View Full Version : Leg Bands

01-28-2007, 05:05 PM
Why do people use them? Should I get some for my birds?

01-28-2007, 05:15 PM
No, you should not. Bands are put on birds by breeders and that is done when they are still tiny. Open bands are not ideal which is the only kind you could get onto your birds at this point in time. Bands contain information that breeders use, hatch year, aviary. The day after I got my last two I paid the vet $20 per bird to remove the bands. I know their hatch date, their breeder and see no reason for them to have bands that could possibly get caught on something or picked at by their cage mate. Some states require that breeders band their birds before selling them to places like Petsmart, Petco, etc.

01-28-2007, 07:19 PM
Oh, I was wondering if they worked like a dog collar incase they get lost.

01-28-2007, 07:23 PM
I suppose the number might help you identify your bird, but if it was a theft, the band would likely get cut off by the thief. You could always take pics and note any unique marks (pink toe etc) instead of a band. Mango has a closed band and his old cage had sliding doors...he would lift the doors and let them fall because of the noise to let us know he wanted out...and one day (quite some time ago) I came home and he was hanging by his leg...the band had kept his leg stuck outside the door after it closed.
I would not band my birds if I didn't need to.


01-28-2007, 07:35 PM
Birds get into enough trouble with out added help. You're right. No leg bands for Daisy and Clover.

Hey... Do people get their birds microchipped?

01-28-2007, 07:37 PM
Yes they do but if I'm not mistaken, it has to be a parrot much larger than a lovebird. I think that's what my avian vet told me. Our little lovies are too small for that chip.

01-29-2007, 04:00 PM
Yes they do but if I'm not mistaken, it has to be a parrot much larger than a lovebird. I think that's what my avian vet told me. Our little lovies are too small for that chip.

Janie is right -- lovebirds, parrotlets, budgies and small parakeets are NOT to be microchipped. They are too small and implanting a microchip can be dangerous. I can't recall where the cutoff is for microchipping. 'Tiels might be considered too small as well.


ps: Micha, you have a hermit crab named Mr. Popadopolas? That's hilarious! I love it :)

01-29-2007, 04:05 PM
I'm glad my pets don't hate me for their outrageous names! You should hear when I make vet appointments.

"Okay, Mam. Who is this for?"
"Prince Brogsworthing the First, my turtle."

01-29-2007, 10:58 PM
Leg bands are death traps as far as I'm concerned. I was seriously considering ordering bands for Beau and Nip until I brought Skylee and Sophie home. Day one, Sophie caught her legband in the base of the cage between the bars. Thank God I was there when it happened. I was scared to death she was going to pull her leg off because she was panicking. I wasn't doing too hot over it myself, but managed to bend the cage bar just enough for it to release her. That was way more than enough to convince me to get rid of any that a bird-to-be of mine has in the future.

01-30-2007, 12:03 AM
I kind of know the feeling. Although it's nothing like getting caught, I have really long hair and occassionally my birds get some wrapped around their legs when they walk around outside their cage... Sometimes inside the cage too.

I hate it, it gets everywhere. Everybody sheds hair but when I do, you notice it.

01-30-2007, 08:12 AM
Oh I have had a few of my lovies get my hair tangled around their feet. Not tightly, but oh goodness, what fun taking THAT off.

I agree with the leg bands. One day I was going through Kiko's pictures and I noticed that the leg band wasn't on her. I had to go through many pictures to find out that, yes in deed, she did have a leg band a one point. I have NO idea how she got it off, and that freaked me out.

I have had 2 birds since that have had their bands cut off by the vet. One of my other birdies, I asked the breeder to NOT put on the band, since I knew I was getting her before it was banding time.

Dayzee just has to go in to get it cut off and then I have 10 happy no banded lovies!!!

01-31-2007, 04:22 AM
Wow! Ten! I'm afraid I would forget whom is who. Infact, I keep getting nightmares where there's a million lutino lovebirds and a million green lovebirds and I really really want to but I can't pick out my two babies from them. And I'm so afraid of picking the wrong ones and leaving my real babies behind.

I think it might have to do with the time that my mom put my gerbil cage in the basement (that evil !@$%) and my baby got out and I couldn't find him.