View Full Version : Potty Training

02-01-2007, 09:27 PM
Hey all I was looking through posts and saw the one on flight suits. What about potty training? I've been working on it for some time now with Widgie and he's getting pretty good at it. Of course they're are still accidents, they have to go soooo often, but for the most part I can usually go without at least me getting pooped on. Of course I'm looking at my window ledge where he was just playing, and they'res a mess for me to clean up. But if you look on the internet there are lots of people who have very well potty trained lovies.

Mostly it's been a matter of incentive and our relationship. At first it was pretty touch and go because while he figured out what I wanted within a week I think (smart birdie!) I don't think he saw much incentive to bother. Since I've started giving him a few bits of millet everytime he does it right, I can now go almost the entire evening without getting pooped on. The only problem is that he doesn't usually understand that I would like him to poop at the playstand when he's not on me as well. So now I'm setting him down on the playstand to poop instead of doing it off my finger. We'll see how it goes.

Anyway, it didn't seem that anybody really had talked about it, even though a lot of people had flighted birds. Personally I can't see cleaning up after a flighted bird without potty training. Cleaning up after the one who has to crawl is bad enough! :rofl:

02-02-2007, 09:07 AM
I've never attempted to potty train any of my three. I have noticed that most times, they will step back and poop right before they step onto my finger. It was the biggest awakening for me, never having had pet birds and getting use to the fact that birds don't potty train like dogs and cats. :D None of my family or close friends can believe how little it bothers me when my birds poop cause I do like a clean house but heck, it's so tiny and so easy to clean up that I just don't worry about it and clean up at the end of the day. I do have CaCa capes, five of them, so I rarely ever get pooped on and find that all three of mine try very hard to back off of my shoulder before they poop. I have heard you can have some degree of success with potty training a lovie but I potty trained two human kids and I'm done with that. :D

02-02-2007, 09:37 AM
when i was potty training my kids, long time ago, i used to say that I was trained because i could recognize when they needed to go and would hurry them to the bathroom!!!!!! i find it's the same thing with kiwi. he steps back, like janie said, before he goes, so i can direct him off my clothes and onto a kleenex. he also tries very hard to step back off my shoulder when he needs to go, and it usually lands on the floor. such a gooooood birdie!!!!:clap: :happy:

that being said, i truly don't care about him pooping on me. it's part of the package, and it's so small and easily cleanable upable that i don't worry. it's amazing what you can get used!!!!:whistle:

02-02-2007, 12:06 PM
I guess I'm in the I-don't-care-so-much boat too :) I had my iguana potty trained (she'd go in the toilet), but her poopins were some massive poops, so of course it was a much bigger issue (some pun intended :whistle: )

With my birdies, I keep an eye out for poopins and try to keep them cleaned up asap (so the kidlets don't get to em:x ) But they're just so much smaller, it doesn't seem to rate as high on the to-do list.

02-02-2007, 03:11 PM
I had my iguana potty trained (she'd go in the toilet)
:rofl: I can see me standing outside the bathroom dancing around having to go and waiting on your pet iguana!

My boys are flighted and have a couple of places they like to roost & poop. I usually have a rag thrown on the floor to catch it. Then I just toss it in the laundry and put out a fresh rag.

With all the things going on in my house most of the time, a little bird poop ain't much to worry about, though.


02-02-2007, 04:31 PM
Its funny really that even though I have a quite severe contamination phobia even I have become immune to birdie poops.

Heather, ain't it the truth! :lol Immune is exactly the word I'd use. My hubby is amazed at how little I'm fazed by them cause I've been called a "clean freak" in my days.....

Rachel, I had no idea that iguana poop was big! :D

02-02-2007, 06:21 PM
Rachel, I had no idea that iguana poop was big!

Janie! I'm sure it has to do with the size of the Iguana!:rofl:

Bird poop doesn't phase me much. When Peter used to poop in my hair, I was just careful until it dried so I could flick it out with my fingernails. He doesn't poop on my anymore, he makes a point of NOT. :) good birdie! Now Luka loves to poop on me, and nip my neck. :( Mostly these days he just does a "fly by" where it dives at me and brushes my head with his feathers. Silly bird!!

02-02-2007, 07:10 PM
Bird poop doesn't phase me much. When Peter used to poop in my hair, I was just careful until it dried so I could flick it out with my fingernails.

OMG, same here! What's a little bird poop anyway? :D Oliver did go through a short, VERY SHORT, phase of building a nest in my hair which *I* had to cut out! :rofl:

02-02-2007, 07:23 PM
:rofl: It's funny the reaction. I think if you own birds getting pooped on is something you have to get used to. On the other hand, being able to avoid the mess somewhat is nice. I was just curious cause of the discussion about the flight suits is all.

02-02-2007, 07:54 PM
I tried to pinpoint my lovies favorite spots, usually the stairway post and bathroom window sill. He seems to go soon after letting him out and right after eating or drinking. I take him to either of these two spots when I think he's gonna drop a bomb. I'm trying to get him to go mostly on the stairway post as it is closest to his cage. Whats weird is now he go's mainly on my wrist or shirt sleeve as opposed to my head and back but he's also been catching on to the stairway post. Personally his poop doesn't bother me the least except I wish he'd tell me when there on my back before I leave the house...

Purpose By Design
02-02-2007, 07:59 PM
i have managed to train Sydney to poop on comand some time ago .Its all about timing and knowing your bird.i read it on the internet and decided to try it.If i forget
the occasional accdents do happen.

When we say "poop" he goes(normally on paper or a playstand).He doesnt go back to his playpen to poop like we would want him to, but we take what we can get.

02-02-2007, 08:47 PM
Rachel, I had no idea that iguana poop was big! :D

Janie! I'm sure it has to do with the size of the Iguana!:rofl:

I haven't owned or really been around the larger parrots, but I'd imagine the size of the bird/size of the poopins ratio would be similar, and grossly enough their poopins are similar to birds'. Morgan (the iguana) would usually go 1-2 times a day (unless she got mad at you for something and then she'd take a dump on the floor..."I'll show that person a thing or two!!!":rotfl: ).

So I figure if you imagine a Macaw who was getting ready to lay eggs and so was storing up all the poop to go at once, you could get a pretty good picture of how it was. :lol She made some big poops. Lovie poops are nothing to that.

I completely understand about the "clean freak" thing...

My name is Rachel, and I'm a Compulsive Cleaner/Disinfector.

.........put the spray bottle down and step away from the washrag.......


02-03-2007, 01:13 AM
I think most of us have been or are in process of raising kids. Once you've been barfed on, :x had noses wiped on you, experienced diaper explosion, :roll: picked up your drink to see food floating in it:confused: ....well, that tiny little bird poop seems such a small think. :rofl:

02-03-2007, 01:58 PM
When we say "poop" he goes(normally on paper or a playstand).He doesnt go back to his playpen to poop like we would want him to, but we take what we can get.

That's about where I'm at. Mostly he waits until asked. The only problem is when he's stressed (too many people around or something) or when he's feeling ornery. :rofl: It's kinda like "I'll show her for ignoring me!"

02-03-2007, 05:51 PM
I completely understand about the "clean freak" thing...

My name is Rachel, and I'm a Compulsive Cleaner/Disinfector.

.........put the spray bottle down and step away from the washrag.......

:rotfl: :rofl: :rotfl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

02-03-2007, 07:18 PM

My name is Rachel, and I'm a Compulsive Cleaner/Disinfector.

.........put the spray bottle down and step away from the washrag.......


You need to come to my house! :rofl:

02-03-2007, 07:29 PM
I am very proud of my lovie potty training. I trained them to poop where ever and whenever they want. It was hard, lots of time and energy....but they learned!

02-03-2007, 08:03 PM
[QUOTE=Susan27;65940]I am very proud of my lovie potty training. I trained them to poop where ever and whenever they want. It was hard, lots of time and energy....but they learned![/Qoute]

:rotfl: :rofl: :happy: :rotfl: :rofl: :happy:

02-03-2007, 08:15 PM
I think I"ll start over again and use susan's approach. now that I think about it mine may not be working too well.

02-03-2007, 09:02 PM
Mine are also very talented poopers. When I am cleaning their cages, I often find poopins flung on the wall behind their cage...now that's talent. I am such a proud Mama!

02-03-2007, 10:09 PM
I went to school with some in my hair the other day! There are a few advantages to being 5'11". I discovered it first, I think!

02-05-2007, 05:18 AM
I went to school with some in my hair the other day! There are a few advantages to being 5'11". I discovered it first, I think!

I am only 5'2" so unfortunately I have heard.. "what's that in your hair" a few times. These days though Finny rarely goes on me. Reilly on the other hand... well lets just say I am wearing a lot of green these days! :rofl:

02-05-2007, 03:43 PM
Birds poop?!?!? ;p Yeah, it's never really bothered me either. Louie usually flies off me onto some other surface before he goes. My doves on the other hand!! They're the ones to watch out for. That's not the best feeling...having a nice warm patty-cake on yuor shoulder, but that NEVER bothers me!:whistle: