View Full Version : Sits on shoulder

02-09-2007, 12:33 PM
Hi everyone,

I got a little peach faced love bird for Christmas and have been reading all the posts on this site. You have all been such a HUGE help!!! I got bad advice when I first got Link about sticking my hand in the cage but after reading I just let him come to me. He know sits on mine and my son's shoulder and snuggles in our hair and gives kisses. He still doesn't like hands but will now take millet out of it. I've put a bowl of water on a shelf he likes to sit on. I splash my hands in there and he is curious, one day I kinda flicked some water on him, he flew away but came right back. So, it's kind of a game for us right now....Is it really important for them to take a bath? And if it is, how do you know when they need one?

Thanks again for everything!!!


02-09-2007, 01:07 PM
Hi, Sheri, I'm glad you are reading, learning and enjoying your experience here. Funny you should say this because just yesterday I saw one of my hens, Nip, plunge into her water bowl and I was shocked. Of my four, Nip doesn't get into the bath thing very often or else she does it in her water bowl when I'm not there and I don't know about it. I occasionally mist her (about once a month) with luke-warm water and if the weather outside is really cold, I'll towel her with a soft non-loopy towel so she doesn't get too chilled. :)

02-09-2007, 01:57 PM
hi sheri,

i had kiwi, 2 years old now, for 6 months before he showed interest in bathing. i just kept offering him options, a bowl filled with water, a wet kale leaf, and when he was ready he took the "plunge" , pun intended!!!!:whistle: he now bathes in my kitchen sink, after discovering he could climb down using the dish rack. whenever we are in the kitchen together, which is all the time, he decides upon hearing the water running if he wants to get soaked, and climbs down. he usually bathes between 1 - 2 times a week. however, i know other members whose birds bathe much less often, and that's good too.

i'm not sure about the idea of flicking water at your lovie though, as it could actually make him afraid of the water. instead, try offering him a bowl, a misting, anfd hopefully he will come around on his own. just my :2cents: good luck!!!

02-09-2007, 04:05 PM
Hi Sheri and welcome! :)

I have three lovies and bath time is my favorite time! How often they want to jump in the bowl varies but if they are molting (which seems like a never ending event, :D) they do bathe more often, up to 3 times a week. My older bird couldn't quite get the hang of it and only stuck his head in his water dish and would not get near a big bowl or the kitchen sink so, tame as he is, I dipped him in the sink myself. Never getting him wet above his neck and gently drying him in a soft dish towel. I don't do that unless he's molting, seems to be itching, and can't get wet enough on his own. My other two LOVE a bath and will jump all the way into the bowl. Sometime Oliver gets brave and takes a good bath with them. I do flick water at them and they find that great fun, even Oliver, and will run towards me when I do it as if to say, "more, more, more!" :D Lori (Bellarains) mentioned to me that making noise with my fingers in the water might draw their interest to bathing and she was right on target. The minute I start splashing my fingers in the water, they come running. Some birds like to be misted, others don't. You can try that and see if your lovie likes it.

02-09-2007, 09:11 PM
Remington is muchtamer than Link.

02-09-2007, 09:17 PM
Thanks! Maybe I will try misting! He does not like hands right now, so I can't dip him in the sink! He does like thegame of sprinkling him though.