View Full Version : couple of questions...

02-12-2007, 10:59 PM
Hi all,

I have a few questions.

1. My new lovie Reilly is becoming a bit bitey. He is not being mean at all I am sure it is instinct or curiousity. But what is the best way to correct this issue before it becomes to much of a problem, or is this just a stage they go through? Reilly is only about 5 months old. he is still a big lovebug and I know he does not mean to hurt us. I swear you can look in his little eyes and see love shining out at you!

2. I believe I mentioned several months back that we are having a new house built. The house comes with a courtyard and my husband wants to turn it into an aviary for Finny and Reilly (yep he is the best hubby).
The top of the courtyard is totally open. All sides but one are closed. The one that is open is just an arched doorway.
Anyway.... I am wondering what type of material we should use to enclose the areas that are open. We cant spend a bunch as we are already going to have to spend a ton on all the things that go along with a new house etc.
so any suggestions that are safe and reasonably priced are appreciated.


02-12-2007, 11:14 PM
Hi, Cindy, I can't speak to the materials issue of your post but it sounds like an exciting project and I look forward to hearing more about it as it progresses. I do think Reilly might be just feeling his independence a little, sort of like my teenager - really. He is discovering that he has choices, but with choices he must also learn there are consequences. Don't know how hard he is biting you, but there are some excellent threads in the Biters Not So Anonymous section that contain helpful suggestions on dealing with the biting in a positive but firm way. Keep us posted and best wishes on the new house and aviary (jealous:evil: ). ;)

02-12-2007, 11:23 PM
Cindy, I can't help on the second question but I think I can on the first! :D I got two lovies from Jeanette, DNA'd brothers. One (Shy) has never bitten anyone a single time but the other, my SWEET little fid, Big Boi, went through a very, very bitey stage. Never once did I think it was done out of aggression or because he was angry or unhappy....just too much beak pressure. He did not bite for the first couple of months but as he settled in, he used his beak to explore everything, including ME, more and more. Instead of putting him back in his cage, I just held him and petted his head and beak and told him over and over, "NO BITING, BIG BOI!" and after a couple of months, it seemed to sink in. Of my three, I honestly think he is the sweetest but he just went though a bitey stage that his brother did not go through. I attribute it to puberty and each bird approaches that phase...in a different way. Even now, occasionally but rarely, Big Boi will use his beak with too much pressure but instead of putting him in his cage or ignoring him, I hold him close to me and rub his head and beak and tell him over and over how much I love him. While his bites have been unpleasant, :lol, I've never felt that they were from anger, just learning beak pressure. :)

02-12-2007, 11:36 PM
Sham is 6 months old now and he is definately going through puberty! I swear he bites me to show me that he can and then flies away as quick as he can! That bird is all male, hard to figure out! Then, a minute later he will fly back to me and act just so sweet. I have been trying to hold him, if I can keep him from flying away, and tell him no when he bites me, but I haven't tried holding his beak. That's next.

To tell you the truth, I think that he is mad because I took all of the stuff that he and Mel were using to ... out of their cage so he is probably frustrated! It just grossed me out, they were at it all of the time! Then, they would vomit on it! Yuk! Do you suppose that salt peter works on birds?

02-13-2007, 03:32 AM
Janie I think you hit the nail right on the head. Reilly is exploring and has no concept of the pressure he is applying. I used to give him lots of kisses and he loved to give kisses back... but after having him swinging from my bottom lip a few times I stopped this ( I think I hurt his feelings though). I know he was showing me love but DANG it hurt!

Tonight he was playing with hubby and omg he is sooo dang cute when he plays but he was doing this zoom thing through Mikes hair where it was like he was swimming going way down to the scalp and zooming across his head. I was cracking up! But then he discovered an ear and wanted to check it out (several times). He was testing it out but good! Hubby was not happy about this! I expalined how he was not being mean but he still said no more head surfing!

I will check out the biters section and hope I can teach my baby not to bite without hurting his feelings.

Thanks again all for the help and I hope to hear from some about the aviary issue.


02-13-2007, 07:44 AM
Janie I think you hit the nail right on the head. Reilly is exploring and has no concept of the pressure he is applying. I used to give him lots of kisses and he loved to give kisses back... but after having him swinging from my bottom lip a few times I stopped this ( I think I hurt his feelings though). I know he was showing me love but DANG it hurt!


Cindy, :omg: I never got one on the lip! My arms looked like a battle ground for a few months and just as one place would start to heal, that little scab was just irresistible to Big Boi and he just had to pick it! :D I'd never really had a bite until Big Boi moved in and I learned that the idea of the bite was probably worse than the actual bite! :lol

Both of my younger boys love to get on top of my hubby's head and pick in his hair. That he can handle but the minute Big Boi moves to the ears....:omg: But, he really is a sweetie-pie and although "most" bites are for a reason, I have never thought his were and will remained convinced that it's just a matter of figuring out that beak pressure! :D He hasn't broken my skin in months! Smart little bugger, he's learning! :clap:

02-13-2007, 07:50 AM
Hi Cindy,

Tango was about 5-6 months old when I brought him home, and for the first couple weeks, he never tried to bite at all, but then he went through a pretty good biting phase, never really hard enough to draw blood but hard enough to hurt, because at this point he would not allow me to hold or touch him, I did my best to show no reaction other then to tell him "NO BITING" in a firm but very calm voice, after a couple of months he pretty much grew out of it, he still gives the odd bite, (ears are a favorite target, have been since this biting phase started) but for the most part he knows how to be gentle with his beak and has turned into quite the sweet little lovie.

02-13-2007, 08:21 AM

Are you wanting to leave the aviary arch entrace open or closed? If open you could possibly cover it with zoo mesh. This is a screen type material that is bird safe, and used in zoos. I myself do not have an aviary, so this question may be better left to someone who does, but you can do a google search on the zoo mesh, and see if that is something that might work for you.

On the biting/preening issue, I do tell mine, "Eaaaasssy" in a soft tone voice, and believe it or not, it works, well, most of the time. If they get too nippy, I hold their beaks between the thumb and forefinger and say, "NO BITE" in a more stern voice. I hold the beak until they quit trying to bite/nip, and then they seem to go about their way. This works well for me, but I did start it at a young age with all of mine, so it's all they know;)

02-13-2007, 03:11 PM
Lots of great thoughts on the biting issue, way to go everyone!

I did want to add one possibility that hasn't been mentioned (at least not that I can see)...and this is that Reilly is likely coming into his first big molt...I wonder if he's feeling rather grumpy and hence the extra pressure of his nibbles? Sometimes birds get a bit tempered when their bodies begin to change, and growing new feathers can definitely be one of those changes.
Anyway, just a thought....
