View Full Version : Help! new lovebird

02-09-2007, 03:56 AM
I need lots of advice within 1 day!

I got the heads up in regards to my adopted love bird and she will be arriving on Sunday :) (2 sleeps)

I found out she is really pretty with pink and green so a peachface but a more diluted colour i suppose & 6 months old.

What i need help with is i also found out tonight that the bird was bullied by its family in an aviary (it has now been removed) it never fought back and has never bitten anyone however i know it would have been affected by the trauma of being attacked, it still has a sore apparently on its head, maybe loss of feathers? I am not sure. I have tamed birds before however this is a different case entirely, how do i go about this? Any tips? Obviously this pretty baby needs lots of TLC and the taming process will be slowed down to the pace that my baby wants it to be. Has anyone dealt with a similar situation? Any advice would be so very greatly appreciated as the bird will be here in under 48 hours! Thanks xox

02-09-2007, 06:34 AM
Hello Genevieve,

THe process would be about the same. It's a bird who attacked the baby, not a human, It will take a few days for the wounds to heal.

My experience was with my yellow bird. She was a little older when I got her and not nearly as tamed as a socialised baby ( she was in a pet store for a while) She was beaten by other lovebirds to the point that she had cuts and scratches everywhere and a broken beak. I had to give her two meds twice a day for 14 days. That means handling a scared bird with my hands in order for her to take the med. She never bit me during the whole process.

You metioned you tamed birds before. Do the same as before. It's always based on respect, patience and love :)

Best regards,

02-09-2007, 08:22 AM

The bird I adopted at 7 years old was never abused but very neglected. He came to me tame and his former owner told me he always stepped up from the first day she got him.....as well as she can remember because she was only about 10 when she got him from a chain pet store. Anyway, my experience with Oliver was that I needed to earn his trust and even though he was tame, that took several months. Just to let him figure out that he would always have fresh seed, fresh water and a clean cage and consistent attention from me! :D

I agree with Elle, you're going to do just fine with your new lovie. :) She just needs to know that she's safe and that she's loved and I just know you have the patience for earning her trust. :)

02-09-2007, 01:53 PM
Thanks guys :) xx

02-09-2007, 02:05 PM
Hi Genevieve,
Welcome! It's exciting that you'll be getting a young lovie, and unfortunate that it's been abused by other birds. You mentioned that you've tamed birds before, what kind? Have you had lovebirds? They are amazing little parrots.

Your new lovie will have to adjust to being away from it's family and being in a new home. I'd take it slow, like you said - at the lovie's pace. It sounds like you already have the right mind set to be a wonderful fid-ma to this little one. :)

02-09-2007, 02:46 PM
it still has a sore apparently on its head, maybe loss of feathers? I am not sure.
How long ago did this attack happen? If it's what I think it is, the other lovebirds tried to kill this one and the this one may need vet care, especially if the attack is very recent. Would you be able to post any photos of the injury when you get the lovebird?

02-09-2007, 04:28 PM
I will definetly post some pics when i have my bub :) I think the injury would be a few weeks old now and all their birds are looked over by a vet so im sure it will be okay, it sounds like a very passive little bird and was taken indoors after the attack so will be somewhat used to people. I have tamed budgies :) Ones that bite really hard lol! and two at the same time which has been demanding and difficult because they love each other not me but ive made alot of progress :) This will be my first love bird but i think im pretty well prepared, the cage is all set-up, off the ground so it wont feel threated, with lots of safe, sturdy, fun toys. If the sore on his head looks worrying i will take him to the vet asap.

02-09-2007, 04:30 PM
1 sleep left!

02-09-2007, 04:45 PM
1 sleep left!

What does that mean? :confused: Flew the coop or left (is being brought) to come to your home?

02-09-2007, 06:23 PM
I dont understand what your asking...
The bird arrives tomorrow, so one sleep till it is brought to me by the shelter owner

02-09-2007, 06:34 PM
What does that mean? :confused: Flew the coop or left (is being brought) to come to your home?

I think she means one night left until her little one comes home.

02-09-2007, 06:40 PM
I dont understand what your asking...
The bird arrives tomorrow, so one sleep till it is brought to me by the shelter owner

What a relief! :D:D:D I had it in my mind that "one sleep" left, as in escaped! Thanks for the clarification! :)

MJ, you know me, :D.....slow! :lol

02-09-2007, 07:41 PM
Oh lol i was so confused! Approx under 24 hours :D yay im super excited i was called crazy by my Dad lol

02-10-2007, 12:04 AM
Janie...:rofl: Silly girl.;) Hi, Genevieve, welcome to our flock! You have every reason to count those sleeps because something terrific is coming your way. I'd like to add just a couple of things to what has been said thus far. I'm excited for you and don't want to burst any bubbles, but I also want your expectations for your new little one to be healthy for both of you. :)

Having owned lovies and parakeets (and I love both), I can honestly say that parakeets are generally easier to train. However, once a positive relationship with your lovie is established, you will discover fun and love on a whole new level! Each lovebird has a very distinct personality all its own, so sometimes reaching this level can take months of gentle, consistent love and attention and other times it can happen in less time. Gentleness, consistency, love and maybe some patience for those days when your bird just isn't "in the mood" to cooperate wonderfully like it did the day before.:rolleyes:

As far as the injury, even though it is a few weeks old now I would still want to pay special attention to the area and watch for any signs of infection. It sounds like you are doing a wonderful thing and being careful to provide the bird with a healthy environment; what a great way to start. I wish more people were as compassionate and willing to learn the do's and don'ts of lovebird ownership. This forum is by far the best thing I have ever stumbled upon concerning the subject and we're happy to have you with us. I'll check back on this thread for all the arrival details!:clap: :happy:

02-10-2007, 08:30 PM
Thanks Deb :)
Yay my baby is here and so so beautiful, it is young and very scared so im not going to take pics just yet, im going to let him/her settle into the lovebird mansion! Yeah ill be keeping watch for infection although its been over 2 weeks since it happened and there has been no signs of infection so i think he/she will be okay :) I guess i wont be able to judge by behaviour as to whether its a boy or girl untill its settled in but its very pretty and kept pushing the swing to watch it move which was oh so cute :) Im up for the challenge of taming my baby :D xox

02-10-2007, 09:16 PM
Congrats on getting your little one home. I know you are just so excited, and it's just the first day:) Soon, you will wonder how in the world you ever lived without a lovie, but beware, they are addictive:lol

I'll look forward to those pics once your little one settles in. It's a good thing you are giving her the time to get comfortable. Let us know how all is going.

02-10-2007, 11:23 PM
Ok well my bub calmed down and keeps looking at me and my two budgies and climbing the front as if she wants to come out (i'll just say she instead of he/she) :P Its been exploring its cage for quite a while now,Im naughty and snuck one quick picture because it seemed pretty calm, here it is :) http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u236/Dendy1988/DSCF0005.jpg

Does anyone know what age they lose their bar on their beak so i can approx her age? Under 4 or 3 months?
I hope you like her coz i do!

02-10-2007, 11:50 PM
Here's a link referenced on the Lovebird Resource Library regarding telling a young bird's age:


02-10-2007, 11:58 PM
The link didnt work :(

02-11-2007, 12:00 AM
hmmmmmmmm. It's working for me.

Maybe try copying and pasting it in your address bar.:confused:

02-11-2007, 01:07 AM
Whew-hoo! My Sophie and Skylee were 8 weeks old when I brought them home and they quickly lost their baby beak coloring (probably within the 2-3 weeks that followed). They do grow up fast. And as for the comment about lovies being addicting, I have no idea where THAT came from;) ...I had 1 lovie in mid October and I'm only averaging adding one bird a month!:whistle:

Oh, I almost forgot - very much a cutie pie, isn't she/he. (?) Need to put that photo as your avatar under the user CP area.

02-11-2007, 01:34 AM
Hehe birds are very addictive! its such a sweetie and such a baby! I might just call it baby :P

02-11-2007, 12:36 PM
Very pretty first lovie. Congratulations!!!

02-11-2007, 02:14 PM
Hehe thankyou! it's settled in so well already, playing with its toys (it's never had toys before), eating lots...The shelter owner said its gone from **** to heaven :) Thanks everyone for your advice xx

02-11-2007, 02:41 PM
Genevieve, has Baby had her wings clipped? If so, you might want to begin letting her out of her cage for 15 minutes at a time. Try giving her a special treat while she is out. If not, I would get her wings trimmed so that you can start socializing her. She is beautiful.

02-11-2007, 03:32 PM
No theyre not clipped, i didnt know whether i should, but i think i will for safety and taming but then let them grow back, thanks for the tip xx

02-11-2007, 04:17 PM
what a pretty baby!!! they are so sweet and innocent. enjoy him/her, there is nothing better than some lovie loving!!!:happy:

and welcome to the forum. you're gonna love it here! :)

02-11-2007, 05:30 PM
I named by bub Pumpkin, it just seemed to suit so well! I know its common but i like it :) Pumpkin is on top of her cage :) I clipped her wings so she's been investigating my bedroom...with her beak of course :P She's stepping up onto a branch but only on my finger once, she's still nervous of my hands because she's never been handled...Oops she just landed on the bed hehe g2g xx

02-11-2007, 05:36 PM
Genevieve, I'm so happy to hear that she is at home with you. :happy: I'm the one who thought she'd flown the coop so to speak! :lol I look forward to hear how she'd doing in the days and weeks to come and am thrilled that you've given her a good home! Just imagine a lovie that didn't have toys till now! Nothing but blue skies ahead for her! :D

02-11-2007, 07:07 PM
Aww :) Thanks Janie, I look forward to letting you all know how she gets on, I'll keep you posted! xx

02-11-2007, 07:56 PM
Hi, lil Pumpkin, sounds like you're gonna have it made.:wink: