View Full Version : More out of cage time

02-01-2007, 07:30 AM
Well, we have had some good times and some not so good times since the first experience. None have been bad by any means though.

We keep him in the office and the other day we shut the door and just opened up the cage door while we both were in the office (me sitting on the floor and my wife on the computer). He hopped right up to the door way and scurried around on the door for a while (barn door style but its a large door).

After a minute or two he took off and floated right in front of my wife and wound up on the floor where he did some inspecting. Ate some millet a foot away from me but stayed pretty clear. After about 20 minutes, we put the cage on the floor and he jumped back in and we closed the door.

Later, I took him into a small bedroom that is empty of furniture. Opened the cage and he came to the edge, walked around the outside of the cage for a bit before going to the floor. He would come towards me but would always stop about two feet with a little skid and turn around to gain a little distance.

I took a perch to try to get him to step up, but he wouldn't let me get anywhere near him with it.

I did take the cage out of the room for a bit, but he seemed to be less adventurous once I did that. Unfortunately he wouldn't go back into his cage on his own this time, so I had to catch him and put him in. He is quite the escape artist from my grasp so it took a bit to get a hold of him. Once I did he cried like he did before, never bitting me though. I cupped him in my hands close to my chest and talked to him to try and calm him down. I opened my hands slightly and rubbed his head a bit, but he found a chance to squirm out.

He looked pretty worked up as he was breathing heavy, so I let him sit on the floor for a minute. I then brought the cage back towards him and eventually he jumped in.

I know he will come around eventually, but I feel so bad about handling him because of how pitifully he cries when I do it. It is not a loud piercing cry, but a soft wimper. I trully think If I handled him like this more often he would get used to it and realise I am not out to hurt him, but I don't want to damage any trust that may be built up so far, and catching him can be exhausting to him.

I think we will try the bathroom in the basement, as it has room for him and both of us to sit in it, but not many options for him to be far from us.

02-01-2007, 08:29 AM
Personally, I think you're doing fine. :) Give the bathroom a try, it might turn out to be the perfect spot to introduce him to stepping up. My two were very tame when I got them but it still took me at least two weeks to get them to step up and at least a month or two to gain their trust. In my case, I did not hesitate to "hold" them to put them back in the cage because they were not afraid of being held since their breeder and her daughter had been holding them several times a day before I got them. I agree, you don't want to hold him if it scares him but if that is the only way you can get him back in his cage sometimes, you gotta do it and I think he'll get used to it and eventually like it. I really do think you're making good progress. :)