View Full Version : cages?

02-04-2007, 03:21 PM
need some quick advice. gonna be keeping one of the clutch and purchasing a new cage. went on e bay and found a double breeders cage( top and bottom)very wide but not tall. the place i wanna buy it is out of stock. which buys me some time. i like the idea of a double cage that can be made into 3 or 4. any advice? also whats a good site to chk out? this is feather farm

02-04-2007, 07:49 PM
I got my cage from Demsond Pet Depot (http://demsondpetdepot.com/). I found a parrot cage that has 5/8" bar spacing and is 20"x20"x35.5" inside and comes with a stand for only $60 including shipping. I thought it was a pretty good deal, and even though the bars may be slightly too wide according to some I can guarantee at least my birdie has never been able to stick his head through it. They also have breeder cage packages that are excellent deals if you plan on breeding again and ending up with more birdies. Or you could sell them to potential adoptees so you're sure they have decent size cages.

Anyway, I have been very pleased so far. Just my :2cents:

02-06-2007, 06:03 PM
Here is the link for the cage Chris is interested in. Please take a look and give him your opinion. He'd be removing the center panels so that the cage would become two cages instead of four. My only question is the 16 inch height. The width (panels removed) is great. So, advice please! :)

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270071654847&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fsearch.ebay.com%3A80%2Fsearch%2Fse arch.dll%3Ffrom%3DR40%26satitle%3D270071654847%26f vi%3D1

02-06-2007, 06:15 PM
Chris, my lovebirds like to move around more than the 16 inches in height would allow. Also, I don't see any horizontal bars and I think that they are very important. My fids all use the horizontal bars in their cages to move around.

02-07-2007, 02:33 AM
I really like it but you might be able to find cheaper if you're not going to be breeding the birds you leave in it. Also, I like a bit taller just so I can hang swings and such, but it might work out great. The cage I have is really tall so I'm always trying to figure out how to fill the verticle space. As for the bars, well my bird anyway has enough of his wings so that with a good jump he can probably flutter up as high as he ever would need to in there.

I like it! Just a bit pricey IMO compared to some of the others I've seen.

02-07-2007, 08:52 AM
thax guys,Janie had a good point though, the height thing, I'm gonna look at some other cages today, the one i ordered is out of stk in black so it buys me some time

02-07-2007, 09:41 AM
Chris, after a little searching, I found the link of the cage(s) that Jackie (Butterfly) has. Here's the deal: She bought them at bird fairs and they were under $100. Same cage as this link I'm going to give you but at a much better price. http://birdcages4less.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?page=B/PROD/Small_Bird_Cages/PA5739 You could get two of these cages for less money (through a bird fair) than the one you're looking at and they are good cages.

Can you find a bird fair in your area? If you can or even if you have to drive a 100 miles, I think it's worth it to buy a cage. I bought my first large cage at a retail bird/fish store and paid $260. Had I known about bird fairs then, I could have found a similar cage for $125. If you can't find a search for bird fairs, send me your zip code/city and I'll see if I can locate one close to you.

I do think that 16 inches in height is not tall enough. My birds favorite perch is a boing that measures almost 12 inches when hung from the top of their cage. The width that you'd get is great but I really think you need more height.

One more idea for you: Go to the top of the forum page to the "Search" bar. Put in cages in the "search forum" area and hit "GO" and you'll find hundreds of threads dealing with cages. That's where I went to find Jackie's link. :) I'll bet I'd been on this forum for two years before Jackie told me about that "search" area! :D It is a wonderful tool and can help you find so many things that have been posted in the past.

02-07-2007, 11:56 AM
thax again, gonna chk it out. I really would like to find something "side by side" , just found the cage i have now in feather farm for 100.00, **** i paid 159.00, orginally. My other problem is i wanna get the babies out of the small cage, soon. Both couples, rica lolo , there son and a new mate are going to be moving into a new room, for the time being I thought I'd put the clutch in the new cage

02-07-2007, 11:27 PM
OOOHHH... pretty cages. Now I want to find a bird fair.:whistle: Think books and suff might be more important? Nah!

Seriously though if you do have to drive 100 mi you gotta figure in what gas costs. I think for a cage that size online $200 would be reasonable if it included shipping. Check out that one link from before. They have some really big breeder cages for cheap, especially the packs. I'm not really trying to sell stuff or anything, but I've been really pleased with the cage I got from them. So has Widgie for that matter. :happy: Except the fact that there is absolutely no way he can get out unless I don't close the door right.

02-08-2007, 08:33 AM

Here's a link to see my birdroom with the cages Janie mentioned. I love these cages as it gives them plenty of room to move around with perches, toys & food dishes. My birds are too spoiled as there is only one bird to a cage :happy: I think it starts at #27. http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?id=2107596515