View Full Version : tips for new mommy?

02-13-2007, 01:23 AM
Hi everyone.. I'm new here!:clap:

I'm a new mommy of a beautiful little slate masked lovebird named Haku.
So far I've trimmed his wings and settled him nicely into his cage, he won't accept anything from my hand yet but he will accept treats if i place them on his perch and then slowly remove my hand. He plays alot with his toys,and vocalizes, and seems to be infatuated with gazing at my OWA, who of course is kept at a safe distance! He's only been home a week now so i dont want to rush him... any tips or advice on what i should do to get him better adjusted to me?


02-13-2007, 08:11 AM
Hi Dani,

Welcome to the board. It sounds like you are on the right track, and Haku seems to be adjusting very well. Just keep up the everyday interaction, offer him a step up finger on a daily basis, if he takes it great, if not, try again the next day. If you do want to get him out though, you can try using a dowel/extra perch to get him in and out, and also to teach him the step up command, without giving him cause to fear your hands. As you earn his trust, you will see more willingness to interact with you, so take your cue from him.

I look forward to hearing about your progress, and please do post us pics of little Haku when you get some.

02-20-2007, 03:28 PM
Haku came out of the cage!!!:D
I'm thrilled!!
I offered him a perch and he came down calmly! He explored the bathroom floor a bit, preened himself, and eyed me suspiciously:roll:
After awhile I put a treat on the floor and let him take it, and then i offered him one in my hand and he took it carefully
Now i am so optimistic! Haku and I made progress!!!
Will update when we try this again...:)

02-20-2007, 03:42 PM

I love good progress reports. You and Haku are doing very well. It only gets better from here:)

02-20-2007, 07:32 PM
oh I'm so glad that he is feeling better and braver. That is definately a good sign!

02-21-2007, 05:41 PM
He is adjusting well, and I'm really glad! Usually my Amazon will alert me when she's ready to eat in the morning, but today Haku took over the alert duty, and made an impressive racket until he was fed!! He's starting to copy her behaviour, which is comical because she's so playful and rowdy and he's so tiny and adorable!

02-21-2007, 07:55 PM
Congrats, Dani :)

From what I've read masked lovebirds (and other eye-ring lovebirds) are a bit more shy than the peach-faced. I'm sure that in time, Haku will grow more and more comfortable with you.

Best wishes,


02-21-2007, 11:33 PM
Celebrate the good days and accept that there will be times when Haku just isn't "in the mood." Patience and gentle persistence - I still repeat that to myself, too, BTW. ;) Welcome to our flock! Hope to see some pics of Haku (instructions for online photo albums are available in the photo section, hint:lol ). I have six lovies, two dogs, a husband and a teenager and have loved birds all my life, thanks to my grandmom who also shared that passion. Happy to have you with us.

02-23-2007, 09:52 PM
Hi, You have different breeds of birds and they get along? I got a Lovebird same time as my brother got a cockatiel same pet store. They were even side by side for a week. I have an apartment connected to my parents house and I like to take Link's cage out because he likes people. The last time I took him out there though he flies over to the Cockatiels cage. We are careful that they are not out together. Can they get along together at the same time? Should I just not take him out there?

02-24-2007, 05:51 PM
I have an Amazon and a lovie, which have absolutely never come into contact with each other!! A cockatiel is obviously much smaller and less... how shall i say... volatile:whistle: than an Amazon, but i would ask someone who has experience with a cockatiel to give their take!!

Also, Haku and I had another out- of- cage session today, he was a bit jittery at first and he is terrified of my hand, but then i held him gently using a t-shirt, and i was able to kiss him, stroke his head, and even cuddle him against my chest... I am ecstatic over this!:happy: The only bad thing was, my sister came into the room without knowing Haku was there, and he got startled and tried to make a rather disastrous leap! Luckily, he caught hold of something and didnt fall and hurt himself. he got nippy a few times, but it's okay... i'm just so glad that we are beginning to understand each other and get a bit more used to each other:clap: