View Full Version : Kira Update

02-07-2007, 06:06 PM
Eric made me realize what a bad mommy I have been....I have failed to keep you all updated on Kira...BAD BAD HEATHER! :lol SORRY. With the move and all I've been a bit busy. As per my dad's (vet) recommendation I have started to introduce Kira and Kermit. Their cages are next to each other and the talk back and forth. I have put them on the play thing together and they seem to do okay. Kermit is having more of a difficult time adjusting than Kira. He's not too happy to have competition for his mom and dad I think. But he's coming around. Kira is eating MUCH better. I need to weigh her but she was staying the same. I got some pictures of them when I put them in the same cage. They were together for about an hour and Kermit only pecked at her feet a couple of times...but she defended herself quite nicely...LOL. Yet he was doing his little matey dance for her (clucking, fanning his feathers, strutting around) so I'm not sure what to think. The did sit together on a perch for a while. I think he will come around. I think that Kermit has helped Kira adjust to the new home a lot.


02-07-2007, 07:33 PM
[QUOTE=cprcheetah;66427]Eric made me realize what a bad mommy I have been....I have failed to keep you all updated on Kira...QUOTE]

Thank you, Eric, for cracking the whip :evil:

Seriously, though: Kermit and Kira are just BEAUTIFUL! I wish you the best with them :)


02-07-2007, 07:40 PM
What a cute couple they would make! :happy: We'll keep our fingers crossed. Keep us posted...when you can. Moving can drive a person nuts.

[Eric, :whistle: can I pre-order a slate male? lol I still just love that color. Surely one of my Dutch blue hens would go for him! Actually, right now probably isn't the best time, but I'm not kidding...tell your birdies to get busy.]

02-07-2007, 08:59 PM
[Eric, :whistle: can I pre-order a slate male? lol I still just love that color. Surely one of my Dutch blue hens would go for him! Actually, right now probably isn't the best time, but I'm not kidding...tell your birdies to get busy.]

HA! Kira's Whitefaced Blue brother is a slate and I still have him here at home. I don't normally ship, but for you - if you are serious and willing to pay the airfare to get him from Salt Lake International to you, and 20 bucks for his DNA test, you can have him for no additional cost. You'd have to ship my outer and inner crate pack via US Postal service, so you would want to factor that cost in as well.

I don't think I'll be putting out any more slates though, unless Vincent is hiding a Dark Factor that I cannot spot (a real possibility); I've re-paired Roxie wtih Vincent, and Skie with Pixie - so sadly, I think Kira and her brother will be the last slates to come out of my aviary for quite a while.

- Eric

02-07-2007, 09:03 PM
LOL. He's a handsome fella! I love Kira. She is one of the prettiest Lovies I've seen (actually just about all of Eric's lovies were/are). I'm very happy with her. Eric has done a great job with her.

02-07-2007, 09:11 PM
Okay, Eric, we're going private!

02-07-2007, 10:05 PM
YEAH! I just worked on some step ups with Kira...she'll do it if she's on solid ground first....but Rob my hubby showed me a cool way to do them and she did 4 in a row! YEAH! Weighed her and she is back up to 44g. Couldn't be happier!:clap: Also figured part of my problem was I was in too big of a room to do it, I ended up chasing her around the room more than any progress was being made...so tonight we did them in the bathroom. Much better....except she likes mirror! LOL. Anyways I'm very happy and pleased with her progress she even sat on my shoulder for about 5 minutes tonight and right now is resting on her playground thing.

02-07-2007, 11:12 PM
YIPPEE, I know how exciting that is! Eric and I are looking into shipping Kira's brother to OKC...I'm still training Sophie and Skylee, so what's one more to train, right? 8o

02-07-2007, 11:20 PM
WooHoo! Hopefully it will work out. Yah...one more...no big deal! LOL! I know I'm definately addicted to lovies...wouldn't mind a few more...but will have to wait for a while....LOL! They are so much fun.

02-07-2007, 11:26 PM
Kira is not 100% tame, she still won't sit for long periods of time on my hand and/or shoulder....she was handfed and is pretty tame, but still flutters around the cage when I go to get her out. She is getting more and more used to us every day, having tame lovies requires lots of work, effort, and continual practice. Kira is coming along nicely in her new home. I got her from Eric who is a great breeder and he did a great job of starting her out on her training and socialization...I couldn't have asked for a better baby girl. As my hubby tells me: Patience is a Virtue, and training birds definately requires patience and persistence....but in a gentle way.