View Full Version : Crying

02-16-2007, 01:54 PM
We brought Socrates home almost 2 weeks ago (he is ~17 months old now), and already he is totally attached to me. Right now he's sitting on my shoulder and trying to preen my hair and ear. The thing is, I can't have him out of his cage as often as he'd like, and he's taken to crying when he has to stay in there. Maybe crying isn't the right word; what he does is chirp incessantly and climbs around vigorously like he is obsessive-compulsive. We have some toys for him but he doesn't use them much. I'm worried about my neighbors in our apartment building having to hear him chirp all day when we're at work or have to run errands. What do I do?

02-16-2007, 01:56 PM
Yep, sounds like a right spoiled lovie to me. :) When you aren't there, leave a radio or television on for him. Perhaps move him to a location where he can see out a window.

02-16-2007, 02:03 PM
I agree with MJ. Sounds like he only wants to be with you and he's very spoiled (not a bad thing!). Chances are he's quiet when he realizes that you are not around but music or the TV left on may be helpful when you are not there.

02-16-2007, 02:14 PM
We leave classical music on for him already. Maybe he's more into jazz? Those were the two musical forms recommended in my books.

Tootsie's Mom
02-16-2007, 02:15 PM
Are you sure he cries when you aren't home. Maybe he only cries for you because he knows that you are in the house and he wants your attention.:confused:

02-16-2007, 02:57 PM
I agree with the ty or music but it might also be that he knows you can hear him. "My" baby quaker squaks for me but is quiet when I'm not there....I know this cuz hubby will tell me he wasn't doing it until he heard me come in or if he hears me talking on the nextel! He just loves you and wants to be with you :D

02-16-2007, 03:27 PM
Yep, I leave the music on a lot for my birds, especially in the afternoons. Sometimes they chirp anyway, but they usually take naps.

02-16-2007, 03:29 PM
I think it's probably pretty likely that he only does this when he knows you're at home, I live in a shared house, and have never once had any of my roomates tell me that Tango makes noise when I'm not home, he does is when I'm anywhere in the house and he wants out, he starts as soon as he hears my voice when I get home, if I come in I can be downstairs for awhile and as long as he doesn't hear me he doesn't make a sound, but if he does he starts to chirp.

02-16-2007, 07:36 PM
sorry - this has nothing to do with this thread, but DEB, are you trying to tell us you are getting two birds??? Your little hint is intriguing me. Spill it - Keeghan and who????? :omg:

02-16-2007, 08:28 PM
I agree with MJ. Sounds like he only wants to be with you and he's very spoiled (not a bad thing!). Chances are he's quiet when he realizes that you are not around but music or the TV left on may be helpful when you are not there.

I agree too. Ditto will squawk up a storm if I leave the room or walk out of the house if he thinks I'm still close. But I've purposly snuck up on the house when I walk back from my parent's house and he's quiet until I make some noise that he recognizes as me. Then it's cheep cheep cheep until I come in and say hi! :rofl:

When my ex-girlfriend lived here he'd be quiet all day until he could hear my car when I came around the corner, then all heck broke loose! (and he WAS her bird:whistle: )

02-16-2007, 09:43 PM
While I'm at work my husband's home all day. He says both Tweety and Rupert are quiet. Even the babies aren't too noisy, but when I get home they start chirping away.