View Full Version : does anyone else's bird do this or is it just mine?

02-16-2007, 09:37 AM
ok my bird is jumping down off his pirch trowing his food out of his dish climbing then coming out of his cage doors a lil bit looking at me going back on his pirch and doing it over again. and i just filled them dishs up the lil f**ker

02-16-2007, 09:48 AM
In the wild, birds forage for their food and that's what yours is doing. Is yours unique? Nope, many birds do this, even some larger ones! :)

02-16-2007, 09:51 AM
Yes, that is very normal behavior and while none of my three do it, it is something you should expect and deal with. :)

02-16-2007, 10:12 AM
What food is he getting? I just want to make sure that it is food that he is used to as I have known a bird to send food flying while looking for something better at the bottom...

Usually when I put fresh food in the cage they ignore the pellets/seeds and start eating.

My females like to sit in the dish and nest...so of course food is everywhere...I stop this by using a small heavy dish at the bottom of the cage. It is too small for her to sit in.

It also sounds like your bird could be trying to get your attention!! Is he very tame? If so he might be asking to come out!! Oliver tips her food dish then waits for me to come and feed her millet. Of course, when she exhibits the behavior where I think she is asking for a treat, I give in and she gets one...thus enforcing the behavior in the first place.


02-16-2007, 11:24 AM
Hi, birds are funny little characters, don't you think? Sometimes mine do this just to get my attention. I simply start to talk to them and they stop. Every now and then one of my females does this when she is attempting to build a nest, it is a notice to me to remove anything that would aid her in building a nest, paper, large cups etc. Good luck to you.

02-16-2007, 12:29 PM
He might be going for the attention. Did you change the location of the bowl or change food recently? My stressed quaker started picking his dishes up and emptying them....pretty much having a tonado fit flinging them everywhere and banging them around. I finally figured it out....he didn't like me changing where the food bowls go. So I gotta have his pellets/seeds bowl in the back left, his water bowl in the front left and his goodies (fresh foods) front right. If I change the arrangement he lets me know how he feels about it by doing the tornado thing :lol Yours may want the attention he gets from doing it or maybe he's letting you know his royal highness is not pleased with something. :rofl: gotta love them babies!!

02-16-2007, 08:39 PM
He might be going for the attention. Did you change the location of the bowl or change food recently? My stressed quaker started picking his dishes up and emptying them....pretty much having a tonado fit flinging them everywhere and banging them around. I finally figured it out....he didn't like me changing where the food bowls go. So I gotta have his pellets/seeds bowl in the back left, his water bowl in the front left and his goodies (fresh foods) front right. If I change the arrangement he lets me know how he feels about it by doing the tornado thing :lol Yours may want the attention he gets from doing it or maybe he's letting you know his royal highness is not pleased with something. :rofl: gotta love them babies!!

Ditto doesn't do the tornado fit, but he loves to move his food to different bowls. Nutriberries in the treat cup, avi cakes in with his veggies and he tries to stash carrots in his avi-cake/nutriberry bowl. :rofl: Although occasionally a piece of brocoli will misbehave and needs to be thrown across the cage. :whistle:

I have on several occasions seen him completely fill his treat bowl (normally used for popcorn, pumkin or sunflower seeds, or yogurt dips) with nutriberries from his other dish, then move them right back! :rotfl:

02-16-2007, 09:41 PM
Tweety does that quite often. I think it annoys the devil out of Rupert because he'll be trying to eat and she's stepping in the bowl right in his face. They do get into little tiffs over that too.

02-16-2007, 11:47 PM
Mindy doesnt do that. Sounds funny all she does is stash her avicake in her nest or her other fetish is when i change her food she like to go in the food bag and eat it in there open of course.

02-17-2007, 11:24 AM
My hen throws all of her food out of her dishes and then wants it back. :roll:

Peter, my green masked, likes to eat across his cage on a certain perch so he carried food in his beak from his bowl to the perch, and then uses one foot to hold the excess while he eats! :rotfl: He's pretty smart, sometimes it takes it to his happy hut to eat.

02-17-2007, 01:38 PM
" Although occasionally a piece of brocoli will misbehave and needs to be thrown across the cage"

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

kiwi does that too when things in his cage don't remember who is boss. his nutriberry needed a good yelling at yesterday, and got tossed out when he just wouldn't listen!!!!!!

then kiwi yells at me to pick it back up!!!!!!!!!

02-17-2007, 02:47 PM
I just love thier little fits! Maybe I'm a nut but it cracks me up. and I especially like it when I catch one doing something *bad* and they look away just like a little kid would do....like saying "I didn't do it!" and you WATCHED them do it :rofl:

02-17-2007, 05:02 PM
My hen throws all of her food out of her dishes and then wants it back. :roll:

Peter, my green masked, likes to eat across his cage on a certain perch so he carried food in his beak from his bowl to the perch, and then uses one foot to hold the excess while he eats! :rotfl: He's pretty smart, sometimes it takes it to his happy hut to eat.

Ditto does that too. He loves to eat on his boing.

The best place to eat though is in my hand on the couch. He flies back to his cage, grabs an avi-cake or nutriberry and flies back to the couch. It's amazing that he can fly while carrying a piece of food in his beak that's bigger than his head! :omg: