View Full Version : Lovebird and Rabbit

02-12-2007, 05:00 PM
The vet told me that rabbits do not have harmful bacteria that it can pass to lovebirds, so my peachface and the rabbit often get roaming time together. It seems that Bonita (the peachface) decided that Hopscotch (rabbit) is part of her flock because whenever Hopscotch is let out for run time Bonita comes hopping out to explore and play. My question is, since I am still in the process of taming Bonita will bonding (or maybe he is just immitating) to Hopscotch make the peachface harder to tame or bond to me, in your opinion?
Thanks for any input you might have :)

02-12-2007, 07:24 PM
Birds can bond and have relationships with a lot of people, animals, and things. So I wouldn't worry too much about Bonita's interest in Hopscotch effecting your relationship with her. I would just stay consistant with the time you spend with her and I think everything will be okay. I'm also sure the newness of Hopscotch will wear off and she'll be less interested as time goes on.

We have a rabbit, Gordon who hops around when the birds are out. He is way more interested in the birds then they are of him. He likes to run up and sniff their beaks when they come near him (usually when they fall off the playgym), but the birds just run away. One day he went up and sniffed our grey Mijo's beak and Mijo yelled "no" in a loud human voice. It was too funny to think that harmless furry bun was intimidating that big beaked bird8o 8o .

02-12-2007, 07:27 PM
We have a rabbit, Gordon who hops around when the birds are out. He is way more interested in the birds then they are of him. He likes to run up and sniff their beaks when they come near him (usually when they fall off the playgym), but the birds just run away. One day he went up and sniffed our grey Mijo's beak and Mijo yelled "no" in a loud human voice. It was too funny to think that harmless furry bun was intimidating that big beaked bird8o 8o .

Considering what Mijo's beak could have done to the bunny, It's a good thing he just yelled no. I bet it was funny to see. :rofl:

Buy A Paper Doll
02-12-2007, 07:50 PM
Many moons ago, I had a rabbit and an elderly cat. One day the rabbit snuck up on the cat and head-butted her while she was sleeping. The cat looked at the rabbit with such utter disgust ... then SMACKED him upside the head with her paw. Twice! She did not use her claws on him, but she popped him hard enough to get her point across. He left kitty alone after that. Heck, pretty much EVERYONE left kitty alone.

02-12-2007, 07:54 PM
We have a rabbit, Gordon who hops around when the birds are out. He is way more interested in the birds then they are of him. He likes to run up and sniff their beaks when they come near him (usually when they fall off the playgym), but the birds just run away. One day he went up and sniffed our grey Mijo's beak and Mijo yelled "no" in a loud human voice. It was too funny to think that harmless furry bun was intimidating that big beaked bird8o 8o .
thats really funny with Bonita and Hopscotch it is just the opposite. Bonita will walk over to Hopscotch so they can eat millet together then peck him on the butt or somewhere in his direction and Hopscotch hops away. Bonita is so much smaller than Hopscotch and she totally schools him its really funny.

02-12-2007, 07:56 PM
Many moons ago, I had a rabbit and an elderly cat. One day the rabbit snuck up on the cat and head-butted her while she was sleeping. The cat looked at the rabbit with such utter disgust ... then SMACKED him upside the head with her paw. Twice! She did not use her claws on him, but she popped him hard enough to get her point across. He left kitty alone after that. Heck, pretty much EVERYONE left kitty alone.
That seriously made me laugh out loud :lol

02-12-2007, 09:50 PM
thanks Laura for the input :)