View Full Version : Bird feeder & crows

02-01-2007, 10:05 AM
Someone mentioned, I am sorry I do not recall who, that they put not eaten food in their bird feeders for the outside birds. I thought that was an excellent idea so I started to do that. Now, today I notice the crows have found it! They can eat a very lot in a very short amount of time. I didn't particularly plan on feeding the neighborhood crows. Anyway I can deter them short of removing the bird feeder? Any thoughts?

02-01-2007, 10:37 AM

If you do figure out how to keep them away, let me know. Of course, if they ever see me, they are outta there, and I've also found that clapping my hands scares them away, but not forever:rolleyes:

They have totally devoured every single suet cake I put out this last weekend, and I've gone through 20 pounds of seed in about 2 weeks. The birds do eat more in the Winter, but if they keep this up, I'm not going to be able to afford them:cry:

02-01-2007, 10:48 AM
I have as many as nine feeders out at the same time and don't think I've seen more that 20 crows total in my yard in 10 years of wild bird feeding. I see them over-head and around the neighborhood but they just don't come into my back yard. I did have a sick one, one time, and even put out food for him per the advice from a wild bird rehabber but he moved on and probably died. Maybe yours will move on. I have grackles come and go by the hundreds a couple of times a year but after a few days and a whole lot of mess in my yard, they do leave thank heavens. Same with starlings who are also not regular visitors. Blue Jays are a member of the crow family and I do have lots of them on a daily basis but I like 'em cause my lovies do! :D