View Full Version : Bad habit/quirky behavior?

02-08-2007, 06:28 AM
Just curious if anyone's lovebird has a bad/quirky habit. Charlie discovered yesterday that he can lift up on his water dish and spill the water. It has little silver hooks that it slides over the bar, but he deliberately was picking it up and watching it spill. You could almost see the wheels turning in his head so to speak. He did this until he figured out no more water was spilling. It was hilarious even if it was making a mess.


02-08-2007, 08:00 AM

Oh yes, all of mine have their little quirks, the worst one being my male doing the mating ritual on my shoulder:blush:

Lacey likes to get in her seed dish and make a huge mess. Cappie likes to share his food with the dog(gotta watch him), and Little Man, well, can't say he has a bad habit yet, he's still a baby:)

Those type of dishes you described are not very good. They can fall if they are manuevered just right. I have some that are bolt on, and I like those better. The ones that I really love are Smart Crocks though, and they pop in and out easily, and are all arcylic, so very birdie safe:) They are a little pricey, but do last forever, so worth the little extra. Here's a link to them if you haven't seen them yet.

02-08-2007, 08:16 AM
Patti, aren't they funny? :D

I use the same type crocks that Lori linked. I also have a couple of the type you use (for treats) but the heavy duty crocks are the best. :)

02-08-2007, 08:24 AM
Yep, those SmartCrocks are the best. They can't tip them over. I real like the corner SmartCrock. I get mine at the birdfairs.

02-08-2007, 04:55 PM
I'm likely to be investing in some SmartCrocks soon as well...

For quite some time I've used those SST coop cups for Beetle's cage. He LOVES to stand underneath them and pop them out of the holders. I swear I can hear the wee green chicken laughing as his food cup spills all over him and the cage. I tried moving them up higher in his cage with no luck. Beetle will still manage to knock 'em out.

Beetle also seems to be very in tune to whether I NEED to sleep in or whether I WANT to sleep in. If I've been up all night w/ calls, he tends to be subdued in the morning when I try to catch up on sleep. If I just want to have a lazy morning in bed, he does his highest-pitch squeek possible :/
