View Full Version : Update on Progress with taming new bird

02-06-2007, 08:24 AM
Thanks everyone for all of your helpful replies in my other posts (first out of cage, Take out happy hut).

Just wanted to post a progress update.

We have had many out of cage sessions in the small office where his cage is. We got into a pretty good routine of letting him out and then simply putting the cage up to him so he can get back in on his own. He wasn't too interested in us, and would explore the room, going back to his cage frorm time to time. But all in all, they were good sessions, and letting him get back to his cage on his own helped them not end on a bad note with me handling him.

I started holding millet up to the cage, and after a while, he cautiously came up for a bite. I try to feed him a bite or two every so often, and I think he is getting more used to my hands. I took his happy hut out yesterday with him in the cage and he only yelled at me once then stood there and watched what my hands were doing.

Well, lots of progress today. As I type this, Roo is sitting on my lap wondering what my fingers are doing above. I put a pice of millet on my lap, and propped my leg up on a part of the desk that he likes to go to, and he didn't hesitate too much before climbing right up.

He has been on my lap for about 10 minutes, with a few little jitters here and there when I drink my coffee or scratch my head.

He just tried to fly up to the keyboard and realised that there were way more hands then he likes up there and flew down to the ground. But, it didn't take him long to climb back up to my lap though, which is good, cause there isn't any millet left, and he knew that.

Well, thanks for listening. Sorry for rambling, but I am just happy with the progress. Thanks for the advice to not pushing him, as we are being rewarded because of it now.

Andy, Arin and Roo

02-06-2007, 08:27 AM
Thanks for the update! I think you are making great progress!!!! :happy:

02-06-2007, 08:33 AM
It really sounds like you are doing great progress!

Lovebirds are playful so don't hesitate to offer toys or things to chew on and play with. Mine all started with chewing tooth picks and upgraded to popsicle sticks a few months later. They like to play with big beads, leather stips0, and ropes. I offered them these items outside the cage and something to play with during our sessions. You can put some on your lap while he's there too. The more interesting you make it, the more he'll want to spend time with you :)

Keep up the great work,

02-09-2007, 01:51 PM
I don't think we will have to worry about him wanting to spend time with us. This bird has gone from running to the opposite side of the cage when we simply enter the room, to running to the door of the cage and pacing back and forth waiting for us to let him out.

I can't believe how far he came in just two weeks. Keep in mind, he was hand fed, but had spent his last couple of weeks before we bought him in a cage with another youngster without much handling.

Still doesn't like hands, but will quickly jump on your elbow (with long sleves) and hang out on you for hours. He just started going up to our shoulders more and has started to explore my ears. He nibbles to see what they are and I am hoping he doesn't bite down on them.

He is very social and will willingly jump onto anyones arm/shoulder, after he has inspected what kind of material their shirt is made of.

02-09-2007, 02:58 PM
What a wonderful update. I am so glad that all is going well. Your post is a testament to how patience does pay off, as well as encouragement to all those in the taming/bonding process. Thanks so much for posting this, and please do keep us updated:)

02-09-2007, 04:22 PM
What a wonderful update. I am so glad that all is going well. Your post is a testament to how patience does pay off, as well as encouragement to all those in the taming/bonding process. Thanks so much for posting this, and please do keep us updated:)

Yes, and also a testament as to how fast a tame bird, at least a younger tame bird, can revert to becoming wild in a very short time w/o daily interaction. My last two were hand fed, socialized and very tame when i got them but I'll bet they could have and would have gone totally wild in a few short weeks....if I hadn't stayed right in their faces! :lol

I am surprised that your lovie doesn't like hands, being a hand fed baby. My older bird was a pet store, parent raised bird and while he is very tame and loves to be petted on his beak and head, he is definitely hand shy compared to my other two. They look at fingers like, "hey, are you gonna feed me with those things, I hope, I hope, I hope!" and they're almost 2 now! :lol No fear of hands or fingers whatsoever! :D Oliver will eat millet from my hands and maybe a tiny piece of a chip (just for the record, I don't offer those but every couple of weeks and then only a tiny bite) but it was two years after we adopted him that he would even do that.

Anyway, YOU are doing great! :clap: :clap:

02-09-2007, 07:21 PM
Oliver will eat millet from my hands and maybe a tiny piece of a chip (just for the record, I don't offer those but every couple of weeks and then only a tiny bite) but it was two years after we adopted him that he would even do that.

Consider yourself lucky. Lately, eating out of my hand is Ditto's favorite hobby. For at least the last month he's be spending 30-40 minutes each night flying back to the cage for an avi-cake or nutriberry and bringing it to the couch to eat it out of my hand while watching tv. He's up to 3 avi-cakes and a nutriberry each night now! :omg: You'd think he doesn't eat all day (you'd be terribly wrong however :rofl: ). Those bits of nutriberry can really fly when a lovie bites into them too!

Last night he even brought a sugar snap pod for snack. My living room looks like a salad bar exploded now! :lol

02-09-2007, 10:23 PM
Consider yourself lucky. Lately, eating out of my hand is Ditto's favorite hobby. For at least the last month he's be spending 30-40 minutes each night flying back to the cage for an avi-cake or nutriberry and bringing it to the couch to eat it out of my hand while watching tv. He's up to 3 avi-cakes and a nutriberry each night now! l

Dave, well yes, lucky with Oliver but the other two don't hesitate to eat out of my hands....or even try to eat my hands. :)