in Hawaiian.

or since "Kermit" was originally from an Irish name (who knew?)..

CAOILFHIONN (anglicized to "Keelin") - Derived from the Gaelic elements caol "slender" and fionn "fair". This was the name of several Irish saints.

if you want to browse yourself for fabulous names (I must admit I'm a name junky) I love http://www.behindthename.com

01-24-2007, 01:17 PM
Thanks. I think she's a beauty! It was AWESOME to be able to see so many lovebirds at Eric's all in one place. I've never seen some of the colors in real life. They are all very beautiful, and very well taken care of :-) I am very thankful I found this forum and was able to connect with Eric. I would have hated to have to buy one from the petstore...ACK!
Thanks for the great names! I really like them. Given me lots to consider....

01-24-2007, 02:00 PM
I'm glad she is settling in nicely; I miss her already! I have to admit that I was a little bit stressed about her all last night. Every bird that leaves the home flock to go to their new home reacts differently, and some definitely seem to take it all in stride better than others. This little girl, however, was not one of them. The way she was flying about last night instead of sitting on anyone's fingers let me know that she was feeling the stress of the situation, and the other birds in the juvenile cage *knew* what was going on when they saw a stranger come into the aviary room, so I have no doubt that she knew what was happening when she was the only one removed from the cage and taken out into the family room.

Anyway, I am extremely happy that she calmed down once you got her home and decided to sit on your shoulder! It sounds like the relationship is already starting between the two of you if she is already snuggling up to your face, and from your description it sounds like she is settling in quite nicely.

While you are here, I got to thinking about how I told you to quarantine at least 30 days, because Kermit was a recent addition to your home and his health was an unknown element. How long has he actually been there in your home? I ask because if you have had him for 90 days or longer without any signs of illness at all and have not exposed him to any other birds or household pets, I would say that there really is nothing to be gained from keeping the two of them isolated from one another at this point, as she comes from a closed aviary and we DO know conclusively what her health status is and where she has been and her risk of any exposure, etc. If you've had Kermit for over 90 days and have not exposed him to any other birds or other animals and he is not showing (nor has ever shown) any signs of illness, I'd say any health risks are minimal at this point and you could allow them to make their introductions to each other. Maybe ask the vet at your work what he thinks, but if Kermit has already been isolated in your home for more than 90 days, there really is little to be gained, other than using that 30 days to build your relationship with her before you introduce her to Kermit.

"K" names, eh? "Kira" means "black" in Celtic; she is a Slate and her dark, gray rump is almost black, so Kira might be appropriate. "Keiki" is Hawaiian for "child", and "Keena" is Gaelic for "brave". Incidently, my son named an older brother to your bird "Kishi", which means "night" in a Native American dialect and "by the shore" in Japanese.

Thanks very much for the update!

- Eric

01-24-2007, 02:36 PM
I have had Kermit since 12/1. So not quite 2 months. He came from a private home who has had him since he was a baby for 5 years. Kermit has been in the same room as my dogs/cats but not directly interacting with them. So I will check with my vet tomorrow and see what he thinks as far as needed separation..

Ok...Kira it is. I was looking at that name, but it fits perfectly!

01-24-2007, 03:52 PM
wooohooo, welcome home Kira! (I likes the name!:clap: )

01-24-2007, 04:04 PM
She is a beauty!!!! I expected nothing less from Eric's flock! :D I hope she and Kermit will fall hopelessly in love! :happy:

No idea for names but, you have a Mac??? :D Welcome to my world. Fortunately my neighbor is a Mac genius! My kids got me hooked on Mac's and I'll admit it, I've become an Apple snob! :whistle:

I didn't know that linking photos would be different on a Mac, using iPhoto. I use ImageStation and just follow their instructions.

Yes my hubby is a Mac fanatic. I have his old G4 laptop...still trying to figure it out. I have a Linux based desktop computer (I avoid Windows like the virus my hubby keeps telling me it is LOL!:whistle: ) but I'm still waiting for hubby to finish setting up the network in the new house (moved in last thursday). So times of the essense.....LOL! :rolleyes: I will see if I can bribe him to show me how, I tried uploading to Imagestation last night, but it would just chose Iphoto not any images...Of course I was awfully tired too...woke up at 4:30am yesterday to be to work by 6! ARGH!!!!:omg: