View Full Version : moving my bird

02-16-2007, 09:13 AM
on the weekends i go and stay at my moms place is it allright to be moving my bird back and forth like that???

02-16-2007, 09:17 AM
As long as your lovie is safe, warm and happy with the changes, I don't see any problems with it. It's great that you take him/her with you rather than leave him at home all week-end!

02-16-2007, 09:21 AM
yep, I'm a University student and I travel back and forth between home and school at least a couple of weekends a month usually. It's about a 1/2 hour car ride, I have a little pet carrier that I put him in to take him in the car, you can find all sorts of carrier options in the petstores, and some people use a small travel cage. Transporting your bird right in the cage isn't very safe, you want to make sure there is nothing in the carrier that could fly around and hurt your bird if you have to stop suddenly or have an accident, I seat belt Tango's carrier into the backseat, so that it will stay put in a situation like that, If it's a trip of more than 20 minutes or so, you will want to provide your bird with some type of food and water, but dishes aren't very safe in the car, I use a slice of apple, it gives him something to snack on and provides moisture.

02-16-2007, 09:22 AM
i would never leave my bird home i want to get him to talk no big deal if he dont but it would be cool i dont think he been left alone more than an hour in the 4 days i had him

02-16-2007, 09:55 AM
If you get your bird to talk, that will be the rare exception. I have heard/seen a couple of videos of lovebirds who said a few words but that really is uncommon. Supposedly, it's more likely that a female will talk than a male but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on any lovebird to talk. :) That is not their claim to fame.....:D

02-16-2007, 10:08 AM
so nobody here as got there lovebird to talk

02-16-2007, 10:19 AM
nope - not happening for mine. he does imitate a kissy sound, he growls when he doesn't get his way (not a dog growl, a birdie version) and has various chirps to let me know what he wants.

02-16-2007, 10:58 AM
well i might have a lovie breaktrough lol

02-16-2007, 11:21 AM
Lovebirds are known more for their antics/personalities than talking ability. Some will say a few words, but most don't.