View Full Version : arguing

02-05-2007, 11:51 AM
my two have always got on very well until I found a treat that they both love.
Its a seed based treat with different fillings - herbs, nuts, apple, egg etc

Now they fight over who gets to it, one sits on the holder to stop the other and there are times I have to say a firm 'no' to stop them fighting (it never gets physical - more 'playground banter style') .

so I thought I'd get another holder so they could both have one each! :roll:

Now they eat the first one then argue over the second! :lol

Any suggestions?
I don't want to take away their treat as its the nearest I've got them to eating something different other than just seed

02-05-2007, 12:46 PM
This is the first thought that came to mind:
Is the first holder hung higher in the cage than the second one?
If so, it could be they are fighting over the higher (dominant) treat until it is empty and then fighting over the second because of the treat.
Hang them side by side and see what happens.

02-05-2007, 01:13 PM
Hang them side by side and see what happens.
If side by side doesn't work, try on opposite sides of the cage at the same height.

Buy A Paper Doll
02-05-2007, 08:23 PM
I've had to do identical food dishes on opposite sides of the cage, not just treat cups. I go back through old pictures of the two of them, perched side by side on a little ceramic crock, feasting on sweet potato, sharing so nicely ..... now it's TWO ceramic crocks at least 4 feet apart or Melody declares both of them HERS.

02-06-2007, 08:32 AM
I have three crocks in the cage that Big Boi and Shy share. Two are close and the other one is on the opposite side. My Shy thinks that everything is his first so I make sure Big Boi always has another bowl to choose from when Shy is in one of his selfish moods (like all the time).

02-06-2007, 12:07 PM
lovely, thanks for the help, my hubby pointed out that one of the treat holders was higher and so I have lowered it to the same height as their top perch and have now put the other one on the oppsite side.
Pink still sits on it 'guarding ' it like she's on a nest though! LOL

02-06-2007, 09:02 PM
I have this same problem - only during playtime since they are all in separate cages from arguments in the first place. When out for playtime, I try spacing the treats far enough apart in hopes of avoiding the arguments. Sometimes it works better than others. Sophie and Skylee (sisters) are much worse with each other than Nip and Beau are when they are together.:roll: