View Full Version : My Bird stole my earring

06-19-2005, 01:43 PM
The bird stole my earring and flew off with it. Never out of my sight. The problem is I can not find my earring. It was a regular post type. Do you think it is possible he could have swallowed it?

06-19-2005, 01:51 PM
He might have, or at least part of it. Gold is a fairly soft metal, and your bird could bite off part of the post. How large was the stud?

06-19-2005, 01:51 PM

It is very possible. It would be best to take him/her to the vet for an x-ray to be sure if you can not find it. Let us know how he/she is doing.

06-19-2005, 02:12 PM
it is very possible. I would take hime to the vet to be checked. I no longer wear earrings around my bird because she goes right for ears. I hope you find the earring soon and birdie did not get it.


06-19-2005, 02:19 PM
I am in the minority here. Although I will admit it is possible, a small bird will usually drop an earring or anything else it can't chew to tiny pieces. They would also have a hard time swallowing it while flying. A vet visit may be in order if you can't find it, but I would look hard for it first. That is why bagless vacuums are a great idea. Just vacuum up the area and search the dirt catcher for your valuables.

The earring is quite likely somewhere in your shirt. My lesson was learned a long time ago that my birds will pull the stud out and drop it immediately. The hidden joy is finding a set gemstone that is not crushed by those powerful little beaks.

Good luck with your search.

06-19-2005, 02:24 PM
My old bird used to chew earings all the time but he never used to get them off :D i hope the x-ray turns out okay.
with best of luck to your birdie

Buy A Paper Doll
06-19-2005, 04:25 PM
Can your bird swallow the earring whole? Probably not, but it is entirely possible that he could break off a tiny piece and swallow it.

Search the house and if you still can't find the earring, call the vet's office and get an X-ray. I know it's a pain to get this done (speaking from experience) but if your lovie has ingested metal, your vet needs to know sooner rather than later.

06-20-2005, 07:53 AM
Thank you everyone for your response. Those little birds are so quick and fast. I never felt him pull it out. I only seen it in his mouth. I did finally find that earring down in the couch. I have learned a lesson. No earrings with my babies. What a horrible feeling not knowing what to do.
Again thank you all so much for your quick response.

06-20-2005, 08:09 AM

Glad to hear you found the earring. I think most of us have learned the earring lesson. When I first got Lacey she didn't acutally pull out my earring, but they were diamond loop earrings. Little bugger pulled a diamond right out of one. I felt her pull on it, heard a crunch noise and looked around just in time to see a diamond sticking right out the front of her beak. Thank goodness she had not swallowed it. I just put my fingers up to her beak and said "give it back" and she dropped it. No more earrings, but it does go to show that diamonds are a girls best friend :wink:

06-20-2005, 10:46 PM
And peridot...And Tanzanite...And Rhodolite...And Citrine......

Oh, my birdies like to snack on anything with a bit of sparkle. They are greatly depleting my earring collection. :(

06-22-2005, 11:54 PM
That's gonna be one long flight, but we'll keep our eyes open for him. 8o

Sparkling like a star in the sky. ;)