View Full Version : Preparing lovies for their move

02-01-2007, 07:40 AM
As most of you will know, Cassy has agreed to take on my flock. Thank you Cassy!

I have a month to prepare them for their journey. They will be travelling in the back of a van for about 4 hours.

When we moved house they were in a van for about the same length of time (though the actual travel was only about half an hour and the rest was hanging around waiting for the legal stuff to be finalised) and they were absolutely fine.

However they will obviously be going into a totally new environment, with a totally new person, at the other end. So it is bound to be quite stressful for them.

I have obtained some bird tonic (what breeders would use if showing, or what you might use to improve their condition after moulting) and am giving them that every other day. In the intermediate days I am giving them vitamins in their water.

My theory is that the tonic and vitamins will help get them in tip top condition (not that they are in bad condition now, but all the girls laid eggs in Oct and that will have taken it out of them) so that the effects of the journey are lessened.

Any thoughts?

02-01-2007, 09:19 AM

I'm sure you will make their journey as stress free as possible. It will probably be more stressful for you than them I'm sure. Again though, I am so glad Cassy is able to give them a home, and while I know your heart will break, you will know they are in a place that they will be loved.

Bless your heart. I know you are probably torn on your decision, and are trying to do all you can for them before the move. It's only four hours though, and I'm sure Cassy would welcome a visit anytime. In fact, I know she would:)

02-01-2007, 10:51 AM
To help Build Mum , if she likes boiled eggs, try her on those, they have plenty of calciumn in them, this will help build her up. If not have you tried Egg Krackers Sticks made by VitaCraft, Altho it says for cannaries they can be used for lovebirds etc. My pair love them. If no Joy, i got Calciumn Carbonate Tablets, in which i crush up finally and just sprinkle over their food. This will also help mum and the little 1`s build up strong bones etc.
Even the Parrot go nuts over the Egg Sticks. :roll:
Hope this helps.
t/c for now